After Qindao was promoted to a city directly under the central government, it caused heated discussions on the whole network.

didn't wait for netizens to calm down.

The state announced a blockbuster news and began to support Qindao.

October 20th.

The state has officially approved a number of documents.

The first document is called "Qindao Deepening the Comprehensive Reform Pilot Plan for Shandong Province Cooperation".

In the plan, Qindao will actively promote the deepening of the comprehensive reform experiment of cooperation on the Shandong Peninsula, give better play to the leading role of Qindao in the reform and development of the Shandong Peninsula, promote the development of Shandong Province and Qindao, and provide experience and demonstration for the implementation of the scientific concept of development and the improvement of the market economy system.

The second document is called "Qindao Smart Park New Industrialization Comprehensive Supporting Reform Pilot Overall Plan".

In the plan, Qindao has set up Qindao Intelligent Park, with strong artificial intelligence and intelligent robots as the core, focusing on institutional innovation in four aspects: regional development, enterprise restructuring, scientific and technological research and development, and intelligent innovation, so as to provide support platforms and supporting measures for the development of new intelligent robots.

The third document is called "Qindao Overall Plan for the Comprehensive Reform of Urban and Rural Areas".

In the plan, Qindao will form an institutional mechanism for coordinating urban and rural development, promote the coordinated development of urban and rural economy and society23, and explore ways to change the dual economic structure of urban and rural areas in Xia Kingdom.

The fourth document is entitled "Qindao Modern Agricultural Comprehensive Supporting Reform Pilot Overall Plan".

In the plan, Qindao will focus on modern agriculture, implement comprehensive supporting reforms, promote the transformation of traditional agricultural development methods, and improve the comprehensive agricultural production capacity and the quality of agricultural products.

So far, Qindao has become the 13th, 14th, and 15th national comprehensive supporting reform pilot zones in Xia Kingdom.

At the same time, Qindao has also become the only city in Xia Country with 3 national comprehensive reform pilot zones!


October 22nd.

The state officially approved the "Master Plan for Qindao Laoshan Coastal Park".

In the plan, Qindao officials will establish a coastal park in Laoshan District.

The park plans to build 20 to 300,000 tons of large, medium and small berths, forming a national port with a throughput of more than 1 billion tons.

So far, Qindao Laoshan Binhai Park has become the second national land and sea test zone in Xiaguo!


October 23rd.

The state officially approved the "Overall Plan for Qindao Wealth Management Financial Comprehensive Reform Pilot Zone".

In the plan, Qindao will build a diversified financial system that matches economic and social development, significantly improve financial services, optimize and enhance the financial environment, and resist financial risks, so as to provide experience for national financial reform.

So far, Qindao has become the 6th national-level financial pilot zone in Xia!


October 24.

The state has set up the Qindao Commodity Exchange, the Qindao Futures Exchange, the Qindao Financial Futures Exchange, and the Qindao Energy Exchange in the Rainbow CBD Business District.

Qindao Commodity Exchange, involving rapeseed, glass, early rice, cotton, wheat, sugar, rapeseed oil, corn and other futures varieties.

Qindao Futures Exchange involves gold, silver, copper, aluminum, zinc, lead, rebar, wire rod, fuel oil and other futures products.

Qindao Financial Futures Exchange involves derivatives such as treasury bond futures, stock index futures, foreign exchange futures, and foreign exchange options.

Qindao Energy Exchange involves futures low-sulfur fuel oil, futures rubber, futures crude oil, options crude oil, index crude oil, natural gas, petrochemical products and other energy derivative futures varieties.


Every day that follows.

The city of Kotoshima has received various supports.

For example, the Xia Academy of Sciences announced the establishment of the Xia Academy of Sciences and Qindao University of Technology in Qindao.

For example, the Xia National Defense Disaster Mitigation Organization announced the establishment of the Xia National Emergency Science and Technology University in Qindao.

For example, the Xia Guo Medical Institution announced the establishment of the Xia Guo Rehabilitation University, the Xia Guo University of Public Health and Defense, and the Xia Guo University of Chinese Medical Sciences in Qindao.

For example, the Xia Culture and Tourism Organization announced the establishment of the Xia Cultural Heritage University in Qindao to lay a talent foundation for the realization of the goal of building a cultural power.

For example, the Xia Civil Aviation Organization announced the establishment of the Xia Civil Aviation Flight University and the Xia National Aerospace Information Engineering University in Qindao, which has become the cradle of Xia Civil Aviation pilots.

For example, the Xia National Agricultural Organization announced the establishment of the Qindao International Agricultural Festival and the Qindao International Agricultural High-tech Festival in Qindao, which are jointly organized by the agricultural agency and the Qindao official every year.

For example, the Xia Radio, Film and Television Organization announced the establishment of the Qindao International Film Festival and the Qindao International Television Festival in Qindao, which are jointly organized by the radio, film and television institutions and the Qindao official every year.

For example, the cultural and tourism institutions of the Xia Kingdom announced the establishment of the Qindao International Tourism Festival, the Qindao International Arts Festival, the Qindao International Music Festival, the Qindao International Cultural Festival and other activities in Qindao, which are jointly organized by tourism agencies and Qindao officials every year.


October 28th. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The state announced the establishment of the third stock exchange in the mainland - Qindao Stock Exchange in the Qindao Rainbow CBD Business District.

The stock exchange is of great significance to the city.

The shareholders, chairmen, directors, and executives of listed companies are the spires of the Xia Guo wealth pyramid.

When they visit a city for official business, it is a great boost to the city's high-end consumption.

At the same time, the stock exchange can directly raise funds for thousands of enterprises. []

Countless service institutions around the stock exchange will break out of the cocoon, such as brokers, accounting firms, law firms, trust institutions, and so on.

Yangcheng, Wudu, Rongcheng, Jinling, Jiangcheng, Hangcheng and other cities all hope to win the stock exchange, successfully card in the economic competition, and have a first-mover advantage.

And now, the third stock exchange in Xia has officially settled in Qindao!

From now on, Qindao will become another center in the financial field of Xia Kingdom.

As soon as this news came out.

Netizens immediately fried the pot.

In the mainland, there are the Modu Stock Exchange and the Shencheng Stock Exchange.

There are the Port City Stock Exchange and the Bay Provincial Stock Exchange.

Now the state has set up the Qindao Stock Exchange, which is undoubtedly the best support for Qindao!

Whether a big city has a stock exchange or not is two different concepts entirely.

New York is home to the New York Stock Exchange.

Tokyo is home to the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

London has the London Stock Exchange.

Washington owns the NASDAQ stock exchange.

Qindao has the Qindao Stock Exchange, and in the future, 960 can promote the financial functions of enterprises and cities, and become a world-class financial center!


on the Internet.

Netizens were shocked.

"Oh my God!

"It's amazing to my Qindao! Qindao Stock Exchange, this row of noodles!"

"The rise of Qindao, a world-class financial center in the future, is too fast?"

"The state's support for Qindao is too great, right? Other cities directly under the central government don't have this kind of support!"

"The fifth city directly under the central government's economy, finance, agriculture, commerce and other fields have a large amount of support from the state!"

"No wonder so many cities want to die and want to become directly governed cities, this is better than the treatment of cities with separate plans, I don't know how many times!"

"Have you noticed, this time, various institutions of the state are also going to establish a new national brand university in Qindao!"

"Qindao City is worthy of being the fifth municipality directly under the central government, and all aspects of them are going to take off completely!"

"Qindao's total GDP is 2,542.2 billion yuan, and I feel that their GDP will have a chance to break 3 trillion yuan next year!"

"When the time comes, heaven and earth will work together! I must have a lot of complaints about the promotion of other cities directly under the central government, but Qindao has become a directly governed city, and I am convinced!"

"I am a resident of Shandong, and the rise of Qindao in recent years has made the entire Shandong Province proud. Now that they have become a municipality directly under the central government, leaving the embrace of Sugidong Province, I wish them better and better development in the future!"

"Rainbow Village is really good! Qindao has the opportunity to be promoted to the direct elder, all because of Rainbow Village!".

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