End of October.

Rainbow Tech Island.

Rainbow Genetic Engineering Group.

Large conference room.

A grand press conference is being held.

The meeting room with a capacity of more than 1,000 people is full.

Journalists, scientists, biologists, zoologists, all gathered together.

At the beginning of the press conference.

Tan Peng, general manager of Rainbow Genetic Engineering Group, stepped onto the high platform.

He shared a series of shocking data with everyone.

"Since 1900, at least 447 species have become extinct worldwide. "

"Extinct animals, including 69 species of mammals, 80 species of birds, 24 species of reptiles, 146 species of amphibians, 158 species of fish. "

"In the Xia Kingdom, there have been many extinctions of animals in the past 100 years, such as the clouded leopard in the bend, the tiger in Jiangcheng, the rhinoceros in the Xia country, the dolphin deer in the Xia country, the Przewalski's horse, the macaque in Zhili, the allosaurus carp, the Yangtze white sturgeon, the baiji dolphin and so on. "


The voice fell.

Everyone present nodded.

With the rapid development of human society.

Forest resources are becoming scarce.

Wildlife habitats have been destroyed and homes have been lost.

In addition, environmental pollution, indiscriminate hunting, indiscriminate mining and digging and other evil "423" bad behaviors.

Many rare species in nature are extinct or endangered.

Not an exaggeration.

The extinction of species is a major catastrophe facing the earth in the 21st century.


On a high platform.

Tan Peng said: "Some time ago, our group's gene regeneration laboratory extracted their DNA in the herbarium of extinct animals

Through gene editing, gene regeneration, gene cloning and other means, researchers have reproduced all kinds of extinct animals in the world!"

Hearing this, everyone present gasped in unison.

Did they hear it right?

Extinct animals resurrected?

Moreover, it is also the use of gene editing, gene regeneration, gene cloning and other high-level scientific and technological means.

It's incredible!

Tan Peng said loudly: "Everyone, you heard it right, all the extinct animals have been resurrected!"

After speaking, he used holographic projection technology to project a video over the conference room.


The staff of Rainbow Genetic Engineering Group released baiji dolphins and Yangtze white sturgeon in various areas of the Yangtze River basin.

Each baiji dolphin is streamlined and has a spindle-shaped torso.

They have a raised forehead, an elongated snout, a dorsal ridge, a bluish-gray back, a white ventral surface, and a caudal fin divided into two prongs, flattened and broad, parallel to the surface of the water.

The Yangtze white sturgeon, with a long snout like an elephant's trunk, a long fusiform body, both upper and lower jaws with sharp and thin teeth, a light purple-gray back, a slightly white-pink abdomen and fins, and a row of spinous scales on the upper edge of the tail fin.

After entering the water, the baiji dolphin and the Yangtze white sturgeon swim happily, and from time to time they float up to the surface of the river to breathe.

Narrator introduced.

"The baiji dolphin is the treasure of the water, the goddess of the Yangtze River, and the best friend of mankind. "

In 2007, scientists declared the baiji dolphin extinct. "

"The Yangtze River white sturgeon, known as a fossil in the water, is known as the king of freshwater fish in the Xia Kingdom. "

"On December 23, 2019, scientists announced that the Yangtze white sturgeon had been declared extinct. "

"In the Yangtze River, which has been running for eternity, you will never see the baiji dolphin and the Yangtze river white sturgeon again!"


Inside the conference room.

Everyone was thrilled to see this video.

In recent decades.

High-rise buildings have sprung up along the Yangtze River.

Many chemical companies are built along the river, causing a large amount of sewage and toxic substances to flow into the Yangtze River, destroying the ecosystem of the Yangtze River area.

In addition, the unscrupulous fishing of fishermen is also an important reason.

This year, a 10-year fishing ban was imposed in key waters of the Yangtze River basin.

The State prohibits the production and fishing of natural fishery resources with the aim of protecting all aquatic resources.

But everyone knows it in their hearts.

The extinct baiji dolphin and the Yangtze white sturgeon will never return......

Now, Rainbow Genetic Engineering Group, through gene editing, gene regeneration, gene cloning and other means, has reproduced the disappeared baiji dolphin and the Yangtze white sturgeon.

This is undoubtedly something to be thankful for everyone!


On a high platform.

Tan Peng said to everyone: "This time, we released 1,200 baiji dolphins and 1,000 Yangtze white sturgeon in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River basin.

The Yangtze River is home to the baiji dolphin and the Yangtze white sturgeon.

This time, we will never allow them to become extinct again!

To this end, Rainbow Genetic Engineering Group will spend 10 billion yuan to establish the Yangtze River Species Conservation Foundation, so that the baiji dolphin and the Yangtze white sturgeon can reproduce freely. "

The voice fell.

The scene resounded with thunderous applause, which lasted for a long time.



Tan Peng continued to play the holographic projection.

The staff released 500 summer rhinoceros to the Yunnan area.

The staff released 500 small toothed civet cats to the Yunnan area.

The staff released 500 Xia Guoguo guinea deer to the Yunnan area.

The staff released 500 clouded leopards from Wancheng to the Bendtown area.

The staff released 500 Naoli macaques to the northern Hebei region.

The staff released 500 dune cats into the desert area. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The staff released 500 Jiangcheng tigers to the Jiangcheng area.


After seeing the holographic video, everyone present applauded.

These extinct animals have finally returned to the land of Xia again!

On a high platform.

Tan Peng announced the start of the Q&A session.

Xia Guo News reporter interviewed: "Mr. Tan, since Rainbow Genetic Engineering Group can resurrect these extinct animals, can it resurrect dinosaurs?"


Tan Peng said truthfully: "As long as there is a trace of DNA sample, Rainbow Genetic Engineering Group can resurrect it......! The premise is that the state allows us to resurrect dinosaurs. "

Hear this.

Everyone present was amazed.

Rainbow Genetic Engineering Group can even resurrect dinosaurs.

This kind of gene regeneration technology is too rebellious, right?


Penguin News reporter, interviewed: "Mr. Tan, since extinct animals can be resurrected, what about extinct plants?"

"Equally yes!"

"Plants also have DNA, and we can resurrect them based on technologies such as gene editing, gene regeneration, and gene cloning," Tan explained.

For example, extinct plants such as Liaocheng ancient fruit, seal wood, seed fern, Bennei cycad, Sun Moon Lake sheep ear garlic, and Bo's Liaocheng branch can all be resurrected. "

Hearing this, everyone was amazed.....

Flowers also belong to plants.

Those flowers that have become extinct will be able to regain the human world in the future.


A reporter from Rainbow Satellite TV interviewed: "Mr. Tan, I heard that many paleontological specimens, wreckage, and fossils can extract DNA

But the extracted DNA has been degraded, and the gene sequence is incomplete.

In that case, can your group resurrect it as well?"


Tan Peng said categorically: "Generally speaking, if you want to resurrect ancient creatures, you must theoretically do four things.

First, it is necessary to have the full DNA of the organism.

Second, the genetic sequence of the organism must be accurately predicted.

Third, it is necessary to be able to synthesize this DNA and find a suitable vector to say that this synthetic A is stably expressed in the recipient cells.

Fourth, it is necessary to use the totipotent caste of this synthetic cell to cultivate it into a complete individual.

These four points are easier said than done.

Genetic engineering sequencing is a very huge project, which requires the synthesis of billions or even more base sequences, and it is not possible to say that it can be carried out.

However, Rainbow Genetic Engineering Group, with its strong artificial intelligence and quantum computers, can easily complete genetic engineering sequencing.

Combined with our gene programming technology, gene regeneration technology, and gene cloning technology.

As long as you have a trace of paleontological DNA, you can bring it back to life!"


After the press conference.

There was a sensation in all walks of life.

At this press conference, there are too many explosions.

First, the Rainbow Genetic Engineering Group, which can resurrect extinct animals and plants.

Second, the Yangtze River goddess baiji dolphin and the king of freshwater fish, the Yangtze white sturgeon, returned to the Yangtze River territory.

Third, Rainbow Genetic Engineering Group has established a number of foundations to protect resurrected animals.

Fourth, Rainbow Genetic Engineering Group already has the ability to resurrect dinosaurs!


In this regard, netizens have a lot of discussions.

"it?!Countless extinct animals can be resurrected, this is a fairy method, right?"

"Baiji Dolphin 3.8 is a treasure in the water, and it is the auspicious fortune of the Xia Kingdom. This means that our Xia Congress will become stronger and stronger and take off!"

I grew up in the Yangtze River Valley, and when I was a child, I saw the baiji dolphin breathing on the surface of the river. Now, I can see baiji dolphins in the Yangtze River again!"

"Now that these animals have come back to life, I call on everyone to protect these animals and not let them become extinct again!"

"Rainbow Genetic Engineering Group has the ability to resurrect dinosaurs. Doesn't that mean Jurassic Park is about to be re-inhabited?"

"Theoretically, that's true. Rainbow Genetic Engineering Group can resurrect dinosaurs and ancient plants at the same time, and then create a real Jurassic Park!"

"Rainbow Genetic Engineering Group is so awesome! With a trace of DNA, it can resurrect ancient creatures, a bit like the blood rebirth in fantasy novels!"

"Haha, it is precisely because of this that the protagonist of the fantasy novel will blast the enemy into powder, leaving no trace of dregs. "

"In the past, as long as it was a delicious meat, nourishing and strengthening body, precious medicinal materials, and high-grade ingredients, all animals and plants could not escape the fate of endangered extinction!

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