July 5th.

In the morning.

Rainbow International Airport.

Hundreds of media reporters gathered together to witness the first flight ceremony of the domestic large aircraft "CC920" and "CC930".

Media platforms such as Rainbow Satellite TV, Yang Video, Rainbow Short Video, Rainbow Live, and Xia Guo News Channel all carry out simultaneous live broadcasts.

Above the airport.

A majestic white large aircraft "CC920" is parked on the left runway.

The aircraft has a fuselage length of up to 40 meters, a wingspan of 35 meters, a fuselage height of 12 meters, and a maximum take-off weight of 80 tons.

Next to the CC920 aircraft.

Rainbow Satellite TV location reporter Liu Shuang appeared in front of the audience.

She faced the camera and said: "Audience, welcome to watch the special program "The Advent of Domestic Large Aircraft, the Milestone of Xia Guo Airlines" brought to you by Rainbow Satellite TV.

Today is a day worth remembering in history, and it is also a day worth writing about.

Just half an hour later.

CC920, a large aircraft with a 100% domestic production rate independently developed by Rainbow Aerospace Group, is about to make its first flight.

As we all know, large aircraft are the culmination of cutting-edge technology, and it is difficult to take shape without the strength of the whole country.

The so-called large aircraft refers to transport aircraft with a maximum take-off weight of more than 100 tons and trunk passenger aircraft with more than 150 seats, which are common models of international civil aviation.

Whether or not large aircraft can be manufactured independently determines the comprehensive strength of various countries in the field of civil aviation.

Large aircraft involve cutting-edge disciplines such as material science, metallurgical science, engineering mechanics, aerodynamics, and thermodynamics, and even a humble fastener is the integration of modern high-end manufacturing.

Therefore, the design, production and manufacturing of large aircraft need the support of national forces, which can be called the representative work of the new national system for tackling key core technologies.

To accomplish this goal.

Rainbow Aerospace Group, a national scientific research institution of Rainbow University, and some Rainbow Group Co., Ltd., has a total of more than 100,000 industrial personnel involved in the development. "

Speaking of which.

The audience in front of computers, televisions, and mobile phones was all dazzled.

After the domestic large aircraft C919, Xia Guo has developed a new domestic large aircraft 23?

In November 2015, the first C919 passenger aircraft was officially assembled and rolled off the assembly line at the Pudong base.

On December 25, 2016, the first C919 aircraft was delivered to the flight test center.

At the moment, the C919 aircraft has not yet been test-flown yet.

Unexpectedly, Rainbow Aerospace Group came from behind and developed a domestic large aircraft.

That's really amazing.

The most exaggerated.

The localization rate of C919 is 60%.

The localization rate of Rainbow CC920 has reached an astonishing 100%!


Above the runway.

Liu Shuang said: "The naming of the rainbow CC920 domestic large aircraft is simple and easy to understand.

C stands for the initials of Xia Guo, and C stands for the initials of Rainbow Aerospace Group.

The number 9 means enduring, durable, and long-lasting.

The number 20 represents the maximum passenger capacity of the airliner with 200 seats.

Rainbow CC920 is a large domestic aircraft, with 175 seats in the basic mixed layout, 190 seats in the full economy class layout, and 200 seats in the high-density layout.

It has a maximum load of 80 tons, a cruising altitude of 12,500 meters, a cruising speed of Mach 0.82, a standard range of 6,000 kilometers, and a maximum range of 6,600 kilometers.

Basic performance aspects.

The Rainbow CC920 aircraft is better than the C919 aircraft, the 737 aircraft of Boyin Company, and the A320 aircraft of Kongqi Company.

In terms of maximum range.

Across the territory of the Xia Kingdom, it only takes more than 5,000 kilometers.

Even under standard range.

The rainbow CC920 aircraft will not have any problems departing from major cities in China and landing in neighboring countries. "

Between words.

Wang Yao, general manager of Rainbow Aerospace Group, appeared in front of the camera.

After Liu Shuang and Wang Yao said hello, they officially conducted an interview.

She asked: "Mr. Wang, Rainbow CC920 domestic new generation jet large passenger aircraft, with a localization rate of 100%, has not purchased materials from other countries' enterprises?"


Wang Yao shook his head and said: "All the materials or configurations of Rainbow CC920 come from various scientific research institutions of Rainbow Group or Rainbow University.

All kinds of steel for aircraft come from Rainbow Steel Group.

All kinds of components and parts of the aircraft come from Rainbow Electrical Engineering Group.

The composite materials, aluminum alloys, titanium alloys and other materials of the aircraft come from the National Key Laboratory of Materials of Rainbow University.

The components, instruments and instruments of the aircraft come from Rainbow Electrical Engineering Group, Rainbow Electronics Group, and Rainbow Semiconductor Group.

The fuselage, wings, tail, landing gear, interior, engines, nacelles and more of the aircraft are all from our Rainbow Aerospace Group.

The aircraft's electromechanical system, flight control system, fuel and hydraulic system, communication and navigation system, environmental control system, etc., also come from the Rainbow Group or various scientific research institutions. "

Hear this.

Liu Shuang nodded in a sudden understanding.

Rainbow CC920, although it does not have the power of the whole country, but it is also the power of "Rainbow Village"!

The existence of Rainbow Department Group and Rainbow University solves the worries of the domestic large aircraft Rainbow CC920.

Liu Shuang asked again: "Mr. Wang, as far as I know, our Xia Kingdom has many technologies that have not been conquered in the aviation field.

For example, aero-engine nacelles.

The nacelle is the cabin where the aircraft engine is placed, and it is the core component of the aero engine, and the cost accounts for about % of all engines.

This technology has been monopolized by foreign manufacturers for a long time.

For example, aero engine design.

How to improve the level of manufacturing and assembly technology?

How to avoid damage to the engine caused by resonance?

How do you design a large fan with lighter blades and can withstand centrifugal force?

These problems have not yet been solved by the domestic aviation community.

How does the Rainbow CC920 overcome these technologies?"

There is a saying in the industry.

The value created per unit weight is numerical.

1 for ships, 9 for cars, 300 for computers, 800 for regional aircraft, and up to 1400 for aero engines, it is called the "crown jewel" of the world's industrial products.

Once Xia Guo can conquer aero engines.

Only the domestic aircraft are qualified to compete with the aircraft of the Boeing Company of the United States.

Liu Shuang wanted to know.

How did Rainbow Aerospace Group conquer aero engines?

Wang Yao said truthfully: "Originally, the most important thing for aero engines was the material problem.

Aero engines must not only withstand oxidation and corrosion, but also withstand high temperature and high pressure.

The material used in the United States is carbon fiber.

The material used by Xia Guo is aluminum alloy.

Carbon fiber material is much better than aluminum alloy material.

After the establishment of the State Key Laboratory of Carbon Fiber of Rainbow University, the high-end carbon fiber production process has been overcome.

With high-end carbon fiber.

The material problem of our Xia Guo aero engine has been solved.

And that's not all.

Our group and various scientific research institutions of Rainbow University have worked together to tackle key problems and finally developed a domestic aero engine belonging to Xia Guo!"

"I see!"

Liu Shuang nodded first, and then asked: "Mr. Wang, the domestic large aircraft C919 developed by Xia Guo is completing various test flights.

C919 Zhuyu is in front, why do you want to independently develop Rainbow CC920 in Rainbow Aerospace Group?"

Wang Yaoning said: "China has major deficiencies in medium-range narrow-line passenger aircraft models.

The development of C919 marks the official journey of Xia Civil Aviation Passenger Aircraft and fills the gap in this field in China.

However, the current world market for medium-haul trunk airliners.

Boyin has a global share of 40.9%.

The company occupies 34.4% of the global share.

Experts predict that Xia Guo will need 7,690 passenger planes in the future, which will become the world's largest single aviation market, forming a market of at least 1.2 trillion US dollars.

That's why.

Xia Guo only has the C919 model, and he can't compete with Boyin Company and Kongqi Company.

The advent of the rainbow CC920 passenger aircraft will compete with the C919 in the aviation market in the future, along with the air of the A prefix and the sound of the B prefix.

At that time, the aircraft market will form a flying grid intertwined with ABC.

The purpose of Rainbow Aerospace Group's research and development of passenger aircraft is to help Xia Guo win this business battle with the highest altitude!"

Liu Shuang nodded.

She finally asked: "Mr. Wang, what links are involved in the first test flight of CC920 today?"

Mr. Wang said bluntly: "Rainbow CC920, the first flight time will take 90 to 120 minutes.

From the time it takes off to the time it lands, there are a total of 15 test sites, which are divided into multiple stages.

These phases are the ground inspection phase, the climb phase, the level flight phase, the simulated approach, the landing and go-around phase, and the landing phase.

During the first flight.

Rainbow CC920, flying at a maximum altitude of 10,000 feet and a maximum speed of 170 knots, is accompanied by another aircraft. "


After the interview.

The time had come to 9 o'clock.

The domestic large aircraft Rainbow CC920 took off from the first runway of Rainbow International Airport.

Under the attention of media reporters and netizens who watched the live broadcast.

The Rainbow CC920 flew into the sky smoothly and gradually disappeared from view.


In the aircraft, the test pilot and the test flight engineer coordinate and cooperate to complete the scheduled tasks and check the status and performance of the aircraft.

During the test flight process.

Experts from Rainbow Satellite TV are also popularizing specific test flight tasks to netizens.

The Rainbow CC920 that was tested today is mainly responsible for the test flight in terms of performance, structure, and maneuverability. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In the future, more than 1,000 test flight projects will be carried out, such as avionics, lighting, cabin environment control, cabin systems, high temperature and cold, and functional reliability.

From the first flight of the Rainbow CC920, to the subsequent obtaining of the type certificate, and then to the official commercial use.

Actually, it takes a long time.


In the live broadcast screen.

Liu Shuang, a location reporter for Rainbow Satellite TV, appeared on the runway on the right side of the airport.

In the background behind her was a brand-new white airliner.

The airliner, named Rainbow CC930.

Liu Shuang said: "Ladies and gentlemen, the Rainbow CC930 domestic large aircraft behind me is a long-range wide-body passenger aircraft independently developed by Rainbow Aerospace Group with a domestic production rate of 100%.

Its name, too, is simple and easy to understand.

C stands for the initials of Xia Guo, and C stands for the initials of Rainbow Aerospace Group.

The number 9 means enduring, durable, and long-lasting.

The number 30 represents the maximum passenger capacity of the passenger aircraft is 300 seats.

Rainbow CC930 domestic large aircraft, 55 meters long, 17 meters high, wingspan 45 meters, maximum passenger capacity of 300 seats, cruising altitude of 10,000 meters, cruising speed of Mach 0.82, standard range of 12,000 kilometers, longest range of 12,800 kilometers.

It adopts advanced aerodynamic design, a large number of composite materials, and a new generation of large bypass ratio turbofan engines to improve the comprehensive performance index of the aircraft, and has lower direct operating costs than similar models.

Another 10 minutes.

Rainbow CC930 domestic large aircraft will also make its first flight at Rainbow International Airport!"

Liu Shuang looked at Wang Yao and asked, "Mr. Wang, what does the first flight of the rainbow CC930 domestic large aircraft mean?"

Wang Yao said truthfully: "Xia Guo's civil aviation aircraft has a three-step strategy.

The so-called three-step process refers to the gradual construction of AR970J21 regional airliner, C919 small trunk airliner and CR929 large mainline airliner.

These three types of passenger aircraft are currently in the stage of commercial use, about to make their first flight, and prototype manufacturing.

Rainbow Aerospace Group, the research and development of Rainbow CC920 small trunk airliner and Rainbow CC930 large mainline airliner, is also to follow the footsteps of the development of Xia Guo's civil aviation.

The first flight of the rainbow CC930 large trunk airliner means the advent of the era of all localization of the science and technology of the rainbow in the summer country.

In addition, the advent of CC930 has important historical significance for the aviation industry of Xia Guo, which can open a new era of Xia national civil aviation!

At the same time, the birth of long-range wide-body passenger aircraft will drive the improvement of China's overall industrial manufacturing capacity and level, and accelerate the leap of Xia from a manufacturing country to a manufacturing power!"

Hear this.

Liu Shuang nodded solemnly.

The widest in the world is the ocean, wider than the ocean is the sky, and wider than the sky is the glory and dream of the great rejuvenation of the Xia nation with the big plane soaring!


9:30 a.m.

The domestic long-range passenger aircraft Rainbow CC930 took off from the 6th runway of Rainbow International Airport.

Under the attention of media reporters and netizens who watched the live broadcast.

The Rainbow CC930 flew into the sky smoothly and gradually disappeared from view.

Similarly, during the first flight, test pilots and test flight engineers complete predetermined tasks to check the status and performance of the aircraft.

Subsequently, the rainbow CC930 will also complete various test flight stages.


After the successful first flight of the Rainbow CC920 and Rainbow CC930.

The whole network is discussing these two domestic large aircraft.

"Ward Heaven! Rainbow Aerospace Group is a god in a war!"

"Don't stop me, I'm going to ca11 for the rainbow CC920 and CC930!"

"The localization rate is 100%! Rainbow Aerospace Group and Rainbow Group are simply bullish!"

"I said a long time ago that Xia Guo will definitely be able to build his own big plane, and no one should try to stop Xia Guo's progress!"

"Yes, the existence of the rainbow group has made Xia have a complete industrial system and a complete industrial chain, and now two domestic large aircraft have come out, which is really to raise the prestige of our country!"

"Xia has a huge market of 14 people, has the largest processing and manufacturing complete supporting basic industrial chain, and has the mechanism and system guarantee of concentrating on doing great things, as long as the country attaches great importance to it, the domestic large aircraft will become another beautiful business card of the country like high-speed rail, and it will take off on the wings of Xia Guoan, proud of the world!"

"That's right! Although the rainbow CC920 and CC930 will be officially put into commercial use for more than six or seven years, we are willing to wait and afford to wait after testing the ultimate load of the whole aircraft, accepting the test of various complex meteorological conditions and a series of high-risk flight test subjects, special flight test, flight test certification, airworthiness certification, commercial flight test and other links, but we are willing to wait and can afford to wait!".

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