Good God, Stop!

: Chapter 76

Biquge, the quickest update is good, do n’t be a mess! [Rebirth] latest chapter!

Feng Yu Zhang's in the individual competition was indeed beyond Lin Xiao's expectations, but in a way, it can be said to be unexpected.

The rookie, who has been quite well-reviewed at that time, has made great progress in terms of combat style and precision of operation. Today, as one of the major players in the major teams, Lin Xiao really has a bit of practical interest.

During the process of debugging the device, Lin Xiao's ten fingers touched the keyboard and felt this extremely comfortable tapping feeling, and he couldn't help feeling pleased.

The feeling of changing a new device is almost going to fly!

After the ban election, the map left behind is the tomb scare.

After the opponents select their equipment in the equipment library, load a map copy.

Zhang Fengyu operated the black mage mad fish, and as soon as the loading was completed, he started to travel on the map. His movement process is not as fast as many players, but when looking down from the map directly above, you can find that each of his walks is stuck at a predetermined point. The overall route alone has an indescribable subtlety. sense.

As an early-famous professional player, Zhang Fengyu has played a vital role in the Liuyun team almost from the beginning. In the e-sports league, over the years, it has gradually received more attention from the teams. .

What is more interesting is that although Zhang Fengyu and Yan Duzhou are both black mage professional players, no one has ever compared them together. It is not that he has insufficient qualifications, but because the operations of the two men are completely different style routines.

If Yan Duzhou has always been known for his fierce Ling Ling's offensive flow style, then Zhang Fengyu belongs to a strict and orderly rigorous group. Just because of the unpredictable rhythm of the offensive at that time, it often makes people feel Very big head. Because of this, in the process of investigation and interview, the value of Zhang Fengyu's irritability had once surpassed Yan Duzhou and remained high.

The Tomb Raider is not the most complicated of all battle maps, but it is also full of unknowns that can be used for surprise.

"Vice Vice-Chan, it doesn't make sense to go around the corner, why don't we have a showy showdown? ^ _ ^ ~" Lin Xiao greeted the map channel first.

"The proposal is good." Zhang Fengyu replied politely, but the operation did not pull down at all.

"If you accept the proposal, you should abide by it. Dayan likes an upright man like me, so I would be disapproved of such insincerity." Lin Xiao said.

"Oh, thank you for reminding me." Zhang Fengyu replied, his eyes were more dignified, and he became more vigilant about the surrounding changes during the movement.

He was more concerned about another meaning than the ridiculous meaning implied in the discourse.

From the content of the conversation, it sounds like he has fully grasped his whereabouts?

Compared to Zhang Fengyu's calmness, Yan Lingjiang couldn't calm down in the first place after feeling the sight of all sides suddenly gathering in the players' seats. However, the attention of too many people deviated from him strangely, so that he had to swallow the swear words to his mouth, staring angrily at the figure in the corner of the big screen, only cursing in his heart: "I rely on, Lin Xiao, after the game today, don't run! I don't see Lao Tzu counting with your new account today!"

"Don't be distracted, focus on watching the game." Seeing that he was obviously absent-minded, Wen Shuqing had to remind him.

"Yes, Team Wen!" Yan Lingjiang was shocked, and he was so busy, he looked up and couldn't help screaming. "When did the boy go around!"

At this moment, the hearts of many viewers have already hanged in their throats. The fans of the Liuyun team are naturally worried that their own sub-team will be overshadowed, and the fans of the Black Rose team are holding a optimistic mentality.

Just now, the two sides of the battle were carrying out operations while they were talking. When the crowd returned, Gui Mengmeng had unknowingly followed behind the mad fish. How did he travel like this? It's really reminiscent, it's really a little scratching for a while.

Liuyun fans who watched the game were so annoyed in their hearts that they have seen shameless people, and they have never seen such shameless people. What kind of righteousness is this! ? It's just an ambush after hiding behind the ambush! The hand was so cold that it was better to speak than to sing.

Facing such a sudden attack by Lin Xiao, Zhang Fengyu's response seemed extremely methodical. After throwing an ice barrier in front of him to offset the next wave of skills, the crazy fish first chanted several skills to fight back. Take a few steps backwards with ease.

This distance is unbiased. It just happened to be within 0.1 yards of the Ghost Taoist cast range. Except for the small half-blood blood that was dropped after eating a few skills at the front end, it did not suffer more additional damage. On the contrary, it was Guimengmeng. The blood of this sneak attack was worthy of almost the same amount of blood due to the two small skills of the black mage the previous time, and it did not take any advantage.

Such a response was a model textbook for the black mage, and a burst of warm applause broke out at the scene.

Zhang Fengyu was not at all slack, because he had discovered that the opposite ghost Taoist had disappeared from the coordinate point of the previous moment after the skill was over, and once again successfully avoided his vision.

The position of this person ...

His eyebrows could not help twisting seriously.

Lin Xiao did not go too far this time. Instead, he started the ghost and walked around in a circle. In a blink of an eye, he reached the position behind the black mage again.

From this situation, it seems that it is exactly the same as before.

Viewing the whole world through God's perspective, the audience could see it clearly, and some suspicions came to their hearts.

Is this, ready to repeat the previous scene again?

"I said, Vice President Zhang, you have such a fast response speed, there must be no object yet? ^ _ ^ ~" Lin Xiao was talking, and the staff in his hand had begun to rise again, singing and casting in place.

Obviously, it was a very tense atmosphere, but when they saw the bright smile on the map channel, the audience felt a lot of pain because they were too distorted.

Fast response means no object? This seems to make very reasonable conclusions in the professional league is definitely not pulling hatred! ? You know, Zhang Fengyu's reaction speed can't be regarded as first-rate. If judged by him, should all players known for their speed of hand be greeted for how many years they are single? Hello!

Of course, this is not the point.

The point is that the skills chanted by Gui Mengmeng this time are clearly a big move of ghost priests, and all ghosts are empty.

The current position of the mad fish happens to be on the edge of the spell-casting skills. It only needs to take a step forward, which is enough to make this big skill directly fall short.

However, when Liuyun fans strongly prayed that Zhang Fengyu moved half a step casually, the crazy fish did take a step under his operation, but the direction of this step was not far from the position of Guimengmeng. Instead it was one step closer.

When they saw the curtain covering all sides rising from the feet of the mad fish, the fans of Liuyun who watched the game could not help but agitated.

From the beginning to the end, he clearly saw the beginning of all this. The tone of Xu Qingyu on the commentary table seemed a little sneer: "It seems that Lin Xiao was not prepared to take advantage of the previous wave of attacks from the beginning. On the contrary, Just to use this wave of attacks to create an illusion to induce Zhang Fengyu to fall into a trap. "

Xiaowu was a little bit lost because of this sudden change of situation, and he was even more surprised when he heard the words: "Do you mean that Lin Xiao had already done this step that Zhang Fengyu would have taken before?"

Xu Qingxuan smiled with emotion: "I'm afraid that's right. In the previous wave of competition, Zhang Fengyu showed us that he has nearly perfect control over every delicate value, but it is also because it is too difficult to calculate. It was too fine, but on the contrary, he made an inference that the other party wanted him to make, so he had the small step he just moved. "

Xiao Wu said in tongues: "Speaking of this, Zhang Fengyu was used because of his precise calculations that he is best at?"

Xu Qingxun nodded: "Someone previously speculated that this Lin Xiao player had the shadow of the old ghost. If everything was just a coincidence, not to mention how strong his strength is, it must be admitted that it is indeed A top-tier player. "

As the official commentary of the national service, Xu Qingying has faced many rookie players since he retired after entering the industry, but it is indeed very valuable to get such high evaluation from his mouth. .

The audience is very familiar with this strict official commentary, and he has always agreed with his opinions, but at this moment, although after listening to his analysis, I do feel that the operation of directly opening the big move at that moment is really masterful. Not the kind of rookie-level operation that likes to start with a big move, but once you think of the ridiculous ridicules on the map channel just now, there is really no way to stand up for it ...

Some former supporters of the old ghosts have already protested on the barrage. The main idea is how masterful their great Lin team is. How can it be compared with this deadly rookie ghost Taoist priest? Even if there are similarities in the fighting styles, but judging from this conversation, it's clear that this dazzling and cheap product is not at a level!

These barrage Lin Xiao is naturally invisible at this moment. If he can really see it, he may not even think about it. At that time, because of the financial tightness of the club, he had to work hard to suppress his nature to create a charisma. The image of the captain is still remembered by enthusiastic fans after so many years.

It's not just Lin Xiao who didn't expect that some old players who were watching this game in front of the screen saw these mighty barrage troops with expressions on their faces.

Speaking of the year, Lin Xiao's idol bag created for the club to create income is not always carried on his body. For example, those professional players who have had close contact with his deity in private know all about his true attributes. However, in the overall difficult environment at the time, as professional players, they could understand each other's hardships, so they have not tacitly revealed his true colors. At this time in an interview with the media, the players of the major teams always mentioned that the old ghost would always have a stomachache, but he still had to keep smiling when facing the camera.

Looking back now, it is really an inexhaustible period of passion ...

In the battle room, just after dazzling with the dazzling skills, Zhang Fengyu's first blood was taken away, Lin Xiao suddenly raised his head somehow, and sneezed heavily.

He reached out and rubbed the tip of his nose: "Aller, who is thinking of me?"

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