

ASMAL Corporate Headquarters.

Office of the Chief Executive Officer.

Eller is looking at a corporate report.

The year ended in the third quarter.

The company's sales have reached 10 billion euros and its net profit is 2 billion euros.

Recently, the company's stock price has grown rapidly, and the total market capitalization has soared to $120 billion.

See these two numbers.

Eller was very satisfied.

As the absolute hegemon in the field of lithography machines.

International wafer foundries such as Intertek, AMD, and TSMC must purchase cutting-edge lithography machines from ASML in order to complete chip production.

If the lithography machine is the crown jewel of the human semiconductor industry.

Then Asmail is the one who holds the brightest pearl.

And that's exactly what happened.

Looking at the world, ASMAL is currently the only company that has mastered the most advanced EUV ultraviolet light technology.

In addition to the core technology of lithography machine.

Asmail, in essence, is a parts assembly company.

90% of the components of the lithography machine are purchased from all over the world, with more than 5,000 suppliers around the world, and the upstream and downstream industry chain has been mastered.

For upstream.

Cutting-edge lithography machines require a lot of high-tech and high-precision components.

For example, the cuisine of the Germanic country.

For example, the special composite materials of the neon country. 23

For example, the industrial precision machine tool of Rui Iodine country.

For example, the advanced control software and power supply of the United States.

That's why.

Asmail began a frenzy of mergers and acquisitions of these parts suppliers.

If mergers and acquisitions can't work, they will invest in shares or investments.

As long as this is the case, we can grasp the pace of industry development and improve the upstream and downstream industrial chain.

Light in recent years.

The company spent $270 million to acquire Brion, a computational lithography company

The company spent $2.5 billion to merge with excimer laser leader Cymer.

The company spent 3.3 billion euros to acquire HMI, a leader in electron beam and testing equipment.

The company spent 1 billion euros to acquire a 24.9% stake in optical lens giant Zeiss AG.

For downstream customers.

The company has a rule.

Asmail must be invested in order to receive priority supply.

Such a model of cooperation.

Let ASML obtain a large amount of funds, and also form a huge community of interests with customers.

After mastering the upstream and downstream.

Asmael has complete peace of mind!

Come to think of it.

Eller was triumphant.

Asmael has no rival in the field of lithography machines, which makes him feel like he is in a high place.

The company only produces about 20 high-end devices every year, and each of them has been snatched up by large chip foundries such as TSMC and Sangorilla.

In addition, the company is about to launch a new semiconductor technology, the first generation of HMI multi-beam detector, which can be used for more advanced 5nm process technology, which is expected to increase the production capacity of 5nm wafers by 600%

As long as it continues to develop step by step.

Asmail's market value will get higher and higher.

In the future, it will easily break through the $200 billion market value mark, the $300 billion market value mark, and the $400 billion market value mark......

He, the CEO, will also receive more and more bonuses.


"Knock knock!"

The secretary, Dai Lin, hurriedly knocked on the door and came in.

"Boss, something is wrong!"

Hear this.

Eller frowned slightly, and said unhappily: "Dai Lin, what's the fuss?"

Dai Lin took the tablet and hurriedly handed it over: "BOSS, Xia Guo Rainbow Semiconductor Group, has developed an extreme ultraviolet EUV lithography machine with 2nm process technology!"

"What?!How is this possible?!"

Eller was a little panicked.

He grabbed the tablet and quickly watched it.

With the news video playing.

Eller's expression became more and more solemn.

Rainbow Semiconductor Group has really conquered the EUV engraving machine and developed a 2nm process technology?

Now, he couldn't sit still.

The reason why ASMAEL dared to sell a lithography machine for 150 million US dollars was that it monopolized the cutting-edge lithography machine market.

Once a competitor in the same level appears.

Want to continue to have market share.

Either develop a better cutting-edge lithography machine, or choose to cut prices to seize market share.

But the development of cutting-edge lithography machines is not an overnight thing.

Selling cutting-edge lithography machines at a reduced price is not something he wants to see.

At present, the lithography machine developed by Rainbow Semiconductor Group is better than Asmail.

This gave Eyler a sense of panic.

Xia Guo is the world's factory.

Once you master a core technology.

This means that high-end products that were originally only owned by Western countries will soon fall into the dust and become "cabbage prices".

Asmael EUV engraving machine, although not to the price of cabbage.

But from now on.

ASMAEL EUV engraving machine no longer has the previous monopoly in the industry.

Not to mention that the company's market value exceeded $200 billion and $300 billion......

I'm afraid Asmail can't even maintain its current market value of $120 billion.

At this moment. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Eller, who has always been calm, is like a mourner!

Because the end of Asmael has come!


At the same time.

Western countries all know the news that Xia Guo has developed a high-end lithography machine.

This news made them both angry and desperate.

Originally, no country in the world could independently develop cutting-edge lithography machines.

But now......

The birth of the extreme ultraviolet EUV engraving machine of the rainbow 2nm process technology has made the so-called "chip sanctions" a joke.

In the future, Xia Guo will produce as many high-end chips as he wants.

And that's not all.

Xia will never import more than $300 billion in chips every year.

Whether it is from the perspective of technological blockade, or from the perspective of economic interests.

Xia Guo has developed a high-end lithography machine, which is not what they want to see!

Didn't wait for the Western countries to respond.

Another blockbuster news that spreads around the world.

The specific news is "Xia Guo Lithography Factory, officially put into use!"

The steady-state micro-beam (SSMB) extreme ultraviolet light source facility, that is, the lithography factory, funded by Xia Guo Rainbow University in the West Coast New Area, was officially put into use.

The facility uses a 1,064-meter-long laser to control the electron beam in the storage ring MLS in Berlin, causing the electron beam to run around the ring in a circle with a circumference of 48 meters, forming a fine microstructure, known as micro-beaming.

Micro-clustering emits high-intensity, narrow-bandwidth coherent light at the laser wavelength and its higher harmonics, and the formation of micro-clustering is verified by detecting this radiation.

As a new generation of accelerator light source, steady-state microbunching and SSMB can produce high-power, high-repetition coherent light, and the wavelength can cover the terahertz to extreme ultraviolet bands, proposing a new chip manufacturing method, subverting the limitations of traditional lithography technology, and is an innovative technology for future chip manufacturing technology.

The light source it generates, through continuous screening, can obtain 5nm, 4nm, 3nm, 2nm, and 1nm beams of different specifications, and then 607 is docked with lithography machines of different specifications.

Lithography factory, after it was officially put into use.

Chips with different processes such as 5nm to 1nm can all be produced smoothly.

In other words, Xia Guo has become a supercharger in the field of chips!


As soon as the news came out.

Western countries are like mourning.

Gone are the days when ASML single-handedly covered the sky in the Netherlands.

As the only country with a whole industry chain in the world, the chips produced by the lithography factory can be used and exported for their own use.

Moreover, Xia Guo will have the world's most advanced high-end chips.

Western countries know it in their hearts.

The Xia Kingdom is recovering strongly.

Once this eastern dragon is revived, it will not be a good thing for the entire Western country.

With Xia Guo conquering high-end chips.

Even if they re-impose a technological blockade on the Xia Kingdom.

Now it doesn't make any sense either.

The rise of the Xia Kingdom is completely unstoppable!


on the domestic Internet. []

Netizens rejoiced and made noise.

"Oh my God!

"In the future, we will have as many high-end chips as we want!"

"God bless Xia Guo! Thank you to Village Chief Fang Yun for proposing the idea of lithography factory, otherwise we would not be able to make breakthroughs in various fields!"

"I don't regret entering the Xia Kingdom in this life, and I will still grow flowers in the next life! Long live the Xia Kingdom!"

"From this moment on, our Xia country has finally become a real chip exporter from a chip importing country!"

"Hehe, smart as me, when you were celebrating wildly, you were already crazy about shorting the stocks of Asmail and other companies, and you have made a lot of money now......"

"Upstairs netizens, if you don't call us this kind of good thing, are you still human?!

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