Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 87 87. Remedial Class

On the way back, Ao Muyang checked the cell phone signal all the way. When there was a signal, he immediately called Lu Hu: "Brother Hu, I just got a batch of fish, desert flounder!"

"Desert flounder? You are not showing off to me, right? Turbot?" Lu Hu asked.

"It is definitely desert flounder! Not turbot!"

"Then wait, I will take people and boats to your place now."

"No need, Brother Hu, I am at sea now, I am driving to Hongyang, let's meet at Jinbie Beach, it's too far for you to go to my place."


After hanging up the phone, Ao Muyang accelerated all the way to Hongyang.

Desert flounder is the scientific name of turbot. This fish is called turbot in China, European flounder in Europe and the United States, and desert flounder in academia.

The academic name is for wild fish, so there is a small rule in China's marine aquaculture industry. The farmed fish is called turbot, and the wild one is called desert flounder.

Ao Muyang learned this little rule in a hotel in Beijing. There is actually no such saying in his hometown, because he can't get wild turbot in his hometown.

Lu Hu is a big seafood merchant, so he is naturally familiar with this little rule.

Half an hour later, the two ships met in the Jinbietan waters. Lu Hu drove a small aquatic transport ship. This kind of ship has no bottom in the middle, but a large net cage that goes directly to the ocean and can be used to transport live seafood.

Ao Muyang dragged the fishing net up. Lu Hu pinched the fish head and body, and then turned on the light to carefully look at the patterns and spots on the fish, and then looked at the fish eyes and mouth, and finally nodded: "Okay, it is indeed a desert flounder!"

"I'm sure, Brother Hu, how can I lie to you?"

Lu Hu laughed: "Haha, don't be surprised, brother, you are really awesome. To be honest, I really don't believe that anyone in Hongyang can get live desert flounder, but you opened my eyes!"

Ao Muyang said: "I'm just lucky to come across such a batch of fish. They should have escaped from the farm, but they are definitely wild."

Live desert flounder is not available in the market. If you want to buy it, you can only import it from Europe. The price is extremely high. Lu Hu gave him a price of 500 yuan per catty, which was beyond Ao Muyang's expectation.

He wanted to cooperate with Lu Hu for a long time, so he asked frankly: "Brother Hu, I won't take advantage of you. Isn't 500 yuan a pound a bit expensive?"

There are many aquatic products in the Red Ocean. A pound of live turbot is only 50 yuan. Although the desert flounder is relatively precious, there is not a ten-fold price difference.

Lu Hu waved his hand and said: "This is the current market price. You didn't take advantage of me, and I didn't take advantage of you. We are gentlemen. Oh, business friendship."

He laughed at the last sentence.

Ao Muyang also laughed and asked: "Is wild turbot so expensive now?"

"Non-wild ones are also expensive. Scarcity makes things expensive." Lu Hu said.

Ao Muyang was puzzled: "Farming turbot has been done on a large scale for a long time, what's so strange about this thing?"

Lu Hu showed an angry expression on his face, "Damn, isn't it those farms that are unethical? It's popular to use furazolidone to raise turbot, but even their mothers use this thing. The State Food and Drug Administration has found out, and a large number of farms have been closed down for rectification."

Furoxil is an antibacterial drug that is widely used in animal husbandry and aquaculture. It can enhance the fish's resistance to disease and increase the digestion and reabsorption capacity of fish intestines for food, allowing the fish to grow faster.

Originally, this drug was used to treat enteritis, with low cost and good effect. But it has a disadvantage. Once a person consumes furazolidone or aquatic products containing furazolidone metabolites, the drug effect can remain in the human body for 2 years, which can induce various diseases and even cause cancer. If pregnant women consume it, it can cause malformations!

After hearing what Lu Hu said, Ao Muyang took a breath of cold air: "So cruel?"

"There are even more cruel ones. Some fish in the farms were found to have drug residues such as malachite green, enrofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, chloramphenicol, and erythromycin." Lu Hu became more and more dissatisfied as he spoke, "It's all his fault!"

All the fish in the net were transferred there. There were a total of 55 big fish, which weighed about 200 kilograms in total. One kilogram was worth one thousand yuan, which was another 200,000 yuan in the account.

Lu Hu transferred the money to him without hesitation. It was getting late, and the two agreed to find time to drink together, and then parted ways.

In addition to the 55 adult big fish, there was still a young fish left. Ao Muyang wanted to throw it into the water and release it, but most of the waters in the Red Ocean were not suitable for wild turbot to survive, so he decided to take it home and raise it himself.

It is not difficult to breed turbot. They are relatively quiet and like to stick to the sand layer on the seabed, so they can be put in the fish tank.

The appearance of turbot is very interesting. Its juvenile state is different from that of adult.

The eyes of young fish grow on both sides of the body like most fish. When they grow up, both eyes grow on one side of the body, and one eye is in the middle, and the other gradually moves to the left or right, anyway, it is asymmetrical.

After returning home, he put the little fish in the fish tank together with the nautilus.

Although young turbot likes to eat crustaceans, the nautilus is a large crustacean, and it can't even bite off the edge of the shell. The two can coexist.

Ao Xiaoniu didn't come to dinner, and Lu Zhizi didn't come either. This made him very puzzled, so he took the general to school.

Lu Zhizi was cleaning a classroom, and he knocked on the door and said, "Teacher Lu, you are really conscientious."

Lu Zhizi laughed when he saw him coming in: "I want to clean up a classroom and open a cram school to help the children in the village with their homework. I have talked with Teacher Ao and Teacher Zhu these days, and we understand each other again. Let’s take a look at the knowledge level of the students in the village…”

She didn't say the rest, just shook her head helplessly.

Ao Muyang understood what she meant. What quality of education could the town's schools have? Apart from cramming in some basic knowledge, what else do students know?

He asked: "What lessons do you plan to tutor? How much will you charge?"

Lu Zhizi said: "Full-discipline tutoring is charged? Haha, how can any current teacher dare to open a tuition-based tutoring class? It's free!"

Ao Muyang immediately gave a thumbs up: "Teacher Lu, NO.1! Come, come, come, have dinner, see what I brought you?"

Lu Zhizi chuckled and said, "Thank you for the compliment, but I don't have much appetite. It's too hot."

Ao Muyang said: "Let's survive and eat. When do you plan to start classes?"

Lu Zhizi said: "Let's wait until the tables and chairs are delivered. I contacted the village chief and the county education bureau. They promised to allocate funds to buy a batch of tables and chairs as soon as possible and send them over."

Ao Muyang pouted: "Ao Zhiyi's temperament? Can he buy tables and chairs from the village?"

In the afternoon of the next day, Ao Fugui's iron boat came back and dozens of tables and chairs were unloaded on the pier.

Lu Zhizi was elated when he saw it, and said to Ao Muyang who came over: "Did you see that? There are still people in the county who attach great importance to rural education..."

As she was talking, Ao Fugui said to Ao Muyang: "Yangzi, count the fifty tables and fifty chairs. I have checked them all and there is no problem."

Ao Muyang nodded: "As long as you check it, I can trust you."

A salesperson from a furniture factory who came with the ship handed him a list and said, "Are you Mr. Ao Muyang? If there is no problem, please sign."

Lu Zhizi was stunned: "Ah? Did you buy it?"

Ao Muyang turned the pen around in his hand and said: "You are right, there are indeed people who attach great importance to rural education, but it is not the county, but the village. It is the village but not the village chief, it is me."

PS: Let’s promote the new public account of the cartridge case. The name is: full metal cartridge case. The previous ammunition depot was not owned by Cartridge. This time Cartridge has set up a public account, which mainly introduces some marine product species that appear in the article. If you are interested, you can pay attention to it. ****

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