Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 772 776. Take it down (5)

Since ancient times, smuggling has its own routine.

When a legal ship carries illegal goods into the sea and heads for the port, it is called a long drive; when a local ship joins on the way and the goods are exchanged, it is called shelling; if the relationship is strong enough and the ability is strong enough, the goods can be directly brought back to the land for sale, which is called a salute.

If you are more cautious, the local ship will transfer the goods to a new ship and change ships step by step. Generally speaking, the more ships are changed, the more obscure the source of the goods is, and the more difficult it is for law enforcement officers to trace.

The Tutulong is engaged in the shelling business, but they are very cautious. They carry an ice maker on board. After arriving at a predetermined sea area, they will throw the goods and ice cubes into the water.

The ice cubes are mixed with iron filings, sand and other things, and have a large specific gravity. They provide gravity to drag the goods down. When the ice cubes melt, the goods will float to the surface of the water under the action of their own buoyancy, and then a ship will come to pick them up.

Ao Muyang has seen Wang Dongliang's operation and is very familiar with this set of procedures.

His purpose was only to deal with Ding Erpao, not to catch the smuggling group in one fell swoop. It was not that he had no sense of justice, but that he knew how to eat as much as he could. As a village chief with no background, he should not offend a smuggling group with unknown power, otherwise he would be asking for trouble.

At the beginning, he just helped the coast guard to block a few sea bandits, and then he was almost beheaded. This is a lesson that cannot be ignored.

However, he also helped the coast guard with all his strength in this regard. As long as Ding Erpao was caught, the smuggling group should be destroyed by following the clues.

If the coast guards could not do it, Ao Muyang should not be blamed too much. After all, he was just a village chief, not a leader.

If the coast guards dealt with the criminal gang through Ding Erpao, it would not have much to do with him. The criminal gang would choose Ding Erpao first if they wanted to take revenge.

This was also the reason why he rejected Su Jinnan's proposal to send someone to help. If the coast guards intervened in this matter, they would definitely arrest them at the same time as the transaction.

But the coast guards want to sail over, and the sea is flat and unobstructed. It is too difficult for them to follow the Tu Tu Long without anyone noticing and arrest the criminals on the spot.

After the transaction was completed, the Tu Tu Long left, and Ao Muyang immediately turned on the high-power GPS locator in his backpack. This was given to him by Su Jinnan. A tool the size of a mobile phone can accurately locate a fish.

The signal receiving terminal was on the patrol boat of the coast guard. After he sent the signal, the next step was to follow the Tu Tu Long all the way and act as an informant.

The coast guard detachment quickly deployed defenses. Two high-speed patrol boats approached the Tu Tu Long under the cover of fishing boats, and then rushed up at lightning speed.

The Tu Tu Long had not yet arrived at the scheduled dumping area, and the ice maker on the ship was still rumbling, and the coast guard had already boarded the ship.

Ding Erpao, who was leisurely in the cab and calculating how to spend money, was dumbfounded. Seeing the coast guard in black uniforms forcibly boarding the ship, he jumped into the water in desperation.

Ao Muyang was watching the excitement underwater in the distance. Ding Erpao was so confused that he couldn't run away at all, because he had to surface to breathe. The patrol boat of the Coast Guard was in this sea area, and the searchlight was on, so he could see everything clearly.

Seeing Ding Erpao being caught on the boat, he patted the tiger's head and fed it a little gold drop. The tiger swallowed it happily and swam towards the village with its tail swinging.

As long as the target is clear, it is not difficult to deal with the smuggling criminal gang. The difficulty is that the Coast Guard does not have enough informants and it is difficult to discover these criminal acts.

As early as when Wang Dongliang's actions were discovered by Ao Muyang, this day was destined, but it was only a year late.

The evidence is conclusive, Ding Erpao has a lot of criminal records, and when the Coast Guard boarded the boat, he subconsciously ran away instead of cooperating with the investigation. With the evidence, it is only a matter of time before he is sent to prison to join Wang Dongliang.

The next day, Su Jinnan came to Ao Muyang on purpose.

Ao Muyang frowned when he saw him coming to the door, and whispered: "We just arrested someone last night, and you came to the door today. Isn't this telling people that I am cooperating with you?"

Su Jinnan said easily: "Don't worry, I will go around each village committee today. I just went to Wangjia Village. Look, I have official business."

He put down a notice, because the sea ban period will begin in two or three weeks. Every year at this time, maritime smuggling activities are rampant, and the Coast Guard Detachment issued a notice requiring each village to be prepared for prevention and observation, and to contact the Coast Guard in time if any problems are found.

Only then did Ao Muyang breathe a sigh of relief and said, "You are smart."

"What's so smart about this?" Su Jinnan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "Our coast guard is a big ship. How could it fall in such a small ditch? Thank you very much this time. We have conducted an interrogation overnight with the criminal investigation. This is a big case. There are many people involved. There may be public officials involved."

The relationship is familiar, and Ao Muyang has nothing to hide. He pointed to the next door and said, "The one who did it is a captain of that village. In fact, their village party secretary is behind it."

Su Jinnan nodded, "We also have this guess, but there is no evidence. That Ding Erpao is a slippery guy. He is very tight-lipped. We can't punish him and can't pry open his line. When I went to see Wang Youwei just now, Wang Youwei turned the tables. He said that Ding Erpao privately used the village's fishing boat to do this. The village committee didn't know and asked us to return the fishing boat."

Ao Muyang asked, "Will you return it? Do we have to fine them some money?"

Su Jinnan squinted at him and said, "What are you thinking, do you think our coast guard are pirates? We can seize your ship and pay some money to take it back?"

"Not even a fine?" Ao Muyang was unwilling.

"There's no fine, but they can't tow the boat back. It's a criminal tool!"

Ao Muyang applauded, awesome.

But yes, if the transport vehicle is caught during a land smuggling investigation, the transport vehicle will not be returned.

The purpose of Su Jinnan's arrival was to hope that he could provide more clues and evidence. Ao Muyang shook his head and said that he didn't know this. He knew that Ding Erpao would do this.

He said this, and Su Jinnan believed it. After all, whether it was personal or official, Ao Muyang didn't say anything to him or the coast guard detachment.

After chatting for a while, Su Jinnan was about to take the signal transmitter and leave. Ao Muyang smiled slightly: "You can't reward me openly for this, right? Then give me a reward secretly, give me a set of this A signal transmitter, I think this thing is very useful. "

Su Jinnan blew his beard and stared: "What are you thinking? Do you think this is a gun in the hands of a pirate, and it's okay to throw one away? There are strict records on the use of these tools, and they cannot be given away casually."

Ao Muyang said: "Don't come to me again..."

"But we have retired signal transmitters and terminal receivers. Those are smaller in power, but they are fine for civilian use. I will send you a set later." Su Jinnan had to change his mind.

Ao Muyang patted his shoulder affectionately and said, "Send it to me early, dear boy."


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