May 20th.

Rainbow Tech Island.

Rainbow Controlled Nuclear Fusion Group.

In a laboratory.

Fan Chen, deputy director of the scientific research department, is explaining the miniaturization of controlled nuclear fusion to the group's scientific researchers.

He said slowly: "The key to controlled nuclear fusion now lies in high temperature and high pressure.

High temperature makes the kinetic energy of the nucleus higher, and high pressure makes the nucleus denser.

When a certain level is reached, nuclear fusion can be ignited.

The tokamak device is to make the plasma temperature reach hundreds of millions of degrees Celsius.

Such high temperatures are incapable of being withstood by any known material.

Therefore, it can only be bound with a magnetic field.

A strong magnetic field requires superconducting materials.

Fortunately, room-temperature superconductors have been realized, making controlled nuclear fusion more difficult. "

The voice fell.

The scientific researchers present nodded one after another.

Before the birth of room-temperature superconductors, there were only low-temperature superconductors.

It is difficult to maintain the ultra-high temperature on the inside of the tokamak device on the one hand, and the ultra-low temperature on the outside of the device on the other.

And if you want to realize a small nuclear fusion device, it is extremely difficult!

Fan Chen continued: "With the weapons of the Nantianmen plan, after turning into reality.

The outside world thinks that our Rainbow Controlled Nuclear Fusion Group has the ability to master small nuclear fusion devices.

In fact, this view is incorrect.

To be more precise, the field involved in small nuclear fusion devices is cold nuclear fusion.

Cold nuclear fusion refers to igniting nuclear fusion at room temperature or when the temperature is not too high.

Now, I'm going to talk to you about cold nuclear fusion.

The principle of cold nuclear fusion is actually the process of electrolysis of heavy water with palladium, and the deuterium generated after the electrolysis of heavy water will be driven by electric current, using pulse discharge to create plasma, and then let it bombard the palladium electrode, so as to undergo cold nuclear fusion reaction.

The principle sounds simple.

But in order to truly achieve cold nuclear fusion, there are many important points worth noting in each step.

Now, I'm going to tell you about these points... ~..."

With Fan Chen's narration.

The scientific researchers present were fascinated by what they heard.

Science has borders.

Therefore, this latest scientific and technological knowledge will not be circulated on the Internet or in books.

Only those who become scientists with rainbow controlled nuclear fusion will have the opportunity to learn about cold nuclear fusion.


After 2 hours.

Today's cold fusion course ends.

Fan Chen, deputy director of the scientific research department, turned around and left.

Seeing this, the scientific researchers discussed a lot.

"Director Fan's level is really high, he seems to know everything!"

Director Fan is a Ph.D. student at Harbin University of Technology, and there is nothing he doesn't understand in the field of nuclear fusion!"

"Director Fan is one of the core personnel of the group, and an annual salary of 5 million is not a joke!"

"We have gone through many assessments before we have the opportunity to become the group's scientific researchers, listening to the knowledge of cold nuclear fusion, this opportunity must not be missed!"

"That's nature! The space interstellar age is coming! Let's master cold nuclear fusion, and we will be able to eat and wear without worry in the future!"


Researchers are talking about it.

Fan Chen had already returned to his office.

He pulled out a brand new hard drive from a drawer.

It contains all the information about cold nuclear fusion.

At this moment, Fan Chen pinched the hard drive and laughed at himself in his heart: "I can't imagine that I am about to become a walking 500,000!"

The 500,000 who walked generally referred to the spies lurking in the Xia Kingdom.

Fan Chen, as a top student of Harbin University of Technology, a top student of Harbin University of Technology, has passed the certificate system review and is very young.

After graduating with a Ph.D., he joined the Rainbow Controlled Nuclear Fusion Group.

With outstanding talent and excellent technical knowledge.

He quickly stood out in the group and rose to the top of the group step by step!

It stands to reason.

A person like him can never be a "walking 500,000"!


Fate is unpredictable.

Just some time ago.

His father, who lost all his savings playing cards, still owes 20 million.

After Fan Chen learned about it, he negotiated with the creditor. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After the negotiation.

Fan Chen learned that the creditor was a spy lurking in the country.

As long as Fan Chen agrees to hand over the information on cold nuclear fusion.

His father's $20 million debt was cleared, all his savings were repaid, and he promised to give $100 million in commissions.

If you don't give information.

Then the creditor will break the news on the Internet.

Fan Chen's father lost 20 million, which made Fan Chen lose face.

A scientific researcher with a "scandal" will naturally not be reused by the Rainbow Controlled Nuclear Fusion Group.

Until this time.

Fan Chen suddenly understood that his father had been made a game.


There are only two options in front of him.

First, they did not give information, exposed scandals, and lost their future.

Second, give the information and get $100 million.

Faced with the coercion and temptation of spies. []

Fan Chen couldn't think of any good way for a while.


He will never give the information!

$100 million is a huge fortune that cannot be refused for a researcher like him.

God gives information unknowingly, and in fact, no one will find out.

But Fan Chen has his own beliefs.

There will be absolutely no betrayal of the group, betrayal of the country!

Now the country is strong, its military strength is the highest in the world, and it has the absolute right to speak in the international community.

If the United States is allowed to control cold nuclear fusion.

This is undoubtedly bad news for the country.

Come to think of it.

Fan Chen made a decision.

He could lose his personal future and spend the rest of his life paying off his father's gambling debts.

But it will never betray the country and will definitely not endanger national security!

Fan Chen first destroyed the USB flash drive.

Then immediately go to the general manager's office of the group, report, and report everything to the superiors.


At the same time.

Rainbow Artificial Intelligence Group, Rainbow Virtual Reality Group, Rainbow Intelligent Robot Group, Rainbow Materials Group, Rainbow Electronics Group, Rainbow Aerospace Group and other rainbow enterprises, similar things have happened.

Many scientific researchers have been coerced and lured by Western countries.


These scientific researchers still stick to their beliefs and bottom line, and none of them have done anything against their conscience.

After they report to their superiors.

The general managers of each rainbow group also informed the village chief Fang Yun of Rainbow Village.

When Fang Yun learned the news, he was not surprised.

Today's Rainbow Group has mastered the world's most advanced science and technology, and continues to widen the gap with countries around the world.

Western countries will not turn a blind eye to this.

They can't develop high-tech themselves, so they can only start from the Xia Kingdom.

Coercion and inducement and other means emerge in endlessly!


Rainbow Village has the aura of the village's military patriotism.

Blessed by an aura.

No matter what happens.

Every scientific researcher in Rainbow Village will always be loyal to the country and will never endanger national security.

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