Good God, Stop!

: Chapter 49

Biquge, the quickest update is good, do n’t be a mess! [Rebirth] latest chapter!

After many days of easing, whether it is black rose or black, it finally quieted down in the passage of time. However, just on the morning of the game against the Seven Stars, a new article in the "Esports Times" published a report entitled "The Former Giants Fall Again-Behind the Black Rose Team Abandoned", again shifting the crowd. The concerns were pulled back.

The author of this report is the newly-emerged journalist Kong Yan. In the text, he analyzes the round of battle between the Hei Mei team and the Apocalypse team from various angles. The narrative is sophisticated and objective, and it is analyzed in a brutal way with a completely non-personal expression. After giving a reasonably good answer to the problem of You Jing state, the Black Rose team is afraid to Stopping here without the conclusion of the playoffs.

After the release of such a report, it can be said that a stone stirred up thousands of waves, so that everyone's attention was undoubtedly focused on the match between the Black Rose team and the Seven Star team that day.

Before that, if you want to randomly select a fan to ask the core of the Black Rose team, almost no one will hesitate to answer a person's name, You Jing.

Although as a priest player, You Jing has never stood on the stage of the individual competition, but as long as he is present, the team of the Black Rose team can be described as solid. Because of the existence of You Jing, no one has ever doubted the overall strength of the old strong team that Heimei has. However, without this captain, how far can this team go in the league? No one had imagined it before ...

Of course, after such an unfounded or even wishful thinking report came out, some people attacked the E-sports Times, believing that even such unilaterally guessed articles could be published without considering the consequences. It is an irresponsible performance of the magazine itself for professional teams. In order to get more powerful evidence to accuse Kong Yan of this clown borrowing hot spots to gain attention, he opened his eyes one by one and watched the game that day.

As an enthusiastic reader of the "Esports Times", Xu Yiming also saw this long story early in the morning, and was instantly frustrated. He shouted in the lounge: "I say that these writing hearts are really dirty than one, I remember that our team never offended that Kong Yan? Did he challenge us so much, did he want something? "

Xiao Li also glanced at the newspaper just now, and after looking at the general content, his face was not very good-looking: "Which sponsor of the" Esports Times "? When I go back today to make a phone call to the old man to find a chance to buy it, Custody keeps them from eating. "

Lin Xiao was snoring, and he looked at him silently: "Big boss, it's very easy for you to have such a wealthy person to have no friends."

Li Bochuan pushed the door into the lounge without paying attention to the noise of several people: "It's time to play."


The atmosphere in the stadium was extremely high. After the players from both sides entered the stadium, the original hot mood was suddenly rendered to the highest point.

This is not the first time Lin Xiao feels about this competitive stage, but it is the first time that he has stood as a player under this hot light after becoming the current "Lin Xiao". Looking up, you can see the star-like lights dripping from the ceiling of the stadium, and you can accidentally glance at the Shen Chang who walked in front and suddenly looked back at him intricately. When the four eyes are opposite, the arc of the corner of the mouth cannot help A lot more intense.

Before the game, the players of the two sides shook hands and paid tribute to each other. After seeing each other's players, the captain of the Seven Stars team Wei Chengzhe flashed a surprise, and the corners of his mouth still kept a polite smile: "You team, it looks like the team There are many new faces. "

Xiao Li, one of the new faces, smiled slightly more calmly when he heard the words than the blushing and shy look of Zou Yanguan, the second of the new faces. At this time, his black uniform made the slender figure look more upright and beautiful. With that handsome face, many female fans of the Black Rose team could not help paying attention. As for Lin Xiao, the third of the new faces, seeing that he had already shivered in front of him, he yawned secretly, his face looked a little sleepy.

In the face of Wei Chengzhe's words, You Jing faintly responded, and the attitude of response was particularly official: "I am looking forward to today's exciting showdown."

Already accustomed to the indifferent attitude of Captain Hei Mei, Wei Chengzhe just smiled.

After the two players stepped down, they entered their respective players' seats, and the individual match was officially launched in the limelight.

In the first game, Shen Chang and the summoner of the Black Rose team faced the assassin of the seven-star team Tang Qian.

At the beginning Shen Chang and the radical style of Tang Qian's face suddenly fell into a passive position, but then he used the terrain's extremely difficult **** angle problem to directly induce the other assassin's body to be exposed. He keenly grasped this fleeting momentary opportunity, turned the situation around, and then took two drops of blood in a row, winning the first round of the individual game directly. Black Rose leads 0-1.

As if influenced by his own deputy captain, the players who came after the Black Rose team won the remaining two individual matches in succession.

Compared with Xu Yichen's 2-1 victory, Xiao Li, who played for the first time, was completely pressed against the old player Wei Chengzhe from start to finish, so that when the victory was scored by 2: 0, it was even less than 10 minutes.

Faced with such an unexpected result, the audience boiled.

If the id of "laughing sky" was just a temperatureless impression for many people before this, then at this moment, all the audience present and viewers in all areas of the live broadcast are the first Really felt why this person can occupy the top of the ladder ladder all year round.

Xiao Li did not show any strategic rules from the beginning to the end of the duel. To put it bluntly, to say that he is playing a league game, more like a high-end ladder battle live broadcast in the audience. .

From the beginning, he went straight to the coordinate position in the middle of the map without any tactics. Next, he simply stood in an empty ice field to the extreme, waiting for Wei Chengzhe to appear brightly. There is no concealment around the coordinates he has chosen, which makes Wei Chengzhe's sneak attack from any angle seem extraordinarily unpretentious. Then, it is destined to be a positive victory on hard power.

As the captain of the Seven-Star Team, Wei Chengzhe has not always been a tactical player. The main focus is on the tricky gameplay. Now facing a newcomer who is playing for the first time, as a senior, naturally there is no reason to be too wary of vigilance. However, in the course of the battle, he soon discovered that no matter how he launched an offensive in an unexpected time, the opponent can always deal with it or even launch a counterattack in the first time.

However, what makes Wei Chengzhe feel hematemic is that such a keen reaction is obviously not because his opponent has mastered his premeditation in advance, but it is completely out of an almost unthinkable instinct. Even after knowing it, it is still enough to make the best response in the first place. This is a kind of sharp reflection arc like a wild animal ...

Wei Chengzhe lost, but he was convinced. He shook hands with Xiao Li and was very emotional, but praised: "You are very talented."

Faced with this recognition, and the thunderous applause obtained in the end, Xiao Li felt very satisfied. Almost all the way back to the player's bench with a humming minor, when Lin Xiao stood up slowly, patted his shoulder with a smile on his face and said, "Come on."

Lin Xiao glanced at him and chuckled: "That's a must."

The successive defeats in the individual games have made the atmosphere in the Seven Stars team look very depressed.

At this time, the team's starting list is displayed on the big screen in the center. Jiang Shiqi, who was about to enter the game, was quietly cheering himself up, glanced at the big screen inadvertently, and suddenly stood up again at this moment. In place.

Wei Chengzhe, who just left the game, noticed the difference in his expression, and couldn't help asking: "What's wrong?"

Jiang Shiqi slowly pulled the corner of his mouth and said, "Wei team, do you remember the one I mentioned to you a few days ago with Tang Qian, a very powerful ladder passerby?"

Wei Chengzhe nodded: "Remember, I'm ready to let Manager Chen find a chance to contact. At this time, what to do and what to do, go back to this thing, you have to play well!"

"It feels like ... there is no need to contact anymore." Jiang Shiqi recalled the green victory record that was full of pages at that time, and suddenly felt deeply worried about the next team game. "He is now on the list of the Black Rose team, That is, that ghost is cute ... "

Wei Chengzhe heard that he was surprised to cast his eyes on the big screen in the center of the field.


At the same time, in the training base of the Liuyun team, Yan Lingjiang, who was sitting in front of the computer screen with his teammates, felt his head warm when he saw the word "Lin Xiao", until he saw the live broadcast screen. When the extra-familiar figure appeared inside, he finally crooked and fell to the ground amidst his teammates' chaos.

On the other side of the Apocalypse training base, the focus of each team member was whether You Jing was really injured. However, after seeing the unfamiliar id on the battle list, Song Lan couldn't help whispering: "What's going on, so crucial In the game, the team of black roses actually used new people one after another? Even if the sky was laughing, where did the ghost come from?

This kind of vomiting should be nodded by other players for a while, laughing and joking at each other, and then Lengding remembered a voice that didn't smell moody: "What you said just now, Ghost Mengmeng?"

The entire team of the Apocalypse team was still chatting about Gua Zi, and when they looked back at Yan Duzhou, they suddenly stood up conditionedly. However, their captain's eyes were deeper than usual at this time, and they felt a tight breath. Apart from a subconscious nod, he even forgot to answer.

Yan Duzhou's sight has now fallen on the computer screen of the live event.

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