December 10th.

Stockholm Concert Hall, Switzerland Country.

The 2019 Nobel Prize Ceremony was grandly held.

More than 1,500 representatives from the Swiss royal family, the securities industry, the business community, the cultural community and all walks of life attended the Nobel Prize Ceremony.

The Nobel Prize is divided into 6 awards.

They are the Chemistry Prize, the Physics Prize, the Literature Prize, the Economics Prize, the He Ping Prize, and the Physiology or Medicine Prize.

At this moment, famous scientists from all over the world come together.

Inside the Stockholm Concert Hall, the stars shine.

The ceremony begins.

The Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra performs Nobel pieces.

After the song ends.

Lars Heikensten, Executive Director of the Nobel Foundation, delivered a speech.

Followed by.

A representative of the Nobel Wilson Association, who will introduce the achievements and backgrounds of the winners.


Su Zirui, a junior at Xia Guocai University, won the 2019 Nobel Prize in Physics.

Wang Jun and Li Fu, senior students of Xia Guo Rainbow University, won the 2019 Nobel Prize in Physics.

Su Zirui calculates the structure of turbulent flow.

The turbulence problem is solved, and to put it mildly, it can better serve the industry.

For example, in the nuclear engineering industry, the safety margin of thermal and hydraulic design should be reduced, the economy and safety of core design should be improved, and nuclear energy resources should be better utilized.

For example, in the field of ship design, a better shape design can be obtained, so that the ship 23 ships can sail faster, have a longer life, and so on.

Aviation, aerospace, shipbuilding, power, water conservancy, chemical industry, ocean engineering, meteorology, marine science, astronomy and other fields will usher in a new leap forward and enter a new round of industrial revolution.

The turbulence problem is solved, and at best, physics can be unified.

From how dark matter and dark energy work, to the macroscopic operation of the universe, to the quantum microscopic entanglement process, all the details can be simulated without leakage.

Wang Jun and Li Fu, at the National Key Laboratory of Aero Engines of Rainbow University, developed a 20 times sonic engine.

They have developed an aero engine that can generate more thrust for the aircraft through advanced supersonic combustion technology, because it can burn fuel in a very short time.

In addition, the engine is state-of-the-art in terms of materials and manufacturing technology, which can greatly improve reliability and durability.

The newly developed 20 times sonic engine has been tested in 2,000 shock wave wind tunnels, and the results have been very successful.

Hypersonic technology is the study of flight technology with flight speeds exceeding Mach 5.

The previous fastest aircraft was the 2.88 times the speed of sound of the United States SR-71 Blackbird reconnaissance aircraft.

With the birth of the 20 times sonic engine.

Xia Guo has won the world in the field of aero engines.



Zhou Yu, a junior at Xia Guo Rainbow University, won the 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

Xie Chenxi and Xu Lu, senior students of Xia Guo Rainbow University, won the 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

Zhou Yu developed Joule hot flash technology, which turned expensive graphene into cabbage prices in seconds.

The commercial value of graphene is between US$70,000 and US$200,000 per tonne.

The Joule thermal flash technology can produce 1 kg of graphene with only 1.06 yuan of electricity cost.

Convert it to death.

1 ton of graphene only costs 1060 yuan, equivalent to 160 US dollars.

As graphene prices plummeted.

A new round of material revolution has arrived!

Xie Chenxi and Xu Lu jointly developed nanopesticides.

The nano-pesticides they developed can completely solve the problem of pest control and double the yield of crops per mu.


Medical field.

Dr. Wei Ning and Dr. Qin Lan from Xia Guo Rainbow Hospital, and Professor Mei Li from Rainbow Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. were awarded the 2019 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

Dr. Wei Ning, with umbilical cord blood stem cell transplantation, completely cured AIDS disease.

Dr. Qin Lan has developed a rainbow cancer drug that can cure any cancer.

Professor Mei Li has developed a rainbow hepatitis B specific drug, which can completely cure hepatitis B.


Literary field.

Luo Ting, a rainbow villager, won the 2019 Nobel Prize in Literature.

Her work "Human Nature" has a strong reflection on human nature and a profound reflection of reality.

With this work, Luo Ting became the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in Singapore.


economic field.

Chen Zhe and Huang Kai, fourth-year students at Xia Guo Rainbow University, won the 2019 Nobel Prize in Economics.

Chen Zhe improved the auction theory and created a new form of auction.

Huang Kai has achieved subversive results in the methodology of causal analysis. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In the end, the two won the Nobel Prize.


He Ping field.

Xia Guo Rainbow Village Foundation, won the 19-year Nobel He Ping Prize.

The Rainbow Village Foundation has donated a total of 50 billion yuan in charitable funds and materials in dozens of fields such as natural environmental protection, wildlife protection, medical donations, infant and child protection, poor education, agricultural environmental protection, disease rehabilitation, and road repair.

The Rainbow Village Foundation has made an unparalleled contribution to social philanthropy, social health, social welfare and social progress.

Because of this, this year's Nobel Hoping Prize was awarded to the Rainbow Village Foundation.


After the award is announced.

The audience was in an uproar.

This year, a total of 12 people have won Nobel Prizes in various fields.

It is worth mentioning.

These 12 people are all from the Xia Kingdom, and they are all from Rainbow Village!

In this regard, there is a lot of discussion in the Stockholm Concert Hall.

", they're all from the country of Xia?!"

"Amazing! Xia Guo Rainbow Village has created a Nobel Prize miracle!"

"Inconceivable!How can there be such a strong village in the Xia Kingdom?"

"Unbelievable! Rainbow Village is amazing! 12 Nobel laureates and a Nobel He Ping Prize organization were born at once!"


Discussions. []

Nobel laureates in various fields took to the high platform to receive the awards in turn.

The chat stopped and there was warm applause.

Accompanied by the melody of awards.

The Nobel laureates received a Nobel Prize certificate, a Nobel Gold Medal, and a document with a prize denomination of 9 million Swiss Crowns from the hands of King Ruidian.

Scientists who also win the Nobel Prize will share the prize of 9 million Swiss points and crowns.

Under the watchful eyes of the audience.

Everyone delivered their acceptance speeches one after another.

In the process of speaking.

The scene resounded with applause again and again, which lasted for a long time.

After the award ceremony.

Now 293 all the guests went to Stockholm City Hall to attend the Nobel Banquet.


At the same time.

The news media in Xia have reported this grand occasion.

"Nobel Prize Blowout! Rainbow Village Becomes the Cradle of the Nobel Prize!"

"One Village, Twelve Nobel Prizes!Rainbow Village Becomes the Biggest Winner!"

"The Real Birthplace of the Nobel Prize!

"Counting the 12 Nobel laureates this year, there are already 18 Nobel laureates in Rainbow Village!"

"The latest ranking of Nobel laureates in Xia Guo universities!10 from Rainbow University, 1 from Yenching University, and 1 from Yenching Normal University!"

Chen Zhe and Huang Kai were awarded Nobel Prize economists, becoming the first and second Nobel laureates in economics in the history of China!


As soon as the news report came out.

Netizens were noisy with gongs and drums, and firecrackers rang out in unison.

Compared to previous years.

This year's Nobel Prize, there are too many explosions.

Rainbow Village won all the Nobel Prizes and achieved the Nobel Prize Grand Slam.


on the Internet.

Netizens are hotly discussed.

"it?!!12 Nobel Prize winners in Rainbow Village this year?!"

"Rainbow Village is too good! It deserves to be the cradle of the Nobel Prize!"

"The Rainbow Villagers are amazing!

"A total of 18 Nobel laureates! Rainbow Village has become the No. 1 village in the world!"

"Now Qindao Rainbow Village has become a god-like existence in our Xia Kingdom's academic circles!

"Have you noticed that this year, Rainbow University and Rainbow Hospital have won the Nobel Prize!

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