4 18th.

Yan Jing, Xia Guo Ministry of Science and Technology.

Spacious and bright meeting room.

Hundreds of department staff gathered together.

Above the Lord's Seat.

Chen Zhi, the head of the company, said slowly: "The main responsibilities of our department are to formulate the national innovation-driven development strategy and scientific and technological development, coordinate and promote the construction of the national innovation system and the reform of the scientific and technological system, and work with relevant departments to improve the incentive mechanism for technological innovation.

Just last year, Rainbow University established 25 key laboratories and 25 engineering technology research centers.

These 50 scientific research institutions all need to be qualified by us.

See whether it meets the evaluation standards of the national brand laboratory. "

The voice fell.

Everyone present nodded in understanding.

The State Key Laboratory and the National Engineering Technology Research Center must be authorized by the Ministry of Science and Technology if they want to become a "national brand".

With the authorization of the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Every year, the Ministry of Science and Technology will give these "national brand" scientific research units a large amount of scientific research funds.

On the big screen in the conference room.

An email appears.

The subject of the email is "Report on the Application for Qualification of the State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Technology of Rainbow University".

The content reads: Rainbow University has completed the construction of the Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Technology, and has passed the audit of the National Certification Supervision and Administration Center, and hereby applies to the Ministry of Science and Technology of Xia for the authorization of the State Key Laboratory.

In the annex, there are a series of 23 application materials, guidance documents, and documents.

Each document is engraved with the official seal of Rainbow University, the official seal of Qindao, the official seal of the Shandong Provincial Department of Science and Technology, the official seal of the National Laboratory and Testing Regulatory Agency, and the official seal of the National Certification Management and Supervision Center.

All application procedures are readily available.

See here.

Everyone present nodded again.

The Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Technology of Rainbow University has complete application procedures.

In accordance with the evaluation standards of the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Once the documents are complete, they will be submitted to the expert group for review.

The team of experts travels to the laboratory after an on-site assessment.

The laboratory can be officially authorized by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Xia Kingdom.

At this point, the screen pans.

"Rainbow University State Key Laboratory of Low-Dimensional Quantum Physics Qualification Application Report!"

"Rainbow University State Key Laboratory of Turbulence and Complex Systems Qualification Application Report!"

"Rainbow University Protein and Plant Gene Research State Key Laboratory Qualification Application Report!"

"Qualification Application Report of the State Key Laboratory of Artificial Microstructure and Mesoscopic Physics, Rainbow University!"

"Rainbow University Regional Optical Fiber Communication Network and New Optical Communication System State Key Laboratory Qualification Application Report!"


"Rainbow University National Photosensitive Materials Engineering Technology Research Center Qualification Application Report!"

"Rainbow University National Maglev Transportation Engineering Technology Research Center Qualification Application Report!"

"Rainbow University National Data Broadcasting Engineering Technology Research Center Qualification Application Report!"

"Rainbow University National Computer Integrated Manufacturing System Engineering Technology Research Center Qualification Application Report!"


Dense documents.

It's all emails from Rainbow University.

It covers 25 national key laboratories and 25 national engineering technology research centers.

There are 50 scientific research units, with a wide variety of disciplines, involving military, national defense, engineering, medicine, energy, information, aviation, aerospace and other disciplines.

Above the Lord's Seat.

Chen Zhi said bluntly: "I have been to these scientific research institutions of Rainbow University.

Realistically speaking, these scientific and technological institutions are in line with the national brand authorization standards.

At the moment, what they lack is just a review process. "

Hearing this, everyone echoed it.

Without the authorization of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the name is not justified.

If you want to truly have the title of a national brand, you must go through the process.

Chen Zhi continued: "The accreditation of Rainbow University scientific research institutions is our top priority in the future.

I decided to send all the experts from the department to Kotoshima for the review.

In addition, the Ministry of Science and Technology of Xia Guo will also deploy hundreds of experts from major universities to Qindao.

We want to authorize these scientific research institutions as soon as possible!"

"Yes, Chief!"

Everyone present responded in unison.


The other side.

Xia Guo Development and Reform of the Weft Members' Association.

Inside the conference room. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

All the staff gathered together.

Director Ding Bai looked at everyone: "The qualification application reports of 25 national engineering laboratories and 25 national engineering research centers of Rainbow University have passed the preliminary examination.

Next, we will immediately ask experts from various fields to go to Qindao for on-site audit.

At the same time, we will seconded hundreds of experts from various universities to assist in on-site audits. "

"Yes, Director!"

Everyone present said in unison.

Xia Guo Development and Latitude Committee is responsible for the authorized review of the National Engineering Laboratory and the National Engineering Research Center.

At the same time, Rainbow University applied for the title of 50 "national brand" scientific research units.

It puts a lot of work on them.


It is a good thing to review scientific research institutions.

The busier they are, the more they represent the level of science and technology and engineering in Xia Kingdom, which is improving rapidly!


Since the end of 4.

Experts from the Ministry of Science and Technology of Xia Guo and the Xia Guo Development and Reform Association gathered in the scientific research park of Rainbow University.

Expert groups in various subject areas.

They are required to identify the various scientific research equipment of scientific research institutions, as well as to review and evaluate scientific research institutions.

Each expert group held on-site evaluation meetings for qualification certification in the scientific research park of Rainbow University again and again, and conducted a three-day on-site experiment.

On-site experiments, including blind sample assessment, personnel comparison, instrument comparison, sample retest, witness test, operation demonstration and other 2 categories, 6 sub-categories and 16 tests.

After all the formalities have been passed.

The expert group will announce that the scientific research institution has reached the national standard and has been officially authorized to be recognized.

The equipment of the 100 scientific research units in the scientific research park of Rainbow University is the top in the world, and it is impossible to find the slightest flaw.


4 bottoms.

The Ministry of Science and Technology of Xia Guo and the Xia Guo Development and Reform Association jointly held a press conference.

At the press conference.

Ding Bai announced that 25 national engineering laboratories and 25 national engineering research centers of Rainbow University were officially authorized by the Xia Guo Development and Reform Latitude Association.

Chen Zhi announced that the 25 national key laboratories and 25 national engineering technology research centers of Rainbow University were officially authorized by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Xia Guo.

After obtaining the authorization of the national brand.

Each of the 100 national No. 667 scientific research units of Rainbow University can receive 6 million yuan a year of national scientific research funds.


After the press conference.

There was a sensation in all walks of life.

As of April 2017.

The country has 255 national key laboratories, 167 national engineering laboratories, 120 national engineering research centers, and 294 national engineering technology research centers.

And now......

Light is Rainbow University.

There are 25 national key laboratories, 25 national engineering laboratories, 25 national engineering research centers, and 25 national engineering technology research centers, which have been authorized by the national brand!

100 "national brand" scientific research institutions, equivalent to 11.96% of the previous national scientific research units!

What an exaggeration?


The number of scientific research institutions of Rainbow University surpassed Huaqing Yanda and became the university with the largest number of "national brand" scientific research institutions in Xia Kingdom!


on social media.

Netizens sighed with emotion.

"Oh my God! 100 national scientific research units!"

"Cow, cow, Rainbow University is a god in a battle!"

"Originally, the field of scientific research in the university community should be headed by Huaqing Yanda. But now, Rainbow University is coming from behind!"

"That's right! Now all the scientific research institutions of Huaqing Yan University are combined, and they are less than half of Rainbow University!"

"Not to mention Hua Qingyan, even Harvard, MIT, and scientific research units are not as many as Rainbow University!"

"It's really hard to imagine that a village-run university would be so strong in the field of scientific research!"

"Our country has so many national scientific research units all of a sudden, and the national science and technology will usher in a take-off in the future!"

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