Good Dad System

Chapter 149: My son is not mainstream (3)~(4)

There are thousands of children in the world, and they all look different. Pei Naochun recited this sentence in his heart, but he still couldn't hold back his subconsciously distorted expression. For him, Pei Yangqing's every move was really hard for him to empathize with. God knows, these things written by the other party, in the end What does it mean.

Pei Naochun suddenly felt fortunate, and even couldn't help but thank him for the garbage system 009 that he often complained about. You know, after so many worlds, this is the first time he has met such a child.

Recalling his youthful self, Pei Naochun only wanted to remember. At that time, when he was still young, he admired soldiers and scientists the most. When he woke up, he would shed a lot of sweat, forcibly took a lot of videos, and posted them on the Internet to be complacent, but after so long, when he thinks back to this day, he doesn't feel regretful, but finds it quite interesting, after all, that is also his own. part of youth.

Thinking of Pei Naochun, who was still smiling at the corner of his mouth in the past, when he focused his eyes on the screen, he froze again. He fell into deep thought and thought of a question. After a few years, when Pei Yangqing looks back on who he is now, he will find it interesting and interesting. Proud? It should be, right? He has to try to understand the voices of contemporary children! After thinking about this, he overcame some numb emotions in his heart and forced himself to look at it abruptly.

There are many functions in the space. The soundtrack that Pei Yangqing chose was either a sad love song or a game theme song. The taste is good, but if you read the log, you will feel indescribable in your life.

First of all, in this diary that takes up several pages, there are quite a few "calling" articles. Pei Naochun clicked into it and saw that it was confusing. If he explained it in a way he could understand, it was probably similar to the popular ice cream in later generations. Bucket challenge, but this challenge is not to pour ice water, but to answer questions. The specific list of questions is the same as the previous person, and the person named will ask a few more questions as supplements based on their own curiosity. The content of the question, from name, age, constellation, hobby, to why you like a certain song recently, has everything, and it is more detailed than the most professional census.

What is even more irritating is the font used in this one. God knows why so many fluorescent fonts are set up in the space thing. Pei Naochun looked at it and felt that his eyes were going to have astigmatism immediately. Only by squinting can he He barely understood the 12345 mentioned in it. Of course, he didn't understand. He was a mess in his English test. He usually only hummed Jay Chou's son. Answer, of course, this is for pretending to be 13. Like them, they have already engraved a set of forced guides in their memory.

The book that you like must be something that everyone in the minority has not read, "One Hundred Years of Solitude" is very good; as for the TV series that you like, I can't say that it is "Armored Warriors", that is, "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" sounds good. Okay; the movie I like to watch is also an English movie that I don't know on the Internet. If I make a French one, the effect will be better. Pei Yangqing, who is well versed in these skills, combines his non-mainstream and tall perfection. Fusion together, evolved into a non-mainstream outfit 13.

Looking further down, there are countless articles that hurt the Spring and Autumn. Some of the titles are quite literary, and they all quote poems. What kind of life is just like the first time, but it was ordinary at the time, but when you click it, it is completely This is not the case. Some of them are sighs filled with words. It seems that life has encountered the blow of the sky falling, but in fact, if you carefully pick out the core from the pile of decorations, you will find that the essence of this is today. Quarrel with friends, conflict with teacher tomorrow, watch a tragedy the day after tomorrow.

Pei Naochun finally breathed a sigh of relief. Apart from these, the rest of the log was quite normal, but it was just reprinting various constellation analysis, eloquent youth articles, or some beautiful pictures with sad titles, but only relaxed. He breathed a sigh of relief, and his brows were raised again. Pei Yangqing's space log actually still has groups. It is still Martian text and various articles that he can't understand. After reluctantly using Baidu to search, he found that these five categories are connected. It's "I love myself".

——Okay, then he's great. Pei Naochun has such a headache, and he doesn't even want to explore what Pei Yangqing's inexplicable articles have to do with classification.

Okay, let's end this for now. Pei Naochun feels that he has been seriously polluted by the spirit. He travels through many worlds. If I remember correctly, he always feels that the looks that his son is pursuing now are the same as him in the hair salon. The tony teacher I saw in the book is really similar.

Pei Naochun in the master bedroom is in the top two, and Pei Yangqing in his room is very devoted to the computer. At this time, he is opening several groups at the same time. Due to too many messages, the notification bar below It is full of orange and red, and it will temporarily stop when the owner clicks on it.

The name of the group displayed on the screen is very simple and clear. It is called the 弈嗳 family. The list of group members on the right is neat and tidy. Pei Yangqing, his nickname is Qingcao, this group was brought in by a friend, and it came from a certain post bar. People from all over the world entered the group, and the discussions were usually very lively. He looked like a friend of you and me. They were very strange to each other, and no one knew each other.

After class every day, what Pei Yangqing likes most is the process of chatting with these friends. In fact, there is nothing to talk about, just chatting with each other and sharing some beautiful pictures and texts are enough to enrich the day.

After smirking at the screen for a while, Pei Yangqing cut to another group. This group was called the Thirteen Brothers of Zixin. All of them were friends he knew in reality. Everyone studied at Yu Zixin, and they met by chance and became friends. Even imitating the plot in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, there is a feudal lover. Although there is no sworn wine, he also opened a Coke on the rooftop with his teacher behind his back. Pei Yangqing is the seventh of them.

The group flickered very fast, as usual, the second child talked a lot, and he was very concerned about Pei Yangqing: "Seventh, did you get scolded by your dad again when you went back today? Why don't you stop the meeting first, and don't bother with your school uniform. already."

Zixin's school uniform has an irregular shape behind it, separating the red and white areas. Children with "artistic dreams" often go against the idea of ​​keeping clean and create various creations in the white area, writing The names of his girlfriends and lovers are already conservative, such as Pei Yangqing. This time he plans to make a big one and draw a basketball superstar directly. Not only did he want to draw it himself, but he also encouraged his thirteen brothers to follow his instructions. It is said that this person draws one and goes out, and everyone knows that they are brothers.

Pei Yangqing replied quickly: "No scolding, my father didn't say a word today, I suspect that he is going to make a big move, but it doesn't matter, I'm not afraid of him! The school uniform is so handsome, you didn't see the dragon drawn by the school bully, Going out is majestic, and I recently thought about buying new white cloth shoes and finding someone to help me create.”

"...Okay." The second child also responded quickly to the message. They boasted that they wanted to lead the new trend in Lingzi's heart. Although they were a little behind the school tyrants, they had to catch up. "Then wait for this weekend, let's Just paint!"

"Okay!" Pei Yangqing nodded with satisfaction. Having completed a major task, he started a new journey in front of the computer. First of all, the first thing to do every day was to change his signature. He found it in the family group. This is a very shocking sentence. There are no troubles in the world, and the mediocre people disturb themselves. This sentence is very good at first glance, and it suits him very well. Let’s just change the name to match, it’s better to call me mediocre! One of my friends, that's it!

Then, he will develop the journal business. He has already selected the target to send today, quickly searched the website, then copied and pasted it, published it directly, and added the fancy text effects along the way. It couldn’t be more perfect. .

The diary he sent was called "Life and Death", and the full text was excerpted from the verses rumored to be from Tagore's "Flying Birds". Of course, there are also sayings that it may not be, but it has nothing to do with him.

The chair that Pei Yangqing was sitting on would rotate, and he recited intoxicatedly: "The furthest distance in the world..." He also added the English translation from the search, and felt that his soul had been sublimated at once, like a vivid image He is a great poet. As for whether this poem is about love, sadness or not, he doesn't care about that at all. What he wants is this style, this kind of difference.

Sure enough, after a while, I refreshed it twice, and there were many comments at the bottom: "Oh, the little sun is so artistic today! Great poet.", "Old Seven is really talented, I can't understand it at all, turn it! ", "The power of words, I will definitely go and read it when I have time."...

Well, today's Pei Yangqing still feels that he deserves a full score.


It was only light in the morning, so Pei Naochun got out of bed directly. The alarm clock next to it was at 6:10. There was a timed pot at home, and the porridge was cooked every day. After he got up, he only needed to fry an egg, All you need to do is cook a dish. It is said that Pei Yangqing can go to school by bicycle at his age. He is also very happy, but the original body does not agree. He always feels that the son who is in junior high school is getting more and more strange, for fear of letting his son and classmates go to school. If there are too many hooligans, this matter is completely irreversible, so he forcibly arranges the matter of picking up his son to and from school, but it is not too burdensome for him. After sending his son to school, he can be the first to go to the company and take advantage of Good morning, can also handle some business.

A simple breakfast doesn't cost a lot of work. Pei Naochun has already put the rice out and let it cool. He knocked on his son's door twice and pushed it away. The father and son didn't have so many scruples. There is no concept of privacy, just knock on the door and let him know.

"Yang Qing, it's time to go eat." Pei Naochun looked at the time on his watch, it was less than forty minutes, more than enough.

"Wait, I haven't finished it yet." The bathroom door was half opened, and the heat inside was steaming out, adding a layer of fog to the frosted glass. Pei Yangqing's voice was suppressed by the sound of the hair dryer as soon as he finished speaking. Afterwards, Pei Naochun looked inside and saw his son who was seriously blowing his hair in front of the mirror.

Yes, Pei Yangqing has the habit of getting up every morning to wash his hair regardless of the wind and rain, the cold winter and the heat. According to the original idea, this is a stinky problem. It is not a problem to get up a dozen or two minutes earlier to wash your hair and take a shower. ? Besides, according to his thoughts, it is better for a young man of this age to shave his head straight, clean and neat, without even blowing his hair, just shake it and it will dry, isn't it a beauty?

However, neither of these two viewpoints was adopted by Pei Yangqing. He even resisted it very much, and quarreled twice with the original body over this.

Speaking of which, his son's movements were quite neat, and it felt like two minutes later, Pei Yangqing came out of the bathroom, and Pei Naochun was about to pull him out, but was stunned by his son's rude operations.

It was only now that he saw that the bed was laid out with seven different tops, with different colors and patterns, but what was the use? I also said earlier that my son's school is required to wear long-sleeved school uniform jackets and trousers in autumn and winter. No matter how cool you wear it, you can only show a little collar. But even so, Pei Yangqing actually looked in the mirror, tried one by one, and then carefully selected one to replace.

It's not over yet! Pei Yangqing ignored his father's astonished eyes. He quickly entered the bathroom again, and took out his treasure chest from the cabinet below. There were curling irons, straightening irons, and mousses comparable to barbershops. , gel, styling spray and other things, Pei Naochun watched his son toss and toss, and made the messy hair that was just a little delicate, as if he had just finished styling from the barber shop, although I didn't reach out to touch it, but Pei Naochun could feel it. It is estimated that when I touched it, it would definitely not feel soft, but would feel hard.

"Okay, let's go eat." After finishing this outfit, another ten minutes had passed, and the time was a little nervous. Pei Yangqing greeted his father, and ran to the table to start the meal. The expression on Pei Naochun's face was It was all filled with words that couldn't be described in a single word. The action of my son drinking porridge at the table was like swallowing the dates wholeheartedly.

What did that sentence say? You look really beautiful, but you look really embarrassed when you try to eat.

This storm eats fast, and Pei Naochun is slower than his son. He is a little anxious, but finds that his son at the entrance has tossed a new moth.

I saw that Pei Yangqing was the first to pick out shoes. In his shoe box, he found a pair of high-top sneakers. They were bright red and there were huge circular logos on both sides. This is normal. , But Pei Naochun couldn't understand the operation of tying shoelaces. He really didn't understand why he had to tie the shoelaces around his ankles, because he was afraid that the shoes would not be firm and accidentally fall off? How to look at it, this is not more beautiful, and why do you have to wear two shoelaces in the shoelace hole, is it possible that one is not long enough? In short, this is probably because neither Pei Naochun nor Yuan Shi can understand the aesthetics of teenagers.

Pei Naochun smiled reluctantly, and took his son into the car, ready to go to the school. On the way, he couldn't help talking to his son.

"Yang Qing, Dad is going to discuss something with you." This was the first plan that Pei Naochun had prepared, and he felt that he was 80% sure.

"What's the matter?" Pei Yangqing suddenly became alert. He had already prepared, and he was even a little proud. He didn't understand his father. inside.

Pei Naochun said immediately, "You know, although you are still only in the second year of junior high school, but soon..."

"But it will be the third year of junior high soon. After high school, the pressure of learning will be completely different. For the future, we should prepare early, check for deficiencies and make up for leaks, and don't let our future self regret it..." Pei Yangqing immediately took over and couldn't help flipping through the pages. He rolled his eyes and said, "Dad, you have said these words a thousand and one times, and your ears have grown calluses, don't you just want me to study hard? But it depends on talent, you have to recognize the reality, Your son, I don't have the ability to read."

Pei Naochun didn't listen, and continued to persuade his son: "That's right, you know, Dad's level was a high school dropout, and he came out to start a business. I plan to take an adult self-examination, but the basic level is too low. If it’s bad, I’ll think about it, I can study and make progress with you, so that in the future, I’ll use your textbook to study, and if there’s something I don’t understand, I’ll teach you when you come back from school.”

This is the plan he came up with after thinking about it for a while. It doesn't matter if the method is old or not, as long as it works. First, he should urge his son to study actively through his own and his son's study, and then, through repeated inquiries, to consolidate In my son's memory, the courses in junior high school are relatively simple. After high school, I will let my son study in a better school. Affected by the surrounding atmosphere, it is natural to work hard.

"You want to study our textbooks?" Pei Yangqing couldn't help but asked, and shook his head again, "Then why don't you know about tutoring? Just find a tutor."

"Don't you want money for a tutor?" Pei Naochun immediately praised his son, "Besides, your dad and I are so stupid, how can you be smart, just think about it, you can definitely guide me, son, this soldier has been raised for thousands of days, When you use the army for a while, your father and I will rely on you!"

Pei Yangqing was not corroded by sugar-coated cannonballs, he was calm: "Dad, I think you have misunderstood me, don't worry, I can't teach you, I can't read."

"That's not to say that, no matter what you do, you still read so many books than your father! You don't have to teach your father too much, as long as you can barely understand it, I believe you can do it, son!" Pei Nao Chun continued to throw good words, "You are my son, others don't know you, don't I know you?"

"No, I remember." Pei Yangqing responded very quickly, "I read the fax when I went to your office to play, didn't that XX university send a fax? It said that there is an MBA degree, and you can go as long as you pay. , you don't need to take the test yourself, just pay the money directly!"

Pei Naochun was almost overwhelmed by his son, and cleared his throat: "What's the matter? Think about it, your dad, of course, I hope that with my own efforts and knowledge, I can get a good grade in the test, and it's also true. If you learn a little knowledge, if you pay some money like that, even if you come back with a different degree, what's the use? Is this the truth?"

"...I don't know about that. Anyway, someone told me that I don't need to study to graduate. I'll pay for it." Pei Yangqing whispered, raising the volume during his father's questioning, "No, I didn't say anything. ."

Pei Naochun persuaded his son: "So, let's settle this matter like this, Yang Qing, go back in the evening and find your first year textbook for Dad to see, then you will be my teacher, I don’t understand and ask you, you can always test me with questions, but don’t let me catch up with your progress. When you become a teacher, you will be embarrassed if you can’t even pass the test, but it doesn’t matter, Dad. I believe you can do it."

Wait, sure enough, he said something was wrong.

Pei Yangqing, who was in the highest alert state, immediately reacted. He narrowed his eyes and quickly replied: "Why can't it be done? Dad, have you never heard of what it means to be better than blue? Even if you are really my student, take the test. Isn’t it normal that you are better than me? Our teachers often say that the happiest thing is to teach students who are better than themselves.”

"Besides..." Pei Yangqing felt that he had seen through his father's trick, and couldn't help laughing, "Isn't it normal for you to do better than me in the test? Dad, you must know that you are someone who has obtained a junior high school diploma. "

"This is all twenty years ago..."

"That's the same." Pei Yangqing waved his hand, "Besides, isn't it normal for adults to be stronger than children? You don't often say that, we have eaten more rice than you have eaten salt. It's so normal! I'm not ashamed, I don't have any shame. As long as you don't think that my teacher is useless, it's fine, but Dad, put the ugly words first, anyway, my textbooks are empty, and my head is empty. I can help you read the text, if you really expect me to teach you, then wait and see if I mislead your children." He spread his hands, looking helpless.

The car had already arrived, and Pei Naochun was speechless for a while. He could see that his son was serious, so he couldn't help but look back at Pei Yangqing: "Is it so difficult to read?" He was affected by the original body's emotions. I don't understand, how reading this is like cutting him with a thousand cuts.

"Yes, of course there is." Pei Yangqing got out of the car with the bag on his back, and couldn't help making a face at his father, with the light on his back, he was very excited, "Dad, just give up, anyway, study This thing is not suitable for me, nor has it been suitable for me." After he finished speaking, he ran away.

Pei Naochun, who remained in the carriage, couldn't help but patted his forehead. Well, he was knocked out and failed.

Could it be that he really wanted to use the trick of injuring the enemy by eight hundred and self-destructing eight thousand? That's the legend--

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