Several people got off the RV. Those people were silent and didn't say anything.

Judging from their appearance, they should be from the management.

Those people directly opened the door on the first floor and walked in.

Isn't that a warehouse on the first floor? What are these people doing there? The clean clothes were full of wood residue and moldy wood. They must have been abandoned for a long time.

I suspect there should be a dark layer inside.

After those people entered, they closed the door, and then there was silence.

By chance, the RV in front of us blocked the view of the security guard at the security booth at the entrance of the factory. We decided to take the risk and follow it to find out, because I accidentally saw the shy man just now.

It was the painting "Prince Sim" that he bought.

I carefully opened the door.

It was still dark inside.

Where did they go?

We went straight in without caring much. Li Dakui lit the lighter and saw the footprints on the ground. Since no one has been in for a long time, there are still clear footprints on the ground.

"Follow up."

Li Dakui lit the lighter, lowered his body, and looked for the footprints left on the ground as he walked. The footprints did not disappear until he reached a corner.

"It disappeared right here."

Li Dakui stared at the ground.

I carefully peeled away the wood debris, and then I saw something on the ground that looked like a sewer manhole cover.

We pried it open, and there was a step inside.

The lower part is very clean, all covered with marble milky white steps.

We walked along the steps and finally saw a long and narrow underground passage in front of us.

At the end, there is a door.

I laid my ears on it and listened carefully to what was going on inside.

There seemed to be a small sound.

I opened the door carefully, and there were oil lamps lit everywhere inside, and the flames were dancing.

As a result, when I walked in, I found that there were several large pools inside, and something was boiling in them, giving off a stench.

I finally saw those people.

They entered a prison-like place, dark and connected with iron chains.

I walked over quickly.

It was really a fucking prison-like space.

I hide in the dark.


I told them to be silent.

The few people stood inside the prison and then walked to a door at the end.

"Have you thought about it?"

Someone asked someone in prison.

"Old guy, you'd better cooperate well, or else you'll be left with nothing to eat." The fat guy threatened.


The man in the prison snorted coldly and spat all over the man's face.

"It seems that you really don't regret dying."

The man was angry.

"Pull him out."

he ordered.

The three of us hid in the recessed gap at the prison door. The candlestick should have been placed here, but it had been removed.

We can hide in it.

The man was dragged out directly with chains.

He is an unkempt old man with disheveled hair and is so thin that he is only skin and bones. The old man's back looks familiar, but I can't remember where I've seen him before.

They dragged the old man toward a passage.

They entered a laboratory-like place.

Then the door closed.

I don't know what's going on in there.

But I heard what sounded like a quarrel inside.

We decided to visit that prison.

It was dark everywhere inside the prison, and as soon as we walked in, we smelled a stench and a rotten smell.

Finally, I saw a few people locked in there.

"Master Mei!"

Suddenly, Li Dakui used a lighter to see clearly the face of the person in front of him.

Master Mei is a famous craftsman in Ducheng. He is good at seal carving and stone carving, and many of his works are collected in the Palace Museum.

"Master Li!"

Each of these familiar faces left us a bit stunned.

From masters of calligraphy and painting to stone carving craftsmen, famous people from all walks of life have been caught and detained here. Moreover, something seemed to be stuffed in their mouths, they could not speak, and their movements became very slow.

"They kidnapped all the famous craftsmen in Ducheng."

I said.

"Damn, it's really a dirty trick."

Li Dakui cursed.

"What are these people doing? Is it possible to lock up these craftsmen to drive up the market price? But it's not that simple, right?"

Even the silversmiths and blacksmiths were tied up.

I took a look and saw that there were about thirty or forty people detained in this prison.

"They're not trying to raise prices."

Ah San suddenly said coldly.

"What's that for?"

I said confused.

Li Dakui also looked at Ah San.

Ah San said word for word, "They want to build a city of Yin Ling!"


The legend of Yin Ling City is a city that exists in mythical stories, which can bring people all rights and status, money, and even everything. All human desires and greed can be realized.

"Do they have that drawing?"

Ah San's expression changed.

"Could that unkempt man be the designer?"

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