The next morning.

Rainbow University.

Faculty of Mathematics, Academic Lecture Hall.

The Russell Group and Rainbow University Mathematics Exchange Symposium kicked off.

Some students who did not have classes in the morning came to the scene to enjoy the wonderful duel between the two sides.

In addition, tutors and professors in the field of mathematics also came to the scene.

On a high platform.

Andy, a PhD student in mathematics at the University of Oxford, was talking on stage.

On the big screen in the lecture hall.

The title of Andy's paper "Using E8 to Prove the Densest Accumulation Problem of Isospheres in 8-Dimensional Space" is revealed.

Andy said in English: "In space, the way in which spheres of the same size are stacked together is called ball stacking.

In high-dimensional space, it is very complicated to find the densest accumulation of spheres of the same size.

Each additional dimension means that there are more possible ways to stack up to consider.

However, in the world of mathematics, everyone knows that there is a very special dimension, and that is 8 dimensions.

In this dimension, there is a symmetrical ball stack that becomes E8, a dizzying ball stack that is better than the candidate for the densest ball stack known in other dimensions.

E8 is relevant to many mathematical disciplines including number theory, combinatorics, and hyperbolic geometry, and even to physical fields such as string theory.

However, there is still not enough evidence in the current mathematical community to prove that E8 is the densest accumulation in their respective dimensions.

Today's paper.

I want to use the "630" mathematical function in modular form to prove that E8 is the densest 8-dimensional stacked ......."

Live on the big screen.

A line of function formulas appears.

Accompanied by Andy's in-depth explanation.

Everyone was immersed in his paper.


in the audience.

Professors in the field of mathematics at Rainbow University nodded frequently.

Andy has a deep knowledge in the field of mathematics and shows the demeanor of the top school Oxford University.


Time passes slowly.

Andy used a 66-page paper to successfully solve the problem of high-dimensional version of the ball accumulation.

When he concluded his presentation, he received applause from the audience.

Andy stepped off the platform in high spirits, looking extremely proud.

The University of Oxford is a thousand-year-old university.

As a top student of Oxford.

He is confident that in the field of mathematics, he will crush Rainbow University.

In addition, overcoming the problem of high-dimensional version of ball accumulation is fully worthy of the Fields Medal-level mathematical achievement.

Today's Mathematics Communication Seminar, he won!



The mathematicians of the Russell Group have taken the stage.

The mathematics lecture hall, which can accommodate thousands of people, resounded with applause again and again.

As the world's top university alliance.

The essays of the students of the Russell Group are of very high quality.

For example, a four-dimensional sphere has a symmetry family that goes far beyond basic symmetry.

For example, the Trudinger Moser inequality of the opposite sex that grows correctly in the whole space and its optimality.

For example, the boundary behavior of an all-pure function on a discrete mesh and some of the associated scaling limit convergence.

The rainbow students present nodded frequently after seeing these papers.

The level of mathematics in the Russell Group is indeed very high!


A moment later.

Li Qianqian, a junior at the School of Mathematics of Rainbow University, stepped onto the high platform.

She said fluently in English: "I prepared a paper, which I was originally going to submit to the Rainbow University Journal of Mathematics. "

Hearing this, the rainbow students present were all interested.

"Rainbow University Mathematics Journal" has become the mathematics journal with the highest impact factor in the world.

Since Li Qianqian is confident to submit to the "Rainbow University Mathematics Journal".

Presumably, this paper is of a very high level.

Under the gaze of the crowd.

Li Qianqian put the U into the USB port.

Live on the big screen.

The title of the paper appears - "The proof of the Riemann conjecture!"

See this title.

The academic lecture hall was suddenly a sensation.

The Riemann conjecture, proposed in 1859, is one of the world's seven top mathematical problems.

In the process of researching the Riemann conjecture, thousands of mathematical propositions related to the conjecture were generated.

If the Riemann conjecture is falsified, then all these propositions will be null and void, and the mathematical system will lose its important foundation.

In that year, the Clay Mathematics Advancement Association of the United States offered a million dollars in rewards to solve the Riemann hypothesis.

But to this day.

There has never been a mathematician involved in this field.

At this moment, the students and professors of the Russell Group are staring wide-eyed.


What's the situation?

A junior dared to challenge the Riemann conjecture.

What kind of joke is this?


On a high platform.

Li Qianqian slowly said while manipulating the PPT: "The Riemann conjecture guesses that all the non-trivial zero points of the Riemann Zeta function are distributed on a special straight line on the complex plane that is called a critical line.

In layman's terms, the Riemann Zeta function is a complex function.

It can be thought of as a function with two variables, one called the real part and the other called the imaginary part.

Write it as a familiar function, which is y f (real, imaginary).

This function is a bit complicated.

But let's start with the simple picture.

If we ignore the imaginary part and force the imaginary part to 0, then it is a very common function y f (real).

Next, please look at the big screen......"

Everyone looked up at the horizontal axis x and vertical axis y displayed on the big screen

Li Qianqian smiled and said, "This picture is a part of this Riemann Zeta, and you will find that it has an obvious feature.

When the real part -2, -4 .- 6, -8, -10, and so on, this function intersects with X.

In other words, its function value is 0 at all times.

That's what we want, a point where the function value of the Riemann Zeta function takes 0.

Of course, these points are too obvious to be interesting.

In the words of mathematicians, these are all mundane solutions.

The simple reason is that we just considered the case of imaginary 0.

If you allow the imaginary part to be taken arbitrarily, how can you make the function value take 0?

This is Riemann's conjecture: in order to take the value of the function to 0, all the remaining solutions, no matter how large the imaginary part, must be 1/2 except for these trivial solutions.

In other words, if we plot all the solutions on the coordinate axis, the real part is horizontal, and the imaginary part is vertical.

Then they should look like this.

Except for the string of -2 and -4 .-6 on the left, the rest of the right ones are all on the red line of 1/2......"


Li Qianqian's narration is well organized.

She first led everyone to understand the Riemann conjecture, and then followed the rhythm to verify it.


With Li Qianqian's narration. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The formulas displayed on the large screen are as many as hundreds of pages, containing thousands of formulas, and involve reference to nearly 100 previous literatures.

Mathematics professors present.

While listening carefully, I verified it frantically in the notebook.


It takes a lot of time to argue this paper.

They could only give up their arguments for the time being, and chose to match Li Qianqian's speed of explanation.

There are many places in the middle of the paper that they don't understand.

But on the whole.

There are no logical errors in the paper.


Time passes slowly.

On the big screen, a series of formula lemmas emerged.

Li Qianqian said loudly: "The above formula can be proven, and the Riemann conjecture is valid!"

The scene was silent at first.....

Then a tsunami of cheers erupted.

Inside the Mathematics Lecture Hall.

All the teachers and students stood up and applauded for a long time.

After the Riemann conjecture was proved.

Li Qianqian will surely shock the entire mathematical community!

...... []

Inside the lecture hall.

Scenes of living beings are staged one after another.

The professor at Rainbow University was smiling.

A student at Rainbow University, his eyes are frenetic.

The professors of the Russell Group have mixed feelings.

The students of the Russell Group have both the loss of being defeated and the envy and admiration of Li Qianqian's proof of the Riemann conjecture.

Of course, whether the proof paper of the Riemann conjecture is true or not needs to be verified by mathematicians around the world.

If the Riemann conjecture is true.

Li Qianqian, as a junior student, will become one of the world's top mathematicians.

At this moment, Andy came to Li Qianqian's side.

He said with admiration: "Lee, congratulations on unveiling the Riemann conjecture.

Since the birth of the Riemann conjecture.

Later generations of mathematicians studied it with great fascination and difficulty sleeping.

In a hundred years of reincarnation, generations of mathematicians have gone forward and devoted themselves to Sri Lanka.

The Riemann conjecture is still like a towering peak, standing above the pinnacle of human intelligence.

In modern mathematics, more than 1,000 mathematical propositions are based on the Riemann conjecture and generalization.

Now the Riemann hypothesis has been successfully proven.

These thousands of mathematical propositions and theories will be elevated to mathematical theorems. "

"Thank you!"

Li Qianqian smiled and expressed her gratitude.

Compared to other areas of math students at Rainbow University.

She is usually very low-key, and she doesn't even send SCI papers, but devotes herself to proving the Riemann conjecture.

Now, she's finally succeeded!

At this moment.

Li Qianqian was also very emotional in her heart.

As a rainbow villager.

She became a student in the Department of Mathematics of Rainbow University with a perfect score in science in the college entrance examination that year.

Since then.

Li Qianqian is in the field of mathematics and has a very high talent.

Actually, what she didn't know was.

Rainbow villagers, with the blessing of the aura of doubling the talent of the villagers, the doubling halo of the talent of the village students, and the doubling of the aura of the village's learning ability.

Three auras are superimposed.

Li Qianqian's ability has increased exponentially.

That's why, she was able to prove the Riemann conjecture!


Same as 4.9 at the same time.

Rainbow University.

Inside the principal's office.

Tao Rui learned that there were students at the school, which proved the Riemann conjecture.

In this regard, he praised Lian.

Since the 19th century.

More and more mathematical theories are being made.

Many branches that were considered useless in the early days have now become the most powerful tools of modern technology, fueling the development of modern technology.

Newton's calculus became the torch of the first industrial revolution.

Linear algebra, matrix analysis, statistics, group theory, etc., have brought people information civilization.

Non-Euclidean geometry and tensor analysis make land-sea navigation possible.

Binary brought humanity into the computer age.

Prime numbers have become the key to the door of the Internet, taking care of all the privacy placed on the network for human beings, and the private key is encrypted and signed.

Mathematicians, apply prime numbers to cryptography.

The RSA public key cryptography algorithm is now commonly used in the banking community as a secure cryptographic system.

As Li Qianqian proves the Riemann conjecture, crack the secret of prime numbers.

The world of mathematics, banking, and the Internet will all usher in earth-shaking changes......

At this moment, if you use one sentence to describe Li Qianqian's college career.

Tao Rui will say that no one asks about the cold window for three years, and he will become famous in one fell swoop!

Start today.

Rainbow student Li Qianqian will definitely cause a sensation in the global academic community!

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