That sudden incident happened on the train.

So there should be some reports.

So, I went online to check some news about that day, especially what happened on that train, but strangely, there seemed to be no clues at all, as if the news was blocked.

Strange, why is there no news at all?

Could it be that the person did not die?

If someone really died on the train, then the follow-up news reports would definitely follow.

However, I searched for a whole morning and there was no clue.

In my mind, the man's face appeared in front of us again, but the photo in front of me at this moment seemed particularly strange. The man in the photo looked very gentle.

Just like a student.

Even wearing glasses.

I decided to search for news about the Pisces jade pendant, but at this moment, those reports were like a pot of boiling water. I almost found several news at the same time about the Pisces jade pendant.

Because that thing was stolen.

And the thief shown was actually a wandering cultural relic thief Luo Shizong! I am very familiar with this person, of course I am only familiar with his name, because after all, I have never met him.

Could it be that the person I met in the car was Luo Shizong?


This is absolutely impossible.

I was sweating profusely on my forehead, because a person who had been dead for two or three years would definitely not be able to come back to life.

And those reports were published one after another because of this incident.

Luo Shizong died more than two years ago. At that time, he was wanted, and his body finally appeared on TV news. It was said that he was murdered. And all walks of life have confirmed that this person was killed.

But how could a dead person come back to life and steal the Pisces jade pendant?

It is really incredible.

Resurrection from the dead?

Although I have seen words about the immortality of the soul and resurrection from the dead in that Buddhist scripture, I have studied it for many days, but I still have no clue.

Maybe all of this can be attributed to nonsense.

Just treat it as a myth.

And this matter cannot but make me re-examine it.

Li Da Kui was assigned to Mo Lan's freight company the next afternoon to investigate this batch of goods. When he called me, he asked me to keep in touch.

Notify him as soon as there is anything.

However, he told me that things were not as simple as he imagined, because the freight company was only responsible for shipping, and the entrusted goods were guarded by many other people.

They had no chance to get close at all.

So he could only look for opportunities.

In the middle of the night, I was about to go to bed, and suddenly, I found that not far from the door of Li Da Kui's house, there seemed to be someone staring at this place.

No, I was being stared at.

I looked out the window and found that there were more and more people around. Those people looked at the door of Li Da Kui's house intentionally or unintentionally.

I quickly closed the curtains.

"Is it for that box?"

I was a little puzzled, "This is too fast, I just received the box and I was stared at?"

At this time, there was no sleepiness.

I quickly got dressed and moved the box to the basement. The basement of Li Da Kui's house was filled with some cellared wine and the like, most of which were sent by leaders.

Sure enough, in the middle of the night, those people started to act.

They directly pried open the door, and then I saw a dozen people rushing into the house.

But they were surprised that they didn't see anyone.

And I and the box were hiding in the basement. Those people rummaged around in the house for a long time, but didn't see anyone, and then in a rage, they set the whole house on fire.

The fire burned until dawn.

Li Da Kui's house was completely burned down.

And I escaped.

Those people were too rampant, and there was no news after that. As for the news reports, they were all insignificant things. Li Da Kui said that I was fine, and as for the things in the house, they were not worth a penny compared to his father.

According to the address on the Internet, I went to find Luo Shizong.

But was the dead man really Luo Shizong? I almost didn't hold any hope on this trip, but I always had a feeling that even if I didn't find Luo Shizong, I should have found something else.

No. 33 Jingcheng Road.

"It's here."

I just realized that this street was already empty.

Because this is a village in the city, it should be demolished soon, so it has been planned and most of the people have moved out.

"Is there no one here?"

I found myself in a ruin.

Every house had its door open, and there was nothing inside. Just as I was about to turn around, a figure suddenly appeared at the door of No. 33, staring at me.

"Who are you looking for?"

The man asked me coldly before I could speak.

"I'm looking for..."

I was about to answer, and suddenly, I found that the man was none other than the man I met on the train.

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