January 8th.

Sioux City, a residential community.

He Feng and his wife Li Meng were having dinner.

Li Meng saw her husband's red face and asked, "Husband, you seem to be in a good mood today?"

"That's right!"

He Feng took a sip of wine and said with a smile: "Just today, the undergraduate textbook "Organic Chemistry" I compiled was selected as the national textbook for general higher education.

Higher Education Press Ltd., which is about to publish my book.

If nothing else.

I'm about to be promoted from associate professor to professor!"


Li Meng's eyes lit up.

The selection period is from 2016 to 2020.

Now, her husband's undergraduate textbook "Organic Chemistry" has become a textbook for the Tithe-35 Plan.

Next, when the job title is assessed.

The husband will have the opportunity to remove the word "vice" and become a senior professor!

Li Meng picked up the wine bottle, poured a glass of wine for her husband, and asked, "Husband, your annual salary is 400,000 yuan now, if you become a senior professor, won't your annual salary reach more than 500,000 yuan?"

"Nothing more, no less!"

He Feng took a sip of wine and nodded: "Sioux City University is a 211 university, and the professors have a very high annual salary.

I dare not say 600,000,700,000 yuan a year, but an annual salary of 500,000 yuan is the minimum!"

Hear this.

Li Meng smiled.

In this day and age, prices are skyrocketing.

The husband has a higher salary.

Then the quality of life in the home, 000 can be higher.

He Feng just wanted to say something, but his attention was attracted by the TV picture.

on the screen.

A summer news program is being broadcast.

The host, Kang Hui, reported: "Today, the Office of the National Textbook Association of Education and Education announced three batches of national textbooks for the third and fifth undergraduates.

The third batch of national textbooks for tithes and five-year undergraduates, with a total of 5,012 kinds.

Among them, there are 4,800 kinds of teaching materials, which were written by teachers of Rainbow University.

Some of the teachers of Rainbow University have even written two or three books, three or four, showing strong educational strength.

Next, tune in for a detailed report......"

See this news.

He Feng and Li Meng glanced at each other, both with surprised expressions.

There are 4,800 kinds of textbooks in the third batch of "Tithe" undergraduate national textbooks in the country, which come from Rainbow University?

That's an exaggeration, isn't it?!

He Feng knew very well in his heart.

He only wrote a national textbook for undergraduates, and he exhausted what he had learned in his life.

If he were asked to write another one, he would never be able to do it!

TV screen.

There are many national textbooks.

Introduction to Economic Majors, First Editor-in-Chief: Minxia Zhang (Rainbow University), Rainbow Press.

Advanced Computer Networks, First Editor-in-Chief: Fengqiong Liu (Rainbow University), Rainbow Press.

"Finance Course in the New Era", first editor-in-chief: Yan Jianhua (Rainbow University), Rainbow Press.

Practical Course of Engineering Surveying (CDBC), First Editor-in-Chief: Yunlong Sun (Rainbow University), Rainbow Press.


Human Factors Engineering, First Editor-in-Chief: Yang Heng (Rainbow University), Rainbow Press.

World Financial History, First Editor-in-Chief: Yanbo Zhang (Rainbow University), Rainbow Press.

Sensors and Automatic Detection Technology, First Editor-in-Chief: Xu Tao (Rainbow University), Rainbow Press.

Introduction to College Physical Theory, First Editor-in-Chief: Hongjun Li (Rainbow University), Rainbow Press.

"Industrial Robot Application Technology", first editor-in-chief: Xue Songming (Rainbow University), Rainbow Press.


Dense textbooks.

Basically, all of them are written by Rainbow University faculty and cover a variety of subject areas.

Li Meng said curiously: "Husband, why is your textbook published by the Higher Education Press, while their textbook is published by the Rainbow Press?"

He Feng patiently explained: "Rainbow Publishing House was founded by Rainbow University.

Since the rise of Rainbow University, the influence of Rainbow Press has also increased.

In addition to publishing textbooks, they also publish many academic journals.

For example, there are hundreds of academic journals such as "Rainbow University Science Journal", "Rainbow University Physics Journal", "Rainbow University Mathematics Journal", "Rainbow University Medical Journal" and so on.

These academic journals are basically selected as the source journals of the Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index (CSSCI), the core journals of the Overview of Chinese Core Journals, the Comprehensive Evaluation of Humanities and Social Sciences in Xia Kingdom, the Citation Database CSCD, the Science and Technology Journals of Xia Kingdom, and the Core Journals of Xia Kingdom.

It is worth mentioning.

The impact factor of these journals is quite high.

Nowadays, many rainbow students will publish high-quality papers in these journals.

At present, Rainbow Publishing House has become one of the most influential publishing houses in China. "

"I see!"

Li Meng nodded suddenly in realization.

In her subconscious, she always thinks of Rainbow University as a private institution.

I don't know......

Rainbow University is rising in all aspects and is gradually becoming a top comprehensive university!


in the TV screen.

Host Kang Hui played: "Since the beginning of this year, Rainbow University has repeatedly won blockbuster awards.

As of the end of December 2018.

In the field of humanities and social sciences achievements.

Rainbow University has won 1,245 projects from the National Social Science Foundation and 801 first prizes from the National Science Research Outstanding Achievement Award.

In the field of natural outcomes.

Rainbow University has won 420 national science and technology awards, including 258 natural science awards and 162 technical awards.

Intellectual property aspects.

Rainbow University has authorized 5,056 intellectual property rights this academic year, ranking first among universities in the country.

Education field.

At Rainbow University, 180 majors have been rated as national characteristic majors, and 500 courses have been rated as national excellent courses. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

400 teams, including the education team of Rainbow University, the teaching team of mechanics courses, the teaching team of industrial engineering core courses, the national engineering basic physics teaching team, the national engineering mathematics teaching team, and the philosophy basic course teaching team, were rated as national teaching teams.

Rainbow University is based on the characteristics of Xia Guo and world-class as the core requirements.

Adhere to the first-class goal, discipline-based, demand-oriented, performance-based, and reform-driven, and work hard to increase capital investment, accelerate resource construction, make up for shortcomings, and improve the quality of talent training.

They strive to build a higher education system that is in line with major national strategies, matches the positioning of Qindao city, and adapts to industrial transformation and upgrading.

I hope that all major universities in the country can keep up with Rainbow University and move towards the goal of a world-class university!"


After reading this news.

He Feng sighed: "Rainbow University is a private university, or a village-run university.

It can be compared with major universities in China.

It is recognized by the outside world that their faculty is actually not as big as Hua Qingyan.

But I didn't expect it......

The teachers of Rainbow University are all angry and hardworking, and all of them have become the top teachers in their fields.

This is very admirable. "

In fact......

What He Feng didn't know was.

Rainbow University, with the blessing of the double halo of the village's famous teachers.

Each teacher is exquisite, easy to understand, easy to understand, and good at giving examples, reaching the level of a national famous teacher.

At the same time, teachers preach, teach, and solve doubts, which has the role of sorting out their own knowledge and improving their professional level.

The more classes they take, the stronger their teaching ability becomes.

The stronger the teaching ability, the greater the progress of the students. []

This is one of the reasons for the rapid rise of Rainbow University.


At the same time.

The education community is all talking about Rainbow University.

Originally, the students lost to the rainbow students, and that's it.

There are talented people from generation to generation.

In the same period, rainbow students certainly dominated.

But looking at the 100-year development history of colleges and universities.

Just because the students in one or two classes are outstanding does not mean that the students in the 100th class are also excellent.

Rainbow students are very good now, what can they do?

But the sudden rise of the faculty team of Rainbow University is really unexpected.

In the third batch of 5,012 national textbooks, 4,800 were written by teachers from Rainbow University.

Obviously, behind the radiant Rainbow Student.

Rainbow teachers are also constantly working hard and improving.

Now, they have become the top teaching team in China.

As the so-called famous teachers produce high apprentices.

The teaching team at Rainbow University is so good.

In the future, we will definitely be able to let generations of rainbow students get the best guidance and continue to cultivate top talents.

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