July 8th.

Rainbow Residential Island.

New campus of Rainbow University.

Inside the main stadium.

All undergraduate, master's and doctoral graduates gathered together to participate in the 2020 graduation ceremony and degree conferment ceremony.

Tao Rui, President of Rainbow University, four vice presidents and other school leaders, members of the degree evaluation committee, members of the degree evaluation sub-committee, graduate tutors, heads of relevant functional departments of the university, leaders, teachers, faculty, counselors, representatives of current students, family members, relatives and friends of graduates, representatives of brother universities, and brother cooperation units all attended the ceremony.

The graduates, dressed in their degree gowns, greeted this long-awaited moment with warm applause and cheers.

The red graduation backdrop creates a sense of solemnity and ceremony at the graduation ceremony.

Rainbow University Campus TV, Rainbow Satellite TV, Rainbow Live, Rainbow Short Video and other platforms all broadcast live videos of this year's graduation ceremony.


The ceremony begins.

On the big screen at the scene, a number of academicians and faculty representatives of Rainbow University recorded graduation messages for the students.

With affectionate words, the teachers encouraged the students to have the courage to pursue their dreams and take on the responsibilities and missions entrusted by the times.

Then, the warm-up program began.

Grammy Award winner Zhang Xi walked out of the side of the venue and sang the song "There Will Be No Future".

"When a ship sinks to the bottom of the sea,

When — the individual becomes a mystery,

You don't know

Why did they leave?

That goodbye was his last word. "

An ethereal sound resounded throughout the stadium.

"When a car disappears into the sky,

When — the individual becomes a mystery.

You don't know

Why did they leave?

It's like you didn't know it was the end......"

The students beat the beat, and the atmosphere was very touching.


Then, the second program begins.

Grammy Award winner Sun Ruohan walked out of the side of the venue and sang the song "As You Wish".

"You are the way far away,

Lights in the fog of the mountains.

I'm a child,

Walk in your eyes.

You are the moon and the breeze,

I am your dream.

See or not see and embrace you all your life~

And I will love the world you love,

May you smile as you wish,

I staggered by your hand,

Please take me to tomorrow~

If you have bittered my sweetness,

I want to live as you wish,

May it be in vain, and I wish to go bravely!

Every day in this prosperous world~"


Then, several counselors appeared on the stage and sang the song "Light" together.

"When the ashes have sealed the eaves of the frost,

When the chrysanthemum grass turns into late autumn dew.

I made a bag out of stubborn withered vines,

Walked to the thorny land~

Maybe the confusion of the journey,

Will tear my arm apart.

But I believe that in the future it will,

Give me a pair of dream wings~"

When the students heard the counselors' singing, they immediately recalled the scenes of their study time, which was deeply moving.


Next, several school professors sang the song "I Wish You a Good Journey".

"When you take your sacks and take off that glory,

I can only let the tears remain in my heart.

With a slight smile on his face,

Wave your hand vigorously,

I wish you a smooth journey~

When you step on the platform and walk alone,

I can only bless you deeply.

Bless you deeply,

Dearest friends,

I wish you a smooth journey~"

The voices of the professors echoed through the stadium.

Many sentimental schoolgirls left tears in their eyes.


on the performance link.

There was also an intelligent robot chorus program "We Are All Dreamers" and a dance "Come on Rainbow Students" performed by intelligent robots.

In addition, the brass ensemble "Rainbow University University Song", "Ode to Joy", "Amazing Grace" and other programs took turns to appear, winning applause from the audience.

All teachers and students also enjoyed the MV of Rainbow University's original symphony suite "Rainbow Imagination".

Frame by frame, string of notes, full of blessings.

The mood of the students is a little low.

From now on, they will leave Rainbow University and the campus that has been with them for many years.

All the performances are over.

The Director of the Student Affairs Department and the Director of the General Office of the Graduate School took the stage to give a lecture on safety issues, award certificates, and take a group photo.

64 officiating professors slowly walked into the venue and the audience gave warm applause.

The graduation ceremony and degree conferment ceremony kicked off with the solemn national anthem.

All the attendees stood and sang the national anthem.

The national flag was slowly raised and fluttered in the wind amid the majestic and passionate national anthem.

Representatives of the Student Union, the Graduate Student Union, outstanding graduates, counselors, and deans took the stage to speak.

Among them, the speech of Wu Yuan, the representative of outstanding undergraduate graduates, was the most impressive.

Wu Yuan is a two-time Turing Award winner, a creator of strong artificial intelligence, an academician of the Xia Academy of Sciences, and a winner of the Rainbow Top Ten Academic Award.

Facing the gaze of teachers and students.

Wu Yuan opened his mouth and said, "Distinguished leaders, teachers, students, good morning.

Four years ago, I was admitted to Rainbow University.

At that time, Rainbow University was unknown and unknown.

At the opening ceremony of the school.

Fang Yun, the village chief of Rainbow Village, also came to the scene.

That's what Village Chief Fang Yun said.

Life is not going to be easier because you choose Rainbow University.

In the future, it can be as small as what kind of courses to choose, what kind of way to spend your spare time, and as big as what kind of development direction you choose in the future.

These choices, big and small, will make up our most precious Rainbow University time.

I'm here today, though I can't tell you the outcome of every choice.

But I hope that the choice of rainbow students is to follow less blindly and explore more.

Four years have passed in the blink of an eye.

Those of us who were undergraduates ten years ago have reached the time point of graduation.

Students, you are about to start a new journey in life, and I have three words to send to you.

First, you must pack the power of belief into your bags, believe in the times, believe in yourself, believe in time, and use the power of belief to draw a chapter of youth.

Second, you must have firm confidence in the times, take advantage of the momentum, be a water blow for 3,000 miles, realize the common achievements of individuals and the times in the same direction with the times, use your enthusiasm and youth to forge the road to a strong country, and write a life without regrets.

Third, you should take the self-confidence and self-encouragement of rainbow students, with the heroism of no one in the world, stride forward, lead the fashion with wisdom and strength, learn to be a friend of time, focus on self-discipline, ask for efficiency from time, use savings to precipitate wisdom from time, stick to time for the future, make unremitting efforts, and go straight to the sea ~. "

The voice fell. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The applause at the scene lasted for a long time.


Finally, President Tao Rui, wearing a degree uniform, took the stage to speak.

He said slowly: "Approved by the 4th, 15th, 20th, and 31st school council meetings of Rainbow University for the 2019-2020 academic year.

Then, Tao Rui read out the list of advanced collectives, outstanding master's graduates, outstanding doctoral graduates and outstanding graduates of the undergraduate graduating class of Rainbow University, and congratulated the commended classes, bachelors and all graduates.

Tao Rui said affectionately: "Four years have flown by, the sun in the world is just right, the wind is blowing through the treetops, you and I are young."

With its tolerance and fraternity, Rainbow University carries the joys, sorrows and sorrows of the students, and witnesses the growth of young teenagers.

After four years of baptism, the rainbow students are gradually full of wings and steel, and they are about to go to Tiannan and Haibei to bloom the flowers of youth.

Students, you are about to start a new journey in life, and I would like to send you three sentences.

First, there are 10,000 possibilities for youth, don't be afraid to toss more.

Second, there are a thousand choices for youth, don't be afraid to take detours.

Third, there are a hundred kinds of success in youth, don't be afraid to play tricks.

I hope that all graduates can only accumulate and find the blue ocean of career and life by maintaining a normal heart and being willing to do ordinary things.

The flags on the campus road fluttered in the wind, and the friendship of the graduation photos in the prime of life was undiminished. []

The mountains are high and the water is long, and there will be a period later.

Say goodbye to each other.

Starlight doesn't ask passers-by, and it doesn't live up to the strugglers.

Students, today you are bidding farewell to your alma mater, to this hot land that remembers your youth and ideals, to this world that has forged your confidence and soul, and to bravely welcome a new round of struggle in the journey of life.

All kinds of reluctance and nostalgia will be turned into memories, forever cherished in our hearts, engraved in our lives.

The world is so big, it's not difficult to get together.

No matter where you go or how far you go.

Remember, the doors of your alma mater will always be open to you.

I look forward to your return here with achievements, fruits, and glory.

Rainbow University will always be proud of you!"


Hearing Principal Tao Rui's words.

The teachers and students in the audience had a strong emotional resonance, and the atmosphere of the scene reached its peak.

Then, the degree conferment ceremony began.

The graduates, dressed in their degree gowns, took the stage in groups of 64 one after another.

The officiating professor is the degree recipient, confers the degree certificate, changes the tassel of the bachelor's cap on the student's head from the right to the left, completes the tassel ceremony, and takes a group photo.

A heartwarming scene is that the canteen masters, dormitory managers, and security guards who get along with the students day and night were also invited to attend the ceremony.

Their arrival was warmly welcomed by the teachers and students on the spot.

During their college days, they accompanied their classmates and witnessed their growth, and today they are witnessing this sacred moment with the graduates.

The ceremony ended.

The music sounded, and all the staff stood up and sang the school song in unison.

The blood of youth is completely ignited at this moment.

The students' love and memories of their alma mater will be remembered forever in the chorus that deeply penetrates the hearts of the people.


In the melodious melody of the school song.

The first graduation ceremony of Rainbow University came to a successful conclusion.

The students threw their degree caps into the sky.

Remembering youth, being young.

Take dreams as horses and ride the wind and waves.

Rainbow students, officially graduated!


It was night that day.

Rainbow University Main Stadium.

The 2020 drones with their own flashing lights lined up in an orderly formation and set sail in the wind.

The drone rises into the night sky and constantly changes colors and patterns in the night.

The landmark buildings of Rainbow University, such as the old campus of the school, the school library, the school teaching building, the school canteen, and the school's scientific research site, are transformed into dynamic light and shadow patterns, which look like a painting hanging high in the sky, which is amazing.

"I love Rainbow University!"

"The future is picturesque, it's hard to say goodbye!"

"Rainbow glory, it's up to you to continue!"

"Graduation in a new era, writing a magnificent chapter!"

"Youth will not end, (Wang's) future has set sail!"


These graduation messages are full of Rainbow University's infinite affection and best wishes for the graduates.

The cool drone show instantly ignited the audience.

See here.

Every rainbow student burst into tears.

Back in the day, when they first came to the school, the school was unknown.

Rainbow University is neither a 985 university nor a 211 university, and only the score line reaches the score line.

Four years have passed.

Rainbow University has risen strongly to become the world's number one university.

Each of their students has been coaxed by outside companies, and in the first half of their senior year, they have found a job that is envied by their peers.

What kind of four years has it been?

"I've always been hard-hearted, I can't imagine that I still have tears in my eyes today!"

This is my alma mater, Rainbow University, which has nurtured me for four years!"

"Looking back now, we rainbow students are so happy!"

"Yes, the school has gone from obscurity to fame all over the world, it's been an incredible journey!"

"Thank you Principal Tao Rui! Thank you Rainbow Village! I feel very proud to be a Rainbow student!"


Speaking of which.

The graduates raised their mobile phones and took pictures of the drone performances in the sky as souvenirs.

Starting tomorrow.

They are leaving their alma mater to welcome a new life.

However, they will always remember the four years they spent at Rainbow University.

Here, everyone is reborn.

It's a place where everyone becomes a better version of themselves.

No matter where you go in the future.

They can all proudly say that they are a rainbow student!

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