Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 977 984. Foggy (3)

Like its close relative, the scorpionfish, the tiger fish is an opportunistic predator. They are born to use their body color to conceal their whereabouts. They wait for food to come close, then rush out to eat it or attack it with their stingers.

In this case, they naturally do not have excellent athletic ability.

Ao Muyang spread the fishing net and caught the tiger fish one by one.

One fish saw that the situation was not good and wanted to escape, but was bitten by the tiger.

You are worthy of being called a tiger? The tiger shark thought disdainfully.

Almost instantly, it quickly opened its mouth and spit out the fish. Damn, its mouth hurts!

The tiger fish attacked the tiger's mouth, and the tiger was in pain and kept running around in the water.

Ao Muyang quickly fed it two drops of gold drops. He didn't know whether the gold drops could relieve the pain, but the tiger did feel much better after eating the gold drops.

After staying in the sea for a while, he surfaced and looked at the sea fog.

The water mist technique is quite powerful. The mist created by a drop of gold can maintain an area of ​​at least one square kilometer. The height of the water mist is generally 20 to 30 meters. From a distance, it looks like a sea fog cage on the sea.

This sea fog cage is quite strange. Lu Wuyi was staring at it on the yacht.

The sea fog gradually spread in his direction. He felt something was wrong, but he couldn't tell. Anyway, the appearance of this sea fog was quite strange.

The white fog quickly enveloped the sea fishing boat. Lu Wuyi thought of the horror movie "The Mist". The relevant plot appeared in his mind, making him feel scared.

Suddenly, the general shouted in one direction: "Wolf woof woof!"

As soon as it shouted, Wolf Big and Wolf Two also shouted: "Awoo! Awoo!"

Lu Wuyi was so scared that his heart couldn't help but beat drums. He quickly waved his hand and said: "Stop shouting, don't attract monsters. Come quickly, come to my arms, uncle will protect you!"

The general stared at the fog intently, shouting while watching, and after a while it jumped into the sea and disappeared.

Wolf Big and Wolf Two also wanted to jump into the sea, and Lu Wuyi went up and hugged them: "No, no, no, don't jump in, we are together - you have to protect your uncle."

The general dived into the sea and disappeared, which reminded him of the scene in the movie where a water ghost deceived people to jump into the sea to commit suicide.

This time, he was even more scared.

Wolf Big struggled out of his arms and jumped into the sea. As soon as it entered the water, it seemed to be pulled by something underwater and immediately sank to the sea surface.

In response, Wolf whimpered and struggled, but he couldn't break free and eventually disappeared.

The fog on the sea was too thick, and Wolf disappeared after he disappeared, as if he was swallowed by the sea fog.

"Oh my god!" Lu Wuyi hugged Wolf 2 and sat down.

Wolf 2 also stretched out his claws to hug him, and tried to get into his arms. The man and the wolf hugged each other and depended on each other on the foggy sea.

"Meng Yi, Meng Yi, you must protect your uncle well. Your uncle depends on you now. As long as you protect your uncle well, your uncle will give you delicious food and drink spicy drinks and worship you when you go back! Absolutely do what you say, and follow your words!" Lu Wuyi was so scared that he spoke without thinking.

He held Wolf 2 tightly with one hand and tried to find the Buddhist beads given by Master Puyin with the other hand. As a result, he couldn't find them. Suddenly, he was stunned: "Fuck, did I forget the magic weapon at home? Fuck, fuck, I am doomed!"

The last sentence was screamed very shrilly.

However, he still got something after searching around. He found a mobile phone, Ao Muyang's mobile phone.

He was happy to see the mobile phone and called the police!

Stay away from the coast, there is no signal on the mobile phone!

Lu Wuyi was anxious. He stood up and raised his mobile phone with all his strength, muttering: "Signal, signal, signal, there must be a signal!"

He dragged Lang Er around on the speedboat, and finally, a faint signal appeared on the mobile phone.

This was enough, he immediately called 110.

The call was connected in the noise of sizzling: "Hello, hello, Chi La, this is Chi La La..."

"I know where you are, help, police uncle, I am trapped in the sea, help..."

"Mr. Ci Ci, Ci Ci is not very clear, Ci Ci is a place with better signal."

"If I can find a place with better signal, can I not look for it? Come and save me, I am trapped in the sea, the sea is foggy, it seems there is a ghost, help!"

"Ci Ci, please slow down, Chi La, Chi La Chila, where is the location? "

"How do I know where this B bitch is? Don't talk so much nonsense, locate it for me, locate it and save me... Hey, hey?"

"Chila, please calm down, chila, building?"

"Where do you get all this B nonsense from? What kind of building can there be on the sea? Help me quickly, hey, hey? Hey, hey? Don't hang up the phone, hey! This stupid phone is broken at the critical moment, where is the signal?" Lu Wuyi cursed anxiously.

The phone has no signal, no one is around, only the sound of the waves, and the thick fog sticks to his body, quickly making his whole body wet.

This may not be the reason for the fog. He was scared and sweated, which made his body even more wet.

"Brother-in-law! Brother-in-law! Brother-in-law! Where are you? Come back soon!" He shouted at the top of his voice.

There was no echo on the sea, only the sound of the waves.

He cried out to the heavens and the earth for help, but nothing came of it. Lu Wuyi was in despair. He had never been so scared before. At this moment, he felt like he had been abandoned by the whole world...

"Sister! Save me!" He couldn't help but shed clear tears.

There was a splash of water, and a wet arm was hanging on the side of the boat.

Seeing this, Lu Wuyi rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to scream in fear.

Lang Er was even more frightened. He jumped back and took Lu Wuyi half a meter high with him. His explosive power was amazing.

Behind the arm, a black hair emerged, and the sea water flowed down along the hair. Ao Muyang climbed up: "Why did such a big fog suddenly appear?"

Lu Wuyi was stunned for a moment, and he hugged Lang Er tightly and stared at him with wide eyes.

Lang Er felt relieved when he saw Lao Ao, and quickly crawled over to ask for comfort, but Lu Wuyi hung behind him like a burden, and he could only drag him over step by step.

Ao Muyang touched its forehead and said to Lu Wuyi: "Brother-in-law, what's wrong with you? Let go, you're holding too tight, you're almost strangling Meng Yi to death."

Lang Er was sticking out his tongue and rolling his eyes.

Lu Wuyi reacted and quickly let go of his hand and said: "Ah, sorry, sorry, I thought it was sticking out its tongue to be cute."

Ao Muyang asked: "I seemed to hear you calling me underwater? What's going on?"

Lu Wuyi howled: "Ah, brother-in-law, there is a water ghost!"


"Meng Tian was dragged away by a water ghost!"

Ao Muyang stretched out his hand to pull the general and Meng Tian onto the boat, saying: "Bullshit, they went to the sea to find me. I was swimming back just now, and I guess they saw me and went to find me."

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