Goldfinger is a bit strange

Chapter 6 Chapter 6

The fat orange who loves sweets reminds you: please collect it after reading (), it will be more convenient to read it later.

It's over, how did he know my identity. Am I going to be exposed? What should I do? Don't panic, stay calm and think of a solution quickly.

Lu Fan has been calming his panicked heart, and at the same time, he frantically asked Black Cat 007 in his mind: "What should 007 do? He seems to know my identity!" Lu Fan would not think that Carl asked this question just for fun.

Black Cat 007 said calmly: "Come on, Lu Fan, I believe in you. With your superb acting skills, you will definitely be able to get away with it."

I knew that this cat was useless at the critical moment, and he still had to rely on himself.

Lu Fan stopped, turned around, and laughed: "Mermaid? Are you talking about the mermaid in the fairy tale? I know that."

Although Lu Fan's acting skills were very realistic, Carl, who had been watching him, still found a trace of panic on Lu Fan's face.

Carl was just suspicious at first. After all, the scales had not changed at all. Why did they start to heat up when they met Lu Fan?

So Carl asked this question to test Lu Fan, and saw Lu Fan's immediate excuse and the panic on his face. Carl was sure that Lu Fan must have something to do with mermaids, or he was the little mermaid he met when he was a child.

Carl's sharp eyes locked on Lu Fan, and his silent gaze made Lu Fan feel pressured.

Neither of them spoke for a while. Carl was examining Lu Fan, while Lu Fan was too guilty to speak.

The more Carl looked, the more he was sure of his guess.

"The mermaid I'm talking about is not from a fairy tale book, but a living one." Carl slowly approached Lu Fan.

"Impossible... How can there be mermaids in the world... You must have seen it wrong." Lu Fan, who was under great pressure in his heart, began to stutter.

"Really, but how do you know I saw it?" Carl pressed on step by step, determined to make Lu Fan admit it himself.

Forced to the railing, Lu Fan had no way to retreat. He looked up at Carl and said guiltily, "I thought you saw it yourself."

Carl continued to put pressure on Lu Fan, "The mermaid who broke his promise seems to be called Ian, what do you think about this?"

If Lu Fan could say it, he would definitely say: What can I think, that's me!

But in reality, Lu Fan still pretended to be deaf and dumb and said, "Really, it's quite a coincidence."

Seeing this, Carl still refused to admit it, so he decided to use his trump card.

He took the scale out of his shirt pocket, put it in front of Lu Fan and asked, "How do you explain this?"

When he saw the scale, Lu Fan was very sure that it was his scale, because his breath was coming from the scale at this time.

He only gave the scale to one person, and Lu Fan couldn't help but think of the scene when he first came in his mind. It is clear that Carl is the little boy.

"What do I explain?" Despite this, Lu Fan continued to play dumb.

"Why does it get hot when it meets you? Ian, don't hide it. I know you are the mermaid." Carl said in a very confident tone, and his face unconsciously moved closer to Lu Fan.

Fortunately, it was almost dinner time, and there were no people on the deck. Otherwise, with the intimate posture of the two people, it would definitely attract attention.

Seeing that Lu Fan really couldn't hide it anymore, he had to admit: "Yes, I am the mermaid you met when you were a child."

After hearing Lu Fan's admission, Carl's face finally showed a "as expected" expression.

Carl had a lot of questions in his heart to ask Lu Fan at this time, and finally he chose to ask a question that he still couldn't let go of, "Why didn't you come back as agreed?"

Carl has been going to that beach since he was a child, just to wait for Lu Fan. Unfortunately, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. Year after year, he never waited for his little mermaid.

Carl was also worried that the little mermaid might have encountered some danger in the deep sea. It was not until he saw Lu Fan in front of him that Carl suddenly realized. The little mermaid simply forgot the agreement.

Carl, who knew the truth, felt sad for a moment, but after so long, the sadness about the little mermaid in his heart was almost gone.

Now Lu Fan's situation was like being caught by the class teacher for being late and lying, and he was embarrassed to death.

He thought the world was so big that they would never meet. But the world was so small that they were on the same cruise ship and were recognized.

Lu Fan didn't know how to answer Carl's question. He couldn't really tell Carl that he had never planned to go back. Wouldn't that accelerate Carl's blackening? What if he exposed this secret?

After thinking for a long time, Lu Fan finally said, "Sorry, I thought you had forgotten it a long time ago."

"How is it possible." Carl's voice was extremely excited.

"Now we have met, haven't we? It means that if there is fate, we will meet no matter what." Lu Fan started to talk nonsense for his own safety.

"Can you stay away from me? It's too close." They could feel that the distance between each other's breathing was too close, and Lu Fan was not used to it.

Carl obediently took a step back and slightly distanced himself.

Karl didn't ask the question of whether he would be my bride. After all, he already had a fiancée.

Although there was still a feeling of regret in his heart, Karl tried hard not to let it come out.

Karl reluctantly accepted Lu Fan's explanation, but he was still curious about his transformation from a mermaid to the young master of the Earl's family.

Lu Fan also explained the reason to Karl.

Seeing that it was getting late, the lights on the ship were all on. Karl suddenly realized that he had dragged Lu Fan into chatting too late.

Karl invited Lu Fan to have dinner together. For the sake of Karl's sincerity and his own guilty conscience, Lu Fan agreed to Karl's invitation.

In the restaurant, Karl introduced Lu Fan's identity to everyone at the table, "This is Ian Howard, the son of Earl Howard."


"Cheers to our meeting."

Facing Lu Fan's arrival, everyone at the table showed great enthusiasm and courtesy.

There was only one exception, and that was Rose sitting next to Karl. While eating, Lu Fan discovered that Karl's fiancée Rose had a blank face the whole time, as if everyone owed her millions.

To avoid embarrassment, Lu Fan almost didn't say anything to her. I was afraid that I might offend her accidentally.

The main reason is that Lu Fan grew up being pampered and could not stand this kind of face-to-face thing.

Lu Fan gave Karl a sympathetic look. His fiancée had such a bad temper, but it was Karl who suffered.

Karl received Lu Fan's gaze very well and could clearly see the sympathy in his eyes.

Karl clearly knew the reason for the sympathy in Lu Fan's eyes. He didn't say anything, but smiled at Lu Fan.

Lu Fan, who was caught, quickly lowered his head and ate his food. It was so embarrassing.

Rose, who had a cold face throughout the whole process and completely ignored Karl's hospitality, ran out of the restaurant immediately after the dinner.

"Aren't you going to chase your fiancée?" Lu Fan asked curiously.

"She probably wants to be alone for a while," Karl said slowly.

Lu Fan couldn't help but say, "It seems like your fiancée is not very satisfied with you?"

Lu Fan dared to ask this because he had a feeling in his heart that Karl would not be angry.

Karl glanced at Lu Fan in surprise, as if he didn't expect Lu Fan to ask. When Lu Fan asked him this question, Karl felt inexplicably guilty.

"Maybe it's because I don't quite understand her thoughts." Karl said bluntly.

Karl and Lu Fan had only known each other for a short time, but they seemed to know each other very well. Inexplicably, I feel like I have known each other for a long time.

Lu Fan glanced at Karl and agreed with what he said. Carl is a shrewd businessman at first glance, while Miss Rose is an artistic girl.

No wonder they have problems communicating with each other.

However, Lu Fan still advised: "I think it would be better for you to go see Miss Rose. After all, she is not safe as a lady at night."

Lu Fan also added, "How about I go with you." Those blue eyes as clear as the sea were full of seriousness.

Karl looked at Lu Fan for a few seconds and finally decided: "Okay."

The two of them searched all the way but couldn't find it. Finally, Carl's housekeeper came over and told them that Rose was on the deck of the bow.

I heard there was a little bit of danger.

The three people who learned the news went together. When they arrived, they saw the crew on the ship holding down a young man, while Rose looked a little depressed and frightened.

The first thing Lu Fan noticed was that wasn't the young man pinned down by the crew the target of his mission - Jack?

Karl saw the surprise on Lu Fan's face, so he asked, "Do you know him?"

Karl's face was extremely calm, with no trace of anger at all.

Lu Fan nodded.

Karl's deep eyes fell on Jack, showing no emotion or anger. Rose, on the other hand, was anxious to defend Jack: "I fell off the railing to see the propeller of the cruise ship. Jack happened to be here and he saved me..."

Rose was lying, and it was obvious to Carl that he knew it right away.

Karl didn't expose Rose's lie, but his love for Rose in his heart was reduced by more than half.

He always thought that Rose's unhappiness was just a girl's temper, but he never thought that she already hated this relationship so much.

It seems that is not the case.

After Rose defended him and Jack's own defense, Jack was finally released.

Before leaving, Carl originally wanted to send Jack away with money, but Rose didn't want that. Finally, Carl invited Jack to their party.

Karl ordered his housekeeper to send Rose back, and he pulled Lu Fan away.

The remaining Jack stood there alone, looking at Rose's retreating back, unable to regain his consciousness for a long time.

Lu Fan wanted to break free from Karl's hand, "If you don't go back to accompany your fiancée, why are you holding me back?"

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