4 25th.

Modu Jiaotong University.

Luo Wei, doctoral supervisor, used the campus intranet to log in to the library database of the university to view the latest issue of the nature journal "Nature".

Nature journals are weekly magazines that publish 20 to 25 papers per issue.

Recently, Luo Wei has supervised students to publish papers and submit them to Nature.

He was curious to know.

This week's journal has no papers from his students.

Just clicked on the cover of the journal.

What catches my eye is the first paper: "Revealing the Earth's Early Continental Crust ~ Origin".

The author of the paper, Zhang Ou, created the zircon oxygen fugacity-hygrometer, and systematically determined the magmatic oxygen fugitivity and water content of the Archean (2.54 billion years ago) granitic rocks based on this method, and found that it was similar to modern island arc magma, indicating the existence of Archean subduction-action.

This achievement is of great significance for revealing the origin of early continents, the initiation of plate tectonics, and the formation of critical metal mineral resources.

After Luo Weizhi browsed the paper, he was extremely emotional.

Today's young people are amazing!


Xu Feng continued to browse through other papers.

"High-efficiency all-perovskite tandem solar cells" - Li Ya (Rainbow University).

In the paper, Li Ya's research on the all-perovskite tandem cell set a world record for the efficiency of the cell.

Xu Feng was very surprised by this.

Xia Guo has always lagged behind the international in the field of perovskite solar cells.


This student named Li Ya is in the field of photovoltaics, opening up the boundaries for Xia Guo.

The editorial department of Nature spoke highly of this paper, saying that it was one of the ten advances in the field of semiconductors and optics in Xia.


Xu Feng continued to watch the paper.

The third paper, titled "Quantum Logic of Spin Qubits Crossing Surface Code Thresholds," was written by Feng Ge, a student at Rainbow University.

Ge Feng uses a cryogenic control chip to concentrate spin qubits and traditional electrical control and reading systems on the same chip to achieve 99 fidelity of silicon quantum computing.

The fourth paper, titled "Direct Mapping of Attosecond Electron Dynamics," was written by Zhao Yuan, a student at Rainbow University.

Zhao Yuan directly measured the subperiodic dynamics of electrons through the femtosecond light field, and realized the spatiotemporal synchronization of electrons and lasers through the interaction of high-contrast femtosecond laser and plasma mirror.

The fifth paper, titled "Fully Flexible Fabric Display System", was written by Yang Yao, a student at Rainbow University.

Yang Yao used the interweaving points of polymer composite fibers to construct multi-functional miniature light-emitting devices, revealed the unique mechanism of electric field distribution at the interface of high-curvature fibers, solved the problems of uniform coating of active materials on the surface of smooth fibers and the stability of fiber electrode interfaces, and took the lead in realizing flexible display fabrics and their intelligent integrated systems in the world.

See here.

Luo Wei found that the quality of the papers in this issue of the Nature journal was outrageously high.

Compared with.

His students' papers are far from being comparable to these high-end papers.

Sure enough.

The journal's next papers are all top papers in various fields, and no students of their own are on the list.

The most exaggerated.

Among the 20 papers in this issue, there are 18 papers, and the first authors are all students of Rainbow University.



Luo Wei clicked on the latest issue of the scientific journal Science.

In this week's journal, it was also dominated by Rainbow Students.

Science: The Global Ocean Is Warming Rapidly – Author: Bing Xue (Xia Guo Rainbow University).

"Science: Reconstructing the Ancestors of Eubacteria!" - Author: Xiao Qi (Xia Guo Rainbow University).

"Science: Pointing out a New Dimension for Two-Dimensional Magnetic Manipulation" -- Author: Hu Hui (Xia Guo Rainbow University).

"Science: Ultrafast Pulse Laser Welding Ceramic Materials" - Author: Liu Zimo (Xia Guo Rainbow University).

"Science: Application Potential of Thermoelectric Energy Conversion Technology" - Author: Min Pan (Xia Guo Rainbow University).

Science: The first verification of general relativity at the millimeter scale - Author: Xiang Peng (Xia Guo Rainbow University).

"Science: Revealing a Single-Cell Atlas of Human Striatum Development!" - Author: Tang Li (Xia Guo Rainbow University).

"Science: Reversible Epitaxial Growth Electrodeposition of Metals in Battery Anodes" - Author: Yupeng Liao (Rainbow University, Xia).

Science: Discovering a New Mechanism for the Synergistic Regulation of Rice Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency—Author: Fu Rui (Xia Guo Rainbow University).


Luo Wei was very emotional when he saw that so many papers by Rainbow students were included.

Science, as a top academic journal, each paper is the latest research results in various subject areas.

But now......

The students of Rainbow University are as easy to publish as if they are eating and drinking.

Luo Wei can be regarded as well-informed.

But this time I was still deeply shocked.

Finally, he clicked on the latest issue of the CE11 cell journal.

In the journal, the papers are also dominated by rainbow students, and the academic field is incredible!

As a contrast.

From 1998 to 2014.

The university with the largest number of papers published in Ce11, Nature and Science in China is Huaqing University.

Huaqing University has published a total of 60 CNS papers.

Students from Rainbow University have 45 papers included in this issue of CNS journal.

In this regard, Luo Feng was both shocked and relieved. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

What shocked me is that the academic level of Rainbow students is stronger than any university in China at this stage.

Fortunately, the higher the level of Rainbow students, the higher the academic level of the entire Xia Kingdom.



Luo Wei looked at the Journal of Ophthalmology. []

In the top journals "The Lancet", "New Eagle Grand Medical Journal", "Journal of the United States Medical Association", and "Eagle Country Medical Journal", there are a large number of papers by rainbow students.

There are also papers by Rainbow Students in top journals in various academic fields.

See this spectacle.

Luo Wei has long had nothing to say.

In a short period of time, Rainbow Student's papers were wildly swiped in top journals.

That's really incredible.


At the same time.

All major media news are vying to report.

"Genius Scientist Blowout, Rainbow University Becomes the Hope of Education!"

"If the youth is strong, Xia Guoqiang will be strong!Rainbow students become the pillars of the country!"

"The Rise of All Disciplines!Rainbow Students Dominate the Top Journals!"

"Rainbow University has become the pride of the Chinese people!"

"Invincible Village Education!Rainbow Students Become Student Role Models!"


Domestic university circles.

The students of all schools looked stupid.

What's the situation?

Recently, 45 papers from Rainbow University have been included in CNS journals.

In their conventional impressions.

During his undergraduate years, he published articles in CNS journals, and he was a well-deserved scholar.

During his master's degree, he published an article in a CNS journal, which is the mentor's own son, the face of the school.

During my Ph.D., I published articles in CNS journals, and it was easy to go to a prestigious university abroad.

But these rainbow students are all undergraduates!

Do you want to be so?

In high school career, top students are the focus of envy.

In his college career, the top students are also respected and admired.

Moreover, there are material rewards for the top students in the university.

Published papers in Nature, Science, and Ce11 will be rewarded with 500,000 yuan!

Published papers in Nature, Science, and Ce11 with an impact factor of more than 20 will be rewarded with 200,000 yuan for one paper!


In order to motivate students, some schools even give cash prizes of 1 million yuan per article.

Although they don't know how much Rainbow University rewards, it will definitely not be less than 500,000 yuan per article.

Moreover, scientific research bonuses are not the same as lottery tickets, and there is no need to pay taxes!

As for medical papers being included in top journals such as The Lancet and New Eagle Glenn Medical Journal, the difficulty is even more difficult than CNS papers!


on a social level.

Netizens have a lot of discussions about Rainbow University.

"Ward Day! Rainbow University has become a gathering place for top students!"

"Haha, in the future, if you throw a brick at Rainbow University, you can hit a few top students!"

"The primary, junior and senior high schools in Rainbow Village are invincible in basic education. Now even higher education is on the rise!"

"Yes, now the top academic journals are dominated by Rainbow University, and the top medical journals are dominated by Rainbow University and Rainbow Hospital!"

"It's really impressive, the speed of progress in the field of education in Rainbow Village is incredible!"

"Rainbow University is not a 985 university, nor is it a 211 university. But the students at this school are really academically amazing!".

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