November 15th.

Moss, a rental house.

Zhao An is browsing the web news.

He is an HIV carrier, has no friends, and is afraid to make friends.

Fortunately, the Internet is getting more and more developed.

He was able to immerse himself in the world of the Internet and escape from reality.


People with AIDS suffer from discrimination.

Even if he goes to the hospital to have a tooth extracted or a stomach problem, the doctor will recommend Xu Li to go to a hospital specializing in infectious diseases for diagnosis and treatment.

Of course, Zhao An also understands.

Ordinary hospitals are unwilling to admit infected people and are not obliged to accept them.

If you have a disease other than the virus, you must also go to a hospital specializing in infectious diseases.

Every time you go to the hospital.

Zhao An will receive strange eyes and die frequently.

Loneliness became the leitmotif of his life.

Even so.

Zhao An is still actively receiving treatment, taking free medicines provided by the essential drug list of disease control agencies.

Free medicine has side effects such as diarrhea and dyslipidemia, and the diet must be strictly controlled.

Every time he took it, he would have sleep disorders and night sweats at night.

After a long illness, he became a doctor.

Zhao An knew that self-financed drugs had a better effect.

Genuine self-financed medicine, about 5,000 yuan per month.

Generic drugs on the Indian side are cheaper.

So, Zhao An bought generic drugs through channels.

However, the import of generic drugs is very troublesome, and the inspection is very strict.

Once, the channel provider who purchased generic drugs was arrested, and all the drugs were confiscated.

Zhao An stopped taking medicine for a week.

Only seven days after stopping the drug.

All the effects of his early treatment were wiped out, and his condition became more and more serious, and he came to the middle stage of AIDS.

Since AIDS is an infectious disease.

Zhao An was unable to become an employee of a large company, and the savings of his former part-time job were gradually depleted.

He can't even afford generic drugs now, so he can only take free pills to get by.

Let's be honest.

Endure like this again.

Zhao Andu was about to have the idea of seeking death.


In despair.

A news feed suddenly appears on your computer.

Zhao An glanced at it, and was stunned for a moment.

I saw that the headline of the news was "Rainbow Hospital Conquers AIDS!

Zhao An did not hesitate, and immediately clicked into the live video room.

on the screen.

A grand press conference is being held at Rainbow Hospital.

Hundreds of news media gathered at the scene. 160 press conference begins.

Liu Shi, a spokesperson for Rainbow Hospital, stepped onto the high platform.

"The human body has a strong immune system," she said.

Bacteria and viruses from the outside world want to enter the human body to make waves, and they will be hit head-on by the immune system.

However, HIV is very smart and chooses to take a different path.

It does not attack human tissues and does not directly cause illness or death.

Instead, it attacks immune cells, causing immune cell deficiencies, leading to various diseases and cancers in the human body, and eventually developing into AIDS, which is the surname immunodeficiency syndrome.

In 1981, the HIV virus was discovered for the first time.

By the end of 2017, 37 million people worldwide were infected with HIV, and 1 million to 2 million more people were infected with HIV each year.

In Xia alone, there are 134,000 more people infected with AIDS every year.

In the face of such a grim situation.

Medical practitioners from all over the world are trying to do whatever it takes.

Hopefully one day we can overcome HIV!"


In front of a computer screen.

Zhao An nodded sympathetically.

AIDS is a global public health problem.

Unfortunately, at this stage of medical science, there is no complete cure for AIDS.

In the live broadcast room.

Liu Shi said excitedly: "Recently, Dr. Wei Ning of our hospital has made a breakthrough on the road of fighting HIV/AIDS.

Dr. Wei Ning used umbilical cord blood stem cell transplantation to cure many patients with late-stage HIV disease.

The first batch of 120 patients with AIDS disease have been successfully discharged from the hospital and returned home to recuperate.

The second group of 130 patients with late-stage AIDS disease is being hospitalized for various complications and is recovering well.

The third group of 150 patients with AIDS who no longer have any HIV virus in their bodies are being hospitalized for signs.

It is worth mentioning.

400 patients with AIDS disease have undergone umbilical cord blood stem cell transplantation and are no longer free of HIV virus!

After a long period of recuperation, they are able to return to their normal lives. "

As soon as the words fell.

The scene was a sensation!

"Damn?!Is AIDS really broken?"

"Oh my God, 400 patients with late-stage HIV disease have been cured by Dr. Wei!"

"Great, umbilical cord blood stem cell transplantation can save countless Eze patients!"

"Dr. Wei is truly a god of medicine, and he will save tens of millions of AIDS patients around the world!"


The audience was boiling.

Wei Ning, a young doctor in a white coat, stepped onto the high platform.

Everyone looked at him in unison and found that Wei Ning was only about 30 years old.

They thought that Wei Ning was an old doctor with gray hair, but they didn't expect him to be so young.

Wei Ning opened the PPT prepared in advance.

On the screen, a case of a patient with AIDS in the late stages of AIDS suddenly appeared.

Wei Ning said: "The diagnosis report shows that this patient has a large area of abscess ulceration with complications such as kidney damage, liver damage, and headache. "

He clicked the button.

The latest inspection report appears on the screen.

Wei Ning added: "The HIV virus on the patient's body has been completely eliminated.

The original complications have also been restored to a reasonable range with the dual treatment of the rebuilt immune system and drugs.

Currently, the patient has been discharged.

in the next five years.

Every other week or two, he would come to Rainbow Hospital for an HIV test.

until there is no subsequent recurrence. "


Wei Ning also explained and compared dozens of late-stage cases of AIDS disease with those after cure.

The media reporters at the scene were very excited.

There's nothing more exciting than being cured of an end-of-the-stage patient with AIDS!

After the session.

Those patients with AIDS who were cured and discharged from the hospital walked on the high platform one by one.

I saw that they were full of energy and their faces were ruddy.

Exactly like a normal person.

In front of hundreds of media reporters, they recounted their experiences and the process of diagnosis and treatment.

For the purpose of protecting privacy.

When journalists publish articles, they are mosaiced and pseudonyms.


Next. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Wei Ning from a medical point of view.

Explain the healing process of AIDS in detail.

The first step is to use cord blood matching to find a match for the patient's cord blood.

In the second step, a methyltransferase called SMYD2 is used to activate all the HIV viruses hidden in the patient's body.

In the third step, after the HIV virus is fully activated, we use drugs to eliminate the virus and kill the infected cells. Of course, it is impossible to kill one hundred percent, but at least a lot will be eliminated.

The fourth step is to officially start the cord blood stem cell transplant to rebuild the patient's immune system and let these stem cells enter the specific receptor CCR5 in the patient's cells, so that the patient can become resistant to HIV and completely kill all viruses.

In the fifth step, the patient is hospitalized in the hospital and slowly recuperates to recover from various physical complications caused by HIV disease.

Every step.

Wei Ning explained it clearly.

The medical experts who were listening in the audience were all fascinated. []


Half an hour later.

"A more detailed report on cord blood stem cell transplantation for the treatment of HIV.

I have published it in the latest issue of the Rainbow Medical Journal in the form of a paper.

If you are interested, you can check it out by yourself.

Now let's move on to the media interviews. "

A reporter from Xia Guo TV asked: "In the medical field, the use of the word "cure" (CDFE) is very cautious.

Patients will use general terms to describe cure, while doctors tend to use technical terms to cure clinically.

Dr. Wei, I would like to ask.

Hundreds of patients with HIV.

Is it a complete cure, or is it a clinical cure?"

"Clinical cure!"

Wei Ning said truthfully: "From a medical point of view, as long as the superficial symptoms disappear, it is clinically cured, and the standard is that there is no recurrence within five years.

However, the standard of clinical cure in the field of AIDS.

Serologic tests show that the antibody is not present.

Now, these patients have disappeared from the superficial symptoms and the absence of antibodies, which is completely clinically cured.

Of course, umbilical cord blood stem cell transplantation for the treatment of AIDS disease is, after all, a medical achievement that has just emerged.

in the next five years.

Rainbow Hospital will conduct follow-up tests on these patients to determine whether they are completely cured!"

Hear this.

Everyone present nodded.

Previously, there was only one case of recovered AIDS disease in the world, which was dubbed "Börlind Disease".

He had both leukemia and HIV.

In the eyes of the medical community, this is already a person who is about to step into the grave.

It's amazing.

After receiving a leukemia bone marrow stem cell transplant, he was miraculously cured of his disease.

However, bone marrow stem cell transplantation is difficult to match and expensive, and it is not possible to cure AIDS on a large scale.

Dr. Wei's cord blood stem cell transplant method.

Obviously more suitable for Eze patients!

A reporter from Rainbow TV asked: "Doctor Wei, umbilical cord blood is the blood that remains in the umbilical cord and placenta after the umbilical cord of the newborn is ligated.

In the medical community, umbilical cord blood is a very precious medical resource, which can treat more than 80 diseases and is a non-renewable resource.

Since patients with AIDS disease need umbilical cord blood stem cell transplantation to be cured.

Can the scarce cord blood resources only cure a small group of people, but not thousands of Eze patients?"

Wei Ning said: "If it was before, I can answer you with great certainty that this method cannot be popularized on a large scale.

But last year, Professor Liang Hui, a Nobel laureate in medicine, developed a universal artificial blood, which caused a sensation in the medical community.

10,000-year-old artificial blood, after special improvement, can become universal artificial umbilical cord blood.

This artificially manufactured umbilical cord blood is also rich in hematopoietic stem cells, which can rebuild the human hematopoietic and immune system, and the effect is no worse than real umbilical cord blood!"

The voice fell.

The scene resounded with thunderous applause.

Umbilical cord blood stem cell transplant + artificial umbilical cord blood!

The combination of the two can treat tens of millions of Aize patients!

A reporter from Renmin Daily asked, "Dr. Wei, Rainbow Hospital has the conditions for cord blood stem cell transplantation, I would like to ask, is the cost of treatment very high?"

Wei Ning said bluntly: "The cost of cord blood stem cell transplantation in our hospital, plus hospitalization fees, etc., the total price is 500,000 yuan.

Considering the financial constraints of Eze patients, some of them are unable to find jobs.

To this end, our hospital has launched a medical benefit program for Aizi mortgage treatment.

Patients can choose to repay the loan in instalments with a maximum repayment period of 10 years.

When patients are healthy, they are truly self-reliant. "

Hear this.

The audience burst into applause again.

Treat the disease first and repay it later, this is indeed a blessing for all people with AIDS disease!


In front of a computer screen.

Zhao An's eyes became brighter and brighter.

At a price of 500,000 yuan, you can completely cure AIDS!

Moreover, Rainbow Hospital has also launched a medical plan that treats patients first and pays later, which is simply tailor-made for him.

If umbilical cord blood stem cell transplantation can be included in medical insurance in the future, the price can be cheaper!

Zhao An stood up and immediately began to pack his things.

He wanted to go to Qindao Rainbow Hospital as soon as possible to treat his AIDS disease.


After the press conference.

Major news media are vying to report.

"AIDS Disease Buster, Dr. Wei Ning Creates a Medical Miracle!"

Umbilical cord blood stem cell transplantation: a blessing for millions of AIDS patients!

"400 patients in the late stage of Aizi have been cured, and Dr. Wei Ning is unparalleled!"

"Milestone in the fight against HIV/AIDS!

"Rainbow Hospital Opens Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cell Transplantation, Treatment First and Payment Later!"

"Rainbow Village Emerges Medical Genius Again! Professor Wei Ning Completely Cures AIDS!"


As soon as the news report came out.

There was a sensation in all walks of life.

On the Internet, countless netizens are hotly discussed.

"Doctor Wei Ning is too good!"

"Oh my God! I'm not mistaken, am I? I've been cured?"

"The world's 37 million people with AIDS will have hope for life!"

"Dr. Wei Ning was a god in the first battle, and umbilical cord blood stem cell transplantation will be engraved into the history of modern medicine!"

"AIDS is the enemy of all mankind, and Dr. Wei's overcoming of AIDS is equivalent to saving thousands of people from fire and water, and will surely go down in the history of medicine!"

"Saving a life is better than building a seventh-level floating slaughter and saving the lives of tens of millions of people, this is to be a god in ancient times, and Dr. Wei Ning will be enshrined in a temple!"

"Every time I see the news about those patients with Eze, I can't bear it. Well, now, with cord blood stem cell transplantation, humanity will completely defeat Eze!"

"In the past, we have been teasing, Ai yo, Mei Shi, the chance of drenching, warts or something. Now, Ez has been conquered, thanks to Dr. Wei!"

"I have a hunch that from now on, the door of Rainbow Hospital will be broken by countless AIDS patients around the world!"

"If nothing else, Dr. Wei Ning will definitely win the Nobel Prize in Medicine!

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