Goldfinger is a bit strange

Chapter 327 Hello, 1985 (1/2)

"Qingshan, you didn't visit the factory this morning. It's a huge loss. You didn't see that the factory here is called modernization, whether it's technology or management!"

At the lunch table, Secretary Wang and Director Zhou, who thought they had opened their eyes, couldn't stop talking.

While he was busy eating and drinking, he was busy talking.


Hong Yunsheng blinked his eyes hard twice, feeling amused in his heart: You don't know how much Qingshan has gained this morning.

The visit continued in the afternoon, and Liu Qingshan continued to be absent. He met with Victor, his French partner, and expressed his sincere gratitude.

At the auction, whether it was Victor himself or the "foreign shill" he found, they all played a very good role in helping.

That's right, the American high-roller whose ancestors died at Pearl Harbor was also arranged by Victor. This guy is now very skilled at this trick.

During the remaining days of inspection, Liu Qingshan did not show up. If he had not been outside the system, he would have been severely punished by Secretary Wang.

The opportunity to study abroad is so rare, why don’t we cherish it?

Young people are young people, and when they come to a colorful world like Hong Kong Island, their eyes are also dazzled.

In fact, Liu Qingshan has been extremely busy these days. First, together with Hong Yunsheng, he transferred 10.35 million pounds from Christie's auction company.

"It's too dark. Ten percent of our commission has been deducted!" Liu Qingshan was very dissatisfied. He suddenly lost more than one million yuan. Can he not feel pain?

"Ahem, Qingshan, you should think about the feelings of those island people." Hong Yunsheng said a word of comfort.

These words had a good effect, and Liu Qingshan immediately became refreshed.

Naturally, he would not take this money back casually. He opened an account in a Swiss bank here and deposited it into it.

Later, an investment company was established in the name of Qian Yuzhen. One million pounds of start-up capital was first transferred to her and she was responsible for investing in the U.S. stock market.

The land was originally supposed to be opened in Liu Qingshan's name, but unfortunately Hong Kong Island has not returned yet, and because of his identity, he cannot establish a company here.

Qian Yuzhen is the best choice at the moment. Because of Shan Xing, she will definitely not be greedy.

Even with millions of assets, Qian Yuzhen was frightened: with so much money, she was afraid of living up to Liu Qingshan's expectations.

Especially, she was really unsure about going to the United States with such a large amount of money.

She really doesn’t understand anything about stocks or anything like that!

But Liu Qingshan now has no one available, so he can only catch up and put it on the shelves.

In fact, it would be very difficult for a layman to manipulate millions of dollars.

Fortunately, Liu Qingshan knew that since 1982, the U.S. stock market has entered a golden period, where you can make money even with your eyes closed.

Just like Forrest Gump said: "I thought Apple Company was a fruit seller."

After Liu Qingshan has finished all these things and the inspection mission of the inspection team has been successfully completed, there is only one day left for the most popular shopping part.

At this time, Liu Qingshan's presence became apparent. According to the plan, Secretary Wang, Director Zhou and others were prepared to exchange several thousand Hong Kong dollars from Liu Qingshan to buy some souvenirs.

But when it comes to shopping, it’s a little hard to stop the car. The title of shopping paradise is not for nothing.

"No, no, no, I can't buy anymore. I owe Qingshan 10,000 Hong Kong dollars. I'm in debt. How can I pay it back when I go back?"

Lao Zhou has the style of a hand-picking party in later generations. He kept arguing not to buy it, but in the end he couldn't control his hands.

The same goes for other people. When the refrigerator and color TV come out, the death orders given by the family must be completed.

And clothes, you have to buy one for your family, right?

The other thing is gold jewelry. They have nowhere to buy it if they have money. If I miss this opportunity, I don’t know when I will have to wait until next time.

"Qingshan, if you lend me another five thousand Hong Kong dollars, I will still have to sell my wife a gold bracelet!"

Secretary Wang gritted his teeth and roared, as for how to pay back the money after going back, that is a matter for the future, buy it first and then talk about it.

Liu Qingshan himself is actually not much better. He doesn't need to buy anything, but what about his family, friends and fellow villagers?

What I didn’t say was, of course, buy, buy, buy.

What's more, he made a fortune this time, and he didn't mind spending a lot of money.

In contrast, Zheng Hongqi was a little more leisurely. He only bought some clothes for his sister.

But it's impossible to be an idler. When arriving, many people asked him to help carry things.

In the end, even Hong Yunsheng started to stop him: "Qingshan, there are too many things. It will be very troublesome to pass the customs by then."

Fortunately, Hong Yunsheng often travels for business and has some connections to transport these purchased goods to Pengcheng in advance.

After several twists and turns, I finally returned to Bishui County. Thanks to Liu Qingshan, who was in Chuncheng, he asked the automobile factory for help and sent a large truck to pull everything back.

After delivering things door to door, the rest belonged to Liu Qingshan, and he was also the one with the most goods.

Not only family members, but also fellow villagers.

Just when he met Zhang Liandi who had finished delivering milk, Liu Qingshan unloaded the goods into his car.

As for the delivery driver, he happily took two cigarettes and embarked on his return journey.

Jiapigou Primary School has finished the exam and started the winter vacation.

The kids were playing in groups on the road when they saw the village's Jiefang coming back.

No one paid attention at first, after all, the Jiefang truck runs every day and the kids are used to it.

But Er Niuzi was sharp-eyed and saw Liu Qingshan sitting in the driver's seat, so he shouted:

"Brother Qingshan is back!"

This was a big deal, and the kids surrounded him. They all knew: Brother Qingshan went to a place called Xiang something, and the delicious food he brought back must be delicious!

Liu Qingshan finally pushed open the car door, and there was no place to stand on the ground. He stepped on the pedal and shouted:

"I was too anxious this time, so I didn't bring back any delicious food!"


There were sighs all around, and every kid's face was full of disappointment.

"Brother Qingshan, how could you do this, woo woo."

The disappointment in Er Niuzi's heart immediately turned into tears of sadness and grievance, which burst out of his eyes.

Liu Qingshan's feet finally landed safely, and he looked at the little guys happily, and then he saw the fourth and fifth children behind the crowd trying hard to squeeze in.


The two little girls were wearing thick cotton clothes, with hand muffs on their hands, and waved at Liu Qingshan.

It was probably because the place where they were playing was a little far away, so they came late.

Hearing this very kind call, Liu Qingshan's fatigue was immediately swept away.

Just at this time, the kids also dispersed in disappointment, and Liu Qingshan picked up the fourth and fifth children who ran over, and kissed them hard on their faces.

"Huh? Fourth child, why are your faces so chapped? Did you run out after eating?"

The face of the little fourth child felt numb, like a numb potato.

It's cold in winter here, so it's normal for kids to have chapped faces or cracked hands.

"Hehe, brother, I forgot to apply vanishing cream these two days."

Little Lao Si was a little embarrassed. She had just had a holiday for two days and had been running outside every day and playing a little crazy.

After saying that, she struggled from Liu Qingshan's arms to the ground, patted the hat on Er Niuzi's head with her hand, and scolded him:

"Cry and cry, why do you like to wipe tears more than girls? Don't you think about when my brother will come back and bring gifts to everyone?"

That's right!

Er Niuzi stopped crying immediately, and the scattered kids also gathered around again, looking at Brother Qingshan with hope again.


Liu Qingshan poked Lao Si's little forehead, and then took out a cardboard box from the cab:

"Lao Si, you and Shan Xing will give things to everyone, one for each person, is there anyone who looks ugly!"

What things?

The kids stretched their necks.

When the fourth child opened the box and took out a shiny object, the children cheered:

"Electronic watch, it's an electronic watch!"

Among the children in the village, only the fourth and fifth children wore small electronic watches, which made the children envious. They would ask their brothers and sisters to draw a watch on their wrists with a ballpoint pen.

Now, they can finally wear real watches!

The fourth child held the box, while Shanxing distributed electronic watches to his friends.

As a result, more and more people came, because more and more half-grown children came running over.

"Give me one too!" A big hand stretched out in front of Shanxing, it was Zhang Ganzi.

"Uncle Ganzi, Xiaoman already has one!"

Shanxing looked up, she must implement her eldest brother's instructions and only give it to children.

"Ganzi, do you have any shame to snatch things from children!"

The adults, such as Da Zhangluo, also came after hearing the news, and looked at the happy children with a smile, which was even happier than the New Year.

Zhang Ganzi didn't care, and smiled and approached Liu Qingshan: "Qingshan, do you have any gifts for us men?"

"Yes, each woman in the village will get a Hong Kong scarf." Liu Qingshan said with a smile.

In the 1980s, scarves were very popular. Not to mention ordinary people, even those big stars liked to tie a scarf around their necks.

Zhang Ganzi was a little disappointed: "Men can't wear that thing."

Zhang Dashuai immediately retorted: "Ganzi, you are so fierce. If you take the scarf home and let your wife wear it, your wife will be happy and will reward you well in the evening?"

Yes, Zhang Ganzi slapped his thigh hard and smiled again.

At this time, Xiao Laosi and Shanxing finally distributed electronic watches to the kids, and then taught them to press those small buttons to adjust the time and date.

Xiao Laosi acted as a little teacher seriously: "Today is January 1, 1985, which is New Year's Day!"

Haha, it's already 1985!

Liu Qingshan has been a bit busy these past two days. After being reminded by the fourth brother, he remembered that today is New Year's Day, and it is a new beginning.

Looking around, whether it is children or adults, they all have extremely happy smiles on their faces. Liu Qingshan's heart is also full of joy, and he silently says in his heart:

Hello, 1985!

March, early spring.

To read the latest chapter content, download the Aiyue Novel app. The latest chapter content is already on the Aiyue Novel app. The website has not updated the latest chapter content. A corner in the eastern part of Nanhuangzhou.

The gloomy sky is gray and black, revealing a heavy depression, as if someone has splashed ink on rice paper, and the ink has soaked the sky and smudged the clouds.

The clouds are stacked and blended with each other, diffusing crimson lightning, accompanied by rumbling thunder.

It was like the roar of a god, echoing in the world.

Please download the Aiyue Novels app and read the latest chapters for free without ads. The bloody rain, with sadness, fell to the mortal world.

The earth was hazy, and there was a ruined city, silent and lifeless in the dim red blood rain.

The city was in ruins, everything was withered, and collapsed houses could be seen everywhere, as well as blue-black corpses and pieces of meat, like broken autumn leaves, withering silently.

The streets that used to be bustling are now bleak.

The sandy road that was once crowded with people is no longer noisy.

Only blood mud mixed with pieces of meat, dust, and paper remained, and it was indistinguishable from each other, which was shocking.

Not far away, a broken carriage was deeply stuck in the mud, full of sadness, with only an abandoned rabbit doll hanging on the shaft, swaying in the wind.

The white fluff had long been soaked into wet red, full of eerie weirdness.

The cloudy eyes seemed to have some resentment, and he looked at the mottled stones in front of him alone.

There, a figure was lying.

This was a 13 or 14-year-old boy, with ragged clothes and full of dirt, and a broken leather bag tied around his waist.

The boy squinted his eyes and did not move. The biting cold penetrated his tattered coat from all directions, swept through his body, and gradually took away his body temperature.

The website is about to close, download the Aiyue app to see the latest content for free But even if the rain fell on his face, he did not blink, staring coldly at the distance like a hawk.

Following his gaze, a skinny vulture was gnawing on the rotten corpse of a wild dog at a distance of seven or eight feet from him, and sometimes vigilantly observed the surroundings.

It seemed that in this dangerous ruin, it would instantly take off at the slightest movement.

Download the Aiyue novel app to read the latest chapters without ads for free. And the boy, like a hunter, patiently waited for the opportunity.

After a long time, the opportunity came, and the greedy vulture finally completely sank its head into the belly of the wild dog.

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