February 3rd.

Twenty-ninth of the lunar month.

It was 8 p.m.

Dubai International Airport.

Inside the terminal.

A young female tour guide is bowing and apologizing to more than 40 men and women beside her.

The female tour guide's name is Zhang Han.

She is in charge of the tour work and scheduling of this Dubai tour.

Previously, the tour group took a bus to the airport, and the vehicle broke down, and a lot of time was wasted on repairs.

When they arrive at the airport.

The flight to Rainbow International Airport has taken off.

The plane does not wait for late passengers.

Even if there is only one passenger, it will take off on time.

Speaking of which, Zhang Han was very aggrieved.

Her plan was good, and she could arrive at the airport two hours early if it went well, but who would have thought that the bus would break down in the middle of the journey?

Hurry up and hurry.

The tour group is still a step late!

"Xiao Zhang, you are too unprofessional! Your ability to deal with temporary affairs is too poor!"

"The flight from Dubai to Rainbow Village is gone today, what do you want us to do?"

"Tomorrow is Chinese New Year's Eve, we are still rushing to have Chinese New Year's Eve dinner, we must rush to Rainbow Village tomorrow morning!"

"Me too! I took my daughter to Dubai this year, who knew this would happen......"


Faced with everyone's questioning.

Zhang Han hurriedly said, "Let's calm down first."

Today, the car is missing the plane due to the sighting, which is indeed the fault of our travel agency.

In this case, everyone will go with me to refund the ticket first.

We are solely responsible for any handling fees incurred for refunds. "

The voice fell.

The crowd began to talk about it.

"Little girl, we all have money to travel to Dubai, and we still need this fee?"

"That's it, our appeal now is not to lose money, but to get to Rainbow Village as soon as possible!"

"If 413 is usual, it doesn't matter if we miss the plane, but we all drag our children and daughters, and rush home for Chinese New Year's Eve dinner!"

"It doesn't matter in normal times, but you can't let us spend the New Year in a foreign country, right?"

Hear this.

Zhang Han couldn't help but want to complain in his heart.

You tourists.

Obviously I want to go home for the New Year.

How can you not make a schedule a few days in advance?

Also, since you're all rainbow villagers.

Don't wait for a good rainbow village, what is Dubai?

At this stage, all aspects of the tourism resources of Rainbow Village are actually not bad in Dubai!

I want to think about it.

She still said responsibly: "Uncles and aunts, the flight from Dubai to Rainbow International Airport is no longer available today."

Due to Qindao Liuting International Airport, international flights to Dubai have not been opened for the time being.

However, we can change our ticket to our flight from Dubai to Yanjing tomorrow morning at 8am.

Dubai to Yanjing, the time is 8 hours.

At 4 p.m., you will arrive at Yanjing Capital International Airport.

Then take the Hongjing high-speed rail and arrive at Qindao Rainbow Village in three hours.

All the best.

Tomorrow at 7 p.m. on Chinese New Year's Eve, you can go home.

What do you think?"

Hearing this, everyone shook their heads.

Originally, there were 8 flights a day from Dubai to Rainbow International Airport.

The earliest flight departs at 10 a.m. and lasts 10 hours, arriving at Rainbow International Airport at 10 p.m.

The latest flight departs at 7 p.m. and lasts 10 hours and arrives at Rainbow International Airport at 5 a.m. the next day.

They took the plane at 19 p.m. and arrived in the early hours of the next morning.

You can take a full day off at home to catch up on sleep.

Gather with your family in the evening and have a Chinese New Year's Eve dinner together.

If you follow the plan of the tour guide Zhang Han.

Take the flight to Yanjing tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock in the morning, and the arrival time is 16 o'clock in the afternoon.

Changing trains and waiting for the train will take some more time.

I am afraid that the time to return to the village is already around 20 o'clock on Chinese New Year's Eve, or even worse.

At that time.

What kind of Chinese New Year's Eve dinner are you eating?!

It's good to eat a late-night snack directly!

It's a tiring journey.

I'm afraid I won't be able to eat anything!

"Xiao Zhang, we are old, don't we suffer from many turnarounds!"

And when we arrived at Yanjing Capital International Airport, we had to find a way to take transportation back to Rainbow Village. "

"Instead of such a continuous transfer, it is better to wait another day and take a direct flight from Dubai to Rainbow Village at 11 am tomorrow!"

"Are you willing to wait longer, we don't want to! We must go to Rainbow Village in the early hours of tomorrow morning, otherwise we will delay the Chinese New Year's Eve dinner!"


At this moment.

Zhang Han is already poor in donkey skills.

She knew it in her heart.

Compared to multiple transfers.

Taking the flight from Dubai to Rainbow International Airport tomorrow and arriving at 9 p.m. in the evening is the best choice.

However, most of the tourists in the tour group insist on returning to Rainbow Village in the early hours of tomorrow morning.

Zhang Han hurriedly said: "Uncles and aunts, I'll help you calculate now, what way to choose the transfer method, and you can reach Rainbow Village as soon as possible!"

As she spoke, she picked up a pen and paper and began to calculate.

On international flights. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Direct flights are only available in major cities.

She had to calculate how much time it would take to get from Dubai to the big city and from there to Rainbow Village.

A moment later.

Zhang Han said: "At 23 o'clock today, there is a direct flight from Dubai to Modu Hongqiao International Airport, and the arrival time is 17:15 tomorrow afternoon.

It just so happens that at 17:40 tomorrow afternoon, there will be a direct flight from Modu Hongqiao International Airport to Rainbow International Airport.

Take a flight from Modu to Rainbow International Airport.

The flight duration is about 1 hour and 20 minutes.

If all goes well, you will arrive at Rainbow International Airport at 7 p.m.

compared to other ways.

Choose this route to reach Rainbow Village the fastest!

Uncles and aunts, please rest assured.

Due to our negligence, we missed the direct flight to Rainbow Village.

This time, everyone's direct flight to Modu, as well as the flight cost of Modu Feiqin Island, will be reimbursed by our company!"

Hear this.

The tourists present nodded helplessly.

Right now, they want to reach Rainbow Village as soon as possible, and transferring from the magic capital is the most suitable choice.

Zhang Han was just about to change the ticket with everyone.

I heard two flight attendants from the United Arab Emirates Airlines (CDCI) chatting in the Arabic language.

"Today is Dubai International Airport, the day of the first flight to Xia Guoqin Island Global International Airport, we have to cheer up!"

"The Rainbow Village in Xia Country is very prosperous, and it deserves to be the top village in Xia Country. With the commissioning of Rainbow Global International Airport, Rainbow Village has also become a dual-airport hub village!"

"Rainbow Global International Airport is the 16th 4F international airport in Xiaguo. Qindao has become the first city of Xia Guosan 4F International Airport!"


Zhang Han was slightly stunned when he heard the conversation between the two.

Qindao Rainbow Global International Airport?

She had heard that a second international airport was being built in Rainbow Village.

However, didn't Rainbow Global International Airport just be completed a few days ago?

After the completion of the airport, it will go through a series of test flights before it can be officially put into operation.

Rainbow Global International Airport, is it in operation so soon?

She didn't think much about it, and hurriedly chased after her and asked the two flight attendants for specific details.

More than 40 tourists in the tour group couldn't understand the Arabic language, and they didn't know what Zhang Han was talking about with them.

A moment later.

Zhang Han walked over with a smile.

She said excitedly: "Uncles and aunts, tell you - good news!

We don't have to take a direct flight to Modu in the evening, and we don't have to take a flight to Rainbow Village tomorrow.

I just heard from a flight attendant at Emirates.

At 22 o'clock today, there is a flight to Rainbow Global International Airport at Dubai International Airport.

This airport is the second international airport in Rainbow Village to be put into operation after Rainbow International Airport, and is located on Rainbow Financial Island.

Let's go to the refund and change now.

I assure you all, around 8 o'clock this morning.

All of us in the tour group can arrive at Rainbow Village without any problems!"

Hear this.

Everyone present was excited.

"Great! I'll be back in Rainbow Village tomorrow morning!"

"I've heard of Rainbow Global International Airport, but I didn't expect it to be operational so soon!"

"Haha, the speed of the completion and use of Rainbow International Airport was also very fast, I have long been used to it!"

"Yes, Rainbow Construction Co., Ltd. can build all kinds of super projects in three months, and it is natural to build an airport. "

Soon, everyone finished the change procedures with a smile on their faces.

From the previous loss, to the current joy.

They were all very emotional.

The ups and downs in life are too thorny!


Xia Guo's side.

The operation of Rainbow Global International Airport has caused a sensation in all directions.

The shape of the airport is a building that resembles colorful auspicious clouds.

The colorful auspicious cloud buildings derive seven runways, each of which extends into the distance, looking beautiful.

Rainbow Global International Airport is a modern three-dimensional transportation and aviation hub, which is a 4F international airport, covering an area of 25 square kilometers.

The configuration and facilities of the airport are no worse than that of Rainbow International Airport!

Even in some ways, it is better than Rainbow International Airport.

At the previous commissioning ceremony.

Fang Yun, a village in Rainbow Village, said: "The completion of Rainbow Global International Airport marks the second opening of Rainbow Village.

At the same time, the existence of Rainbow Global International Airport can improve the airport transportation system of Rainbow Village and promote the construction of a world-class airport skirt in the village.

In the future, from the two international airports in Rainbow Village to overseas, more and more countries and regions will be able to be accessed.

The two international airports not only accelerate the development of the village's airport economy, but also make Qindao the first city in Xia to have two 4F-level airports.

I announce that Rainbow Global International Airport is officially put into operation!"


on social media.

Netizens have a lot of discussions about this.

"Oh my God!

"Rainbow Village is too good, isn't it? Rainbow Village is also among the first villages of Xia Guoshuang 4F International Airport!"

"Wait, I remember if there are two international airports?"

"That's right, Hongqiao International Airport in the magic capital is level 4E, and it has not yet reached level 4F!"

"I remember that there is a Jiaodong International Airport in Qindao, and now this airport has been put into operation, and there are three 4F-level airports in the entire Qindao!"

"It's amazing that Rainbow Village is always able to create miracles!

"Speaking of Village Chief Fang Yun, have you noticed that at the commissioning ceremony of Rainbow Global International, it was Village Chief Fang Yun who personally announced the commissioning!"

"I remember that at the commissioning ceremony of Rainbow International Airport, it was the then Lord Chuhong who announced the commissioning. However, it is also normal, the current Rainbow Village is prosperous to the extreme, and the prestige and status of Village Chief Fang are no longer the same!"

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