End of April.

The sun is shining.

Three cars were parked in front of the village committee of Rainbow Village.

More than ten cadres from Langya Town stepped out of the car.

Fang Yun, Zhao Jianguo and others greeted them as soon as possible.

"Welcome Lord Zhao, come to Rainbow Village to inspect!".

Among the many cadres, the heroic woman led by her said with a smile: "Village Chief Fang, the construction of your Rainbow Village is really good, and the Rainbow Avenue is still fresh in people's memory!"

"The town lord praised it!"

Fang Yun said very modestly.

Zhao Xueting got straight to the point and said: "Village Chief Fang, I'm very curious about your Rainbow Village, let's go!"

Fang Yun nodded, and began to take the leaders to visit the various infrastructure projects in the village in turn.

The first stop of the inspection was the Rainbow Village Domestic Waste Treatment Station.


household waste disposal station looks like a small modern factory.

At this moment, many sanitation workers are driving electric garbage trucks and constantly sending them to the domestic garbage treatment station.

Fang Yun introduced: "Leaders, the domestic waste treatment station in front of you covers an area of 500 square meters.

There is a 10-ton waste incinerator inside.

The equipment can pyrolysis and gasification incineration garbage at high temperature, solve the domestic garbage and kitchen waste in our village, and carry out the secondary utilization of resources.

It adopts the domestic advanced domestic waste incineration treatment technology.

Domestic waste is directly sent to the incineration system for high-temperature combustion.

The equipment has the main body of the processor, the exhaust gas purification system, the spray diversion system, the integrated control cabinet and other facilities and equipment, and the garbage disposal capacity can reach 10 tons per day.

The completion of the domestic garbage treatment station can solve the domestic garbage problem of 500 households in our village.

At the same time, it can significantly improve the ecological environment of the village, make the sky bluer, the water clearer, the environment more beautiful, and return the people to the most beautiful village!".

Hear this.

Everyone present nodded in satisfaction.

Zhao Xueting asked: "Village Chief Fang, I heard that during the waste incineration process, a harmful gas called dioxin is produced, which should be very polluting to the environment, right?"

"Don't worry!".

Fang Yunning said: "Traditional waste incineration does produce a large amount of waste gas and solid residue.

However, the domestic waste treatment station in our village has strict flue gas emission indicators, which are fully in line with international standards.

After the exhaust gas has been purified and meets the standards, we will discharge it to the outside world.

As for the solid residue after waste incineration, it will go through strict secondary treatment.

Eventually, these residues will become building aggregates and unburned bricks for the construction of the terminal facilities in Rainbow Village.

Kitchen waste, on the other hand, becomes fertilizer after special treatment, making the farmland more fertile. "

Hearing this, Zhao Xueting exclaimed: "This domestic waste treatment station in your Rainbow Village has been in front of all the villages in Langya Town in the field of green environmental protection, and I hope you will continue to maintain it!"

Other leaders present also praised one after another.


After leaving the household waste disposal station.

The crowd began to visit the major infrastructure of Rainbow Village.

Now, nearly 80 days have passed since the development and construction of Rainbow Village.

Most of the construction projects have already been completed.

The Rainbow Village Power Grid Project has been renovated.

The 4G network in Rainbow Village has covered the entire village.


dredging and remediation work of the river in Rainbow Village has been completed.

The public toilet in Rainbow Village has been completed, and the construction of a beautiful countryside has entered the countryside.

The sewage treatment station in Rainbow Village has been built to reduce the pollution to the natural environment in an all-round way.

The Rainbow Village Farmers' Market, Cultural Square, Cultural and Sports Center, Senior Activity Center, Banquet Hall, and Fitness Park have all been completed and put into use.


Stroll along the village lanes.

As far as the eye can see, there are green trees everywhere.

The bright stone revetment and the clear river water reflect each other, forming a beautiful landscape.

The leaders of Langya Town were amazed.

Fang Yun introduced from the side: "Leaders, our village committee has planted 1,000 trees in the entire Rainbow Village.

The roads in the village are no longer dusty and muddy, and all the roads have been built into spacious and clean concrete roads.

With the increase in the number of cars in the village.

We have also planned parking spaces in the village, using existing road resources to plan 400 parking spaces.

At the same time, we have opened 2 temporary parking lots to further meet the parking needs of villagers and foreign vehicles.

Every morning, noon and evening, 100 small loudspeakers and 10 loudspeakers in the village will broadcast village news, farmers' market prices, and the latest policies.

The village also spent 800,000 yuan to buy two school buses that meet national standards to pick up and drop off children to school in the morning and evening.

At the door of each villager's house, there are two garbage cans, one for kitchen waste and one for household garbage.

The village sanitation workers drive electric garbage trucks to deliver the garbage to the domestic garbage disposal station. "

The voice fell.

Zhao Xueting praised: "Village Chief Fang, the new rural construction of your Rainbow Village has become a benchmark for Langya Town!"

You have painted a brilliant prospect for the cause of rural revitalization and pointed out the direction for rural work. "



The crowd went to visit the farmland of Rainbow Village.

At this moment, the rapeseed in the field has been harvested and early rice seedlings have been planted.

Zhao Xueting glanced at the farmland and said suspiciously: "Village Chief Fang, why are there ditches dug in the farmland?"

Fang Yun explained with a smile: "Lord Zhao, this year, we in Rainbow Village have realized the co-cultivation of rice and crabs.

For each acre of farmland, ring ditches will be dug around it for the growth of rice crabs.

In another half a month, the Rainbow Village Food Cooperative will put crab seedlings in the rice fields.

In the co-cultivation of rice fields, rice and hairy crabs can each take what they need.

Hairy crabs can remove by-products from rice fields, such as rice flowers, rotten leaves, and some pests, and their excrement can be used as fertilizer to feed rice growth.

In addition, we will plant some more soybeans on the ridges of the rice fields.

Rice, crab and bean, the trinity, coexist and symbiosis, forming a diversified composite ecosystem, so that land resources can be effectively utilized. "


Zhao Xueting said with a smile: "This year's rape yield in Rainbow Village has set a national record.

Now that you have carried out symbiotic farming of rice and crabs, you can undoubtedly better generate agricultural income.

By the way, with rapeseed, you can earn at least more than 80 million yuan.

What does Rainbow Village decide to do with this money?".

Fang Yun said truthfully: "We will use part of the funds for the construction of the village.

The other part of the fund, we will advance the land dividends of the villagers before the Chinese New Year.

In this way, it will be possible to achieve double income generation for both the villagers and the village-level collective!".

Hearing this, everyone admired and agreed.

They all felt that this visit to Rainbow Village was worth the trip!

The current Rainbow Village is already a top existence in 1 community and 56 administrative villages in Langya Town.

In their opinion.

Rainbow Village has large-scale and mechanized agricultural production, a clean and tidy rural living environment, and a collective economy that gathers the whole village.

It won't take long.

Rainbow Village can become the best new countryside in Langya Town!


The next day.

The official of Langya Town, on the official account, played a video of Zhao Xueting and others inspecting Rainbow Village.

Spacious two-way 12 lanes, village farmers' market, cultural and sports center, cultural square, elderly activity center, domestic garbage disposal station, rest hall, farmland water conservancy irrigation project, 4G network full coverage, rice and crab co-cultivation, luxurious rainbow banquet hall ......

This scene after scene.

It left a deep impression on all the residents of Langya Town.

The current Rainbow Village is simply terrifying!

In this regard, the residents sighed from the bottom of their hearts.

Why doesn't their village have such a good village chief?

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to rush immediately(Event Period: August 10 to August 20)

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