
Chapter 023

Chapter 023 You only have one life, you decide whether to go or not (8/3) |

After the little episode, several people climbed up again one after another. Fortunately, there was no avalanche, and the camp where they were stationed was still there.

“Are you all right?” Professor Chen was dragged up. He is too old to travel long distances, so the actual person in charge of this trip is Xue Li Yang.

The notebook is the goal of their trip. Now that they have come up, they don’t know if the notebook will be available.

“Have you found the notebook?”

“found it.”

The dusty Xue Li Yang nodded, and when she took out an old yellowed notebook from the backpack at her waist, she also remembered: “This should be the notebook of the mountaineer, the first notebook of the notebook. One page is still signed with his signature.”

After speaking, Xue Li Yang opened the notebook, revealing the signature on the first page for Professor Chen to see.This old guy only cares about archaeology, and he has no obsession with other things. In a good way, he is contributing to the archaeological world, and in a bad way, he is fighting for his reputation.

Professor Chen took the notebook tremblingly, carefully identified the signature, and nodded after confirming that it was correct.

“It is indeed his signature. I believe that your father can rest in peace in the spirit of heaven. With this diary, we will definitely find the “Jingjue Ancient City”.”

The old man was very excited, and even Professor Hao, including the students, were also elated. “The Ancient City” is the pinnacle of Western culture. If they can find this place, they will definitely become more famous in the archaeological field.

This group of scholars and professors say that it is better to excavate ancient tombs and present good things to the country. In fact, the reputation they have gained, and sometimes even eat and drink in the name of the project. , The Eight Elements and Two Religions are the most despised.

Of course, this cannot be generalized. Zhang Sanlian in the Qing Dynasty was so majestic and powerful, and his unique cat-like skills were also unparalleled.

It’s a pity that the secret knowledge was envied by the sky. Many past Taoist arts, ancient books, and side door supernatural powers have all been wiped out in the long river of history.

Seeing that everyone was thriving, Jiang Yuye curled his lips, feeling very dismissive. In name, these guys were actively exploring the secrets of “The Ancient City”, but in fact the dangers involved are not enough for outsiders.

How about Professor Hao in the ‘original book’, he was killed by the poisonous tongue, how about the other students, are they all dead?

In the end, apart from the gold trio who escaped from “The Ancient City of Essence”, only Professor Chen was the only one who had gone to nine people and five survived and four died. If this is not difficult and dangerous, then he has nothing to do Say.

He took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, took out one, and asked Fatty to borrow a fire. After lighting it, he started a new round of smoking.

Anyway, the life and death of these people has nothing to do with him. As long as the progress of the ‘Patriarch’s Mission’ can be kept, what does it have to do with him even if they die completely?

He is not the Virgin, and some people don’t listen to the persuasion, so there is no need to persuade him, but as usual, he still said lightly: “Then “The Ancient City of Jingjue” is not as good as the “Nine-story Demon Pagoda”, if you really go, you must Prepare to die.”

A simple sentence is like a basin of cold water poured directly on the heads of everyone. He said this very honestly, but since ancient times, it has always been loyal to the ears.

“This…this, Comrade Xiao Jiang, you can’t say that. We are going to archaeology, not doing anything. It shouldn’t be as serious as you said.”

Professor Hao was a little uncomfortable listening to him. They finally made a major discovery. Why is this person not interested?

“It’s not up to you or me to decide whether it’s serious or not. There has never been an ancient tomb without a mechanism, so you must have the determination to die when you go to “Essential Ancient City”, can you understand?”

Jiang Yuye didn’t want to argue with them. As he walked outside the camp, Su said this indifferently.

You only have one life, you are responsible for your own life, and it is up to them to decide how.

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