October 28th.

Qindao, a residential community.

Qi Yuan, as usual, leisurely brushed the rainbow short video.

Just open the APP software.

The short video on the home page appeared in the air in front of you.

The holographic projection picture was so vivid that he couldn't help but be amazed.

The title of the video is "The birth of epoch-making technology, the era of wireless transmission is coming!"

The narrator introduced: "Today, Rainbow Technology Group held a press conference.

At the press conference, scientists announced that they have conquered ultra-long-distance wireless charging technology and ultra-long-distance wireless Internet access technology.

Ultra-long-distance wireless charging technology refers to the construction of supercharging radio towers, which can achieve wireless charging within a range of 1,000 kilometers.

Ultra-long-distance wireless Internet access technology refers to the construction of super network signal towers, which can achieve wireless Internet access within a range of 1,000 kilometers.

The birth of these two technologies is of epoch-making significance.

From now on, our mobile phones, computers, electrical equipment, new energy vehicles, intelligent robots, etc., can get rid of lengthy charging cables and charging piles, and realize wireless charging in the true sense.

In addition, when the wires disappear, fires and electric shocks caused by aging wires and other problems will be eliminated every year, reducing unnecessary losses......

See here.

Qi Yuan nodded slightly.

Nowadays, large cities bury power lines in the ground for safety and aesthetics.

But that doesn't mean the wires are gone.

In smaller cities, telephone poles still exist.

The birth of ultra-long-distance wireless charging technology will definitely allow Xia Guo to enter a new social form.

In the video.

The narrator continues: "After the birth of ultra-long-distance wireless Internet access technology, not only major cities in China will install super network signal towers23, but also deep mountains and old forests, desert jungles, and sea areas will install signal towers to ensure that every corner of the summer country has wireless network signals.

At today's press conference, Fang Yun, the head of Rainbow Village, announced that he would spend 500 billion yuan to build a supercharging radio tower and a super network signal tower in Rainbow Village, so that Rainbow Village can get rid of wires and optical fibers.

At the same time, Rainbow Village will also fund the replacement of all household appliances for the villagers, so that the village can enter the wireless era.

In addition, Rainbow Technology Group will also launch the space supercharging radio wave satellite, and the space super network signal satellite, which is expected to be launched into the sky within one month, so stay tuned. "

After Qi Yuan saw the video, he sighed with emotion.

Rainbow Village is worthy of being the most technologically advanced place in the world.

Ultra-long-distance wireless charging and ultra-long-distance wireless Internet access are indeed epoch-making technologies!

A new form of society has arrived!


Qi Yuan gave the smart holographic phone and gave the order.

in the air in front of you.

The second short video appears.

The title of the video is "Rainbow Ocean Fishing Co., Ltd., Fishing Out the Treasure of the Awa Maru Shipwreck, Worth Tens of Billions of Yuan!"

The narrator explains: "In 1945, the Neon Nation's 10,000-ton transport ship Awa Maru was sunk and sank into the waters east of Niushan Island.

According to the information, the Awa Maru contains 40 tons of gold, 12 tons of platinum, 40 boxes of jewelry and cultural relics, 3,000 tons of tin ingots, 3,000 tons of rubber, 2,000 tons of tungsten, 2,000 tons of aluminum, and the national treasure Yanjing human skull fossil.

In 1977, Xia Guo began to salvage the Awa Maru, but the salvage results showed that there were only 5,000 tons of materials such as tin ingots and rubber on board, and there was no trace of gold at all, let alone precious cultural relics.

Some time ago, Rainbow Ocean Fishing Co., Ltd., with the approval of the state, carried out wreck fishing activities in this area.

Rainbow Ocean Fishing Co., Ltd. dispatched 100 large-scale diving waterproof intelligent robots to search for the shipwreck.

The emperor lives up to his wishes.

Rainbow Ocean Fishing Co., Ltd., which took one month, finally searched the seabed for 40 tons of gold, 40 boxes of jewelry and cultural relics, and a national treasure, the Yanjing Man skull fossil.

According to preliminary estimates, this treasure is worth 25 billion yuan!

At present, these cultural relics and the national treasure Yanjing human skull fossils have been sent to the Rainbow Village Museum for collection!"

After reading this news.

Qi Yuan was excited.

The Yanjing man skull fossil is a priceless treasure!

Witnessing the return of the national treasure to China is undoubtedly the thing that every citizen of Xia Kingdom wants to see the most.

He had seen a lot of news about deep-sea wreck fishing, and because the divers couldn't stand the terrible pressure, they had to die of illness.

Now Rainbow Ocean Fishing Co., Ltd. has dispatched a large-scale diving waterproof intelligent robot to salvage the wreck.

Scientists once published a statistics on shipwrecks.

There are about 1 million shipwrecks in the world, and the total value of the treasure ranges from tens of billions to trillions.

Just by salvaging shipwrecks from the deep sea.

Rainbow Ocean Fishing Co., Ltd. will be ranked 71st among the world's top 500 companies and among the top ten in the world!


After Qi Yuan gave the order.

In the air in front of me, a third short video appeared.

The title of the video is "Stem cells in vitro cultivation of organs, a new breakthrough in the field of organ regeneration!"

"Today, Rainbow Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. held a press conference to announce a major breakthrough in the field of organ regeneration.

Professor Xiang Ping, a scientific researcher of the company, used the patient's own stem cells to cultivate organs in vitro, and successfully cultivated 48 kinds of organs such as heart, liver, lung, kidney, and bladder.

In clinical trials, patients are transplanted with organs grown in vitro.

Because I didn't reject it, the operation went very smoothly.

Organ transplantation is currently an important medical treatment for patients with end-stage organ failure.

Without donation, there is no transplant.

But far more patients need to have their organs transplanted than donors.

At this stage, the field of organ transplantation in Xia Kingdom.

Every year, about 300,000 people are waiting for an organ transplant due to end-stage organ failure.

The number of organ transplants is only about 20,000 per year.

The gap in transplantation is huge!

Countless patients have passed away after waiting in line for their organs.

With the birth of stem cells in vitro cultivation of organs.

From now on, we will be able to solve the problem of insufficient number of organ transplants once and for all. "

See this video.

Qi Yuan was amazed.

Every little progress in medicine can cure the common people.

The technology of stem cell in vitro cultivation of organs is undoubtedly an epic medical breakthrough!

Not an exaggeration. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Professor Xiang Ping of Rainbow Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. has a high probability of winning the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in the future!



Qi Yuan continued to watch short videos.

The title of the video is "Rainbow Aerospace Group, Announcing a Manned Moon Landing Program!"

The narrator introduced: "Today, Rainbow Aerospace Group held a press conference with the outside world.

From now on, Rainbow Aerospace Group will cooperate with the Rainbow Academy of Sciences to carry out a manned lunar landing program.

Rainbow Aerospace Group will use two launch vehicles to send the lunar lander and the manned spacecraft to the lunar orbit for docking in orbit, and the astronauts will enter the lunar lander from the spacecraft.

After that, the lunar lander will descend and land in a predetermined area of the lunar surface alone, and astronauts will land on the moon to carry out scientific investigation and sample collection.

After completing the scheduled mission, the astronauts will ascend to the lunar orbit on the lander to rendezvous and dock with the spacecraft, and return to Earth with samples on the spacecraft.

It is reported that the Rainbow launch vehicle, a new generation of manned spacecraft, a lunar lander, a manned lunar rover and other equipment developed by the Rainbow Aerospace Group will soon be put into use.

The plan will build a lunar scientific research test station for the follow-up Xia country, carry out systematic and continuous lunar exploration and related technology test verification. "

See this news.

Qi Yuan nodded understandingly.

Nuclear fusion has a perfect raw material, and that is helium-3. []

The helium-3 resources present on the moon have a mass of between 1.2 million tons and 5 million tons, enough for human use for more than 10,000 years.

With the advent of controlled nuclear fusion technology.

Helium-3, the raw material for nuclear fusion on the moon, will become the most important strategic resource in the future, countless times more precious than oil.

Whoever first establishes the "helium-3" refining base on the moon will occupy the initiative in the future.

Under the wrestling of great powers.

Rainbow Aerospace Group and Rainbow Academy of Sciences announced the launch of a manned lunar landing program, which is also for the subsequent exploitation of helium-3 energy.

Now, Xia is the only country in the world that has mastered controlled nuclear fusion technology.

Step by step, step by step!

On the road to the sea of stars, Xia Guo has taken the lead.



Qi Yuan continued to watch short videos.

The title of the video is "Rainbow Medical Equipment Co., Ltd., Developed a 100% Medical Diagnostic Instrument!"

The narrator introduced: "Today, Rainbow Medical Devices Group held a press conference.

At the press conference, a huge device of pure white attracted everyone's attention.

This instrument, called Rainbow 100% Medical Diagnostic Instrument, costs 1 billion yuan.

After the instrument scans the patient, the patient's detailed diagnostic data is displayed on the screen.

The patient's heart rate, blood pressure, blood, tumors, organography, central nervous system, genetic lesions, microbial skirts, etc., can be diagnosed.

In the past, patients who wanted to have a comprehensive physical examination needed to do a variety of examinations, which was time-consuming and labor-intensive.

But with the advent of the Rainbow 100% Medical Diagnostic Instrument.

Patients only need to go through the scan of one device to achieve a truly comprehensive medical examination!

Before item 283, Rainbow Medical Device Co., Ltd. has submitted to the Medical Device Technical Approval Center of the State Drug Administration for marketing approval.

If all goes well, the instrument will be on sale in January next year!"

See this news.

Qi Yuan was stunned.

Generally speaking, going to the hospital for a comprehensive physical examination is very complicated.

Urine routine, biochemical blood lipids, hepatobiliary, spleen, pancreatic double kidney color, cranial magnetic resonance, Hungarian CT, alpha-fetoprotein, carcinoembryonic antigen, blood routine, liver function, kidney function, electrocardiogram, thyroid, prostate, reproductive system examination, etc., all need to be done.

The cost of the medical examination is not mentioned.

Just these check-ups are exhausting.

The emergence of the Rainbow 100% Medical Diagnostic Device is undoubtedly a blessing for all physical examination patients!

Of course, this instrument costs 1 billion yuan, which is extremely expensive.

Even if it is approved for marketing, only a few hospitals in China can purchase and use it.



Qi Yuan continued to watch short videos.

"Rainbow Holographic Group, Launch the World's First Holographic Satellite into the Sky!"

"Rainbow Electronics Group, smartphone sales account for 15% of the world's monthly sales!"

"Rainbow Genetic Engineering Group, Initiates the Approval Process of Gene Repair Drugs, and Strives for Early Approval for Marketing!"

"Rainbow Air Taxi has been popularized in major cities across the country, and the company's latest market value exceeds $100 billion!"

"Rainbow Intelligent Robot Group has built the world's largest intelligent robot production base in Qindao, with an annual output of 5 million units!"

"Rainbow Environmental Protection Group, starting the Qindao carbon dioxide purification plant, can store 1 million tons of carbon dioxide per year, equivalent to planting 46.6 million trees and stopping 3.3 million cars!"

"Xia Guo's network security department announced that it will use intelligent life to check IP addresses, network speech supervision, network fraud, water army inventory and other special actions, and return the Internet to a bright future!"


A series of holographic videos to watch down.

Qi Yuan watched with enthusiasm.

Ultra-long-distance wireless charging, ultra-long-distance wireless Internet access, salvage deep-sea treasures, stem cells in vitro cultivation of organs, 100% medical diagnostic instrument, manned moon landing program...... These are all related to rainbow enterprises.

Not an exaggeration.

The current rainbow enterprise is the fire that ignites the scientific and technological civilization of mankind.

The entire Xia Kingdom will benefit from this!

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