Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 143 Holy Monk (End) (1/2)

Master Hu was greatly stimulated when he faced the scene of sha're:n.

He didn't think this man deserved to die. The evil man had done many evil things a few years ago. He not only robbed children and sold them, but also beat them to death after being discovered by their parents. Such a person, even if he was sent to the government, would be To be sentenced to death.

What Young Master Hu is struggling with is whether the master he follows is an eminent monk from the world or a demon monk.

Every time something happens in the world, the bald masters are willing to actively help. But if someone is arrested and everyone is excited and wants to put him to death, intercede for the evildoers and let them be spared. It is also this group of masters.

Because of this, Master Hu has never liked the monks in Shaolin Temple.

They spared the evildoers, but who would spare the victims who were tortured to death by the evildoers?

If he hadn't opened the door and found that everyone in the villa had disappeared without a trace, and there was no news in the world, Master Hu would not have come to find Master Shi Heng as his follower.

He didn't even look at the calm water, but squatted next to Lin Shiheng, "Master, don't monks abstain from killing?"


The jade-faced monk said the Buddha's name in a calm tone: "I don't kill any living beings, poor monk."

Master Hu: "..."

He's seen it twice and yet he hasn't killed anyone?

"The poor monk just slapped and kicked into the void. Someone bumped into him. How can you blame the poor monk?"

Master Hu: "..."

Okay, you are good at martial arts and everything you say is right.

The child who was taken as a hostage by the villain was rescued, and Lin Shiheng dropped another twenty taels of silver to pay for the medical expenses. At the current price, twenty taels was enough to heal the child's injuries and make him fat.

Lin Shiheng saved the child and "converted" the evildoer. On the day before he left, the simple people from the small town rushed to the door to see him off.

The weather-stained faces were full of gratitude to the monks, because everyone knew that the monks did not eat meat, and the common people did not send chickens, ducks or fish, but only brought clean and watery vegetables. Come.

Lin Shiheng declined.

Master Hu followed him, looking at these simple people happy for them, but feeling sour in his heart.

When he left, the people sent him this way.

In just a few years, they actually forgot about him.

Even though he was standing behind Master Shi Heng, he didn't even look at him.

Master Hu kept telling himself in his heart that it was nothing. He did not save people and acted righteously for the sake of others' gratitude. It was fine as long as he had a clear conscience.

But what made him happy was that the child who was taken hostage by the villain that day also came. He could not move his hands and feet, so he was carefully carried by adults.

There were still blood scabs on the child's face, but his eyes were bright. He did not look at the monk in white like an adult, but stared straight at Master Hu.

It was rare for someone to not ignore him. Master Hu was so happy that he waved his hand at the child with a smile.

"Little guy, do you still remember me?"

"Brother Hu..."

"Hey! So good!"

Master Hu and the monk in white went out, and the people of the small town stood at the city gate watching them leave. The child's parents heard their son murmuring about Brother Hu, and their eyes were red.

The child's mother knelt down and said to the child who was staring at the monk's back: "That's not Brother Hu, that's Master Shi Heng."

"It's Brother Hu, I remember it."

The child couldn't move his hands and feet, but his voice was loud: "Brother Hu is like this. He is wearing black clothes, a hosta on his head, and the shoes he wears are embroidered with auspicious clouds. He has a beautiful smile. I remember it."

The expressions of the child's parents suddenly changed.

"Is this child hurting his head?"

"Yes, Master, where can I wear a hosta in my hair?"


Master Hu here had no idea that there was someone behind him discussing whether monks could wear hairpins, so he continued to follow Master Shi Heng as agreed.

After leaving the small town, they began to walk towards the bustling area.

Along the way, the two of them also met many people, including villains, knights, and simple people. Everything was no different from the world that Master Hu traveled in, but Master Shi Heng seemed to dislike contact with others. Try to go to less crowded places every time.

It doesn't matter, people with strong martial arts skills all have quirks, Master Hu said he understood.

But I don't know if it's a coincidence or not, but their route always overlaps with the places where Master Hu once performed heroic acts of justice.

He lived in a run-down small village under the canyon, where women had been abducted by bandits. Master Hu studied for several days, and finally waited until the day when the bandits dispersed, and used a trick to kill the bandits and rescue all the women. .

The head of a family that settled by the water unfortunately capsized while fishing on the boat. He suffered from calf cramps and couldn't get to the shore. Master Hu jumped into the water and rescued the person regardless of the danger.

In a simple town, there was once a bully in this town who used his martial arts skills to bully the people and robbed the girls. Master Hu killed the bully and restored the peace of the town.

Most of the time, he just did a good deed and rarely thought about it afterwards. Only when he passed through these realms one by one did Master Hu remember that he had actually saved so many people in his young and frivolous way.

It's quite embarrassing to think about it, he is such a good person.

But what hurt him was that the people he saved regardless of their lives and comfort didn't even remember him. Almost every time he went to another place, his eyes would fall on Lin Shiheng.

Okay, Master Hu can accept it.

Thinking about it, even he himself, a knight who can only be said to have an acceptable appearance, and an eminent monk who looks like a god descending to earth, with Buddha's light shining all over his body, will of course pay attention to the eminent monk and ignore the other person.

Master Hu quickly got used to everyone ignoring him.

In fact, he didn't care about these false names. He walked through cities and villages and saw that the people he had helped lived a good life, which made him feel satisfied in his heart.

As he walked past one place after another where he had taken action, those memories that Master Hu thought he had long forgotten resurfaced one by one.

After being rescued by him, he admired the child and said that he would learn martial arts and then become a hero and save the people. The childless old woman who got cold had been taken care of for two months. In order to protect his wife and daughter, he offended the strong man from the local bully.

In a few years, seeing their stable lives will give me a special feeling in my heart.

The March period was coming soon. The two of them were sitting on the boat. Master Hu was rowing the boat while sighing to Lin Shiheng who was sitting on the bow of the boat meditating.

"I'm really tired these days."

Lin Shiheng asked: "Where are you tired?"

"I'm tired everywhere."

Young Master Hu rarely sighed: "Since I entered the world, I have never stopped. Sometimes I want to take a good rest, but I always feel that if I continue, I will save more people in the future."

He was born in our family and grew up in fine clothes and fine food. Naturally, he has not suffered much. Ever since he left Hu Yu Villa and wandered around, he has almost suffered all his life.

"Since you feel tired, why do you want to travel around the world?"

Hearing the monk's words, Master Hu smiled smartly: "This is the tradition of our Huyu Villa. Every generation has people who go out to save the world and save people. I heard that my wife and grandfather were also saved by a knight who went to fight. Only in this way can we survive. My grandfather told me that saving people is a good thing. It just so happens that young people like us also need experience. We can save people and gain experience at the same time. Isn’t this killing two birds with one stone? "

"Besides, saving people's lives is indeed a very happy thing."

He laughed while pushing the boat, and his smile looked a little silly.

Lin Shiheng didn't speak again.

He waited until the boat reached the shore before he said, "We're here."

Master Hu has been talking amusingly to himself, "Speaking of what we are going to eat tonight, I am really tired of making the noodle soup..."

After raising his eyes to clearly see the scene in front of him, his words stopped abruptly.

In front of him was a forest that had obviously been burned by fire. The dead trees were standing there in pitch black, with a few green leaves sprouting above their heads. It looked like the dead trees were blooming in spring and were not completely dead yet.

"Do you know this place?"

Lin Shiheng on the side asked him.

Master Hu stood there at a loss, extremely puzzled.

"These trees, didn't I cut down these trees?"

He found memories of the woods.

It seems to be something that happened not long ago. The bandits here made trouble and actually massacred an entire village. Master Hu's original intention was to do justice for heaven, but he didn't expect to find out when he went to the village that the bandits had killed everyone in the village. The children were left behind for their amusement.

There were too many people in the village, and he thought he couldn't defeat them, so he went to the government to seek help from the government. Out of caution, Master Hu went to eavesdrop on the official in the middle of the night.

As expected, it was indeed because of the collusion between officials and bandits that such a large bandit force could not be eliminated for so long.

One child died almost every day. He had no time to think about anything else. He could only send flying pigeons to send messages home to ask for help. He planned to let these children run away, but unexpectedly, one of the children got lost when he was being chased. .

When Master Hu came back to look for him, he happened to see the bandits driving the child into the forest and setting the forest on fire.


What happened?

In his memory, it seemed that in order to save the child, he killed the bandits and cut down the trees.

But even though the trees were cut down, why are these trees still standing here?

Master Hu fell into great confusion.

"My sword...where did my sword go?"

He had a splitting headache, and with a pale face, he reached out to touch the sword behind his back, but he touched blood on his hand.


Why is there blood?

He stood there in a daze, and scenes emerged from his mind.

The children were too young and ran slowly. One child was left alone. Master Hu found out and went back to look for him. He found that the bandits were trying to drive the child into the sea of ​​fire.

The reason why he has been able to wander around the world without incident for so long is because of his superb Qinggong. After all, no matter how high your martial arts is, you still can't defeat a hundred with one.

But he had no way out.

He can fly by himself, but he can't fly with others. If he leaves, the child will still be alive.

Master Hu drew his sword and went forward.

His martial arts skills were indeed high. He killed all the bandits by himself, but by the end of the battle, he himself was already dead.

Master Hu could still vaguely remember the feelings he had before he died.

His whole body was cold, as if even his blood was cold. Only the wind with the smell of blood was accompanied by gentleness, blowing on his face, as if his mother who died young was touching him tenderly.

He only had time to say "Don't be afraid" to the frightened and crying child before he lost consciousness.

The moment before his consciousness disappeared, Master Hu looked at the sword broken into two parts and thought, what a pity for this good sword.

When he woke up again, he automatically completed the logic. He suddenly felt homesick and wanted to go home to have a look.

When he returned home, he found that everything was empty. The things in the manor had not changed. There was no dust or mess. It looked like someone had just cleaned it up.

But there was no one.

Not a single person.

He panicked and went down the mountain to ask for directions, but those people could not hear or see him. Until he listened to the conversations of passers-by around him, he found the inn where the white-robed monk lived.

Under the moonlight, the white-robed monk drank a sip of tea, turned around and glanced at him lightly.

"Donor, is there anything?"

The minions who ignored him, the evil people who could not see him, and the people he had rescued all the way turned a blind eye to him...

Young Master Hu laughed foolishly.

Laughing and crying again.

It turned out that he had died a long time ago.


The first ritual Lin Shiheng took was that of the young master of Hu Yushan Manor.

In order to protect the young children, Master Hu, who died young, fought a bloody battle with the mountain bandits for a whole day. In the end, all the mountain bandits died, and he himself died of exhaustion.

Master Hu died so young, and the elders of the Hu family almost cried their eyes out. Because Lin Shiheng had the ability to convert the five evil tigers, the owner of Hu Yu Manor came to him and asked him to help save his dead son.

Master Shiheng has always done good deeds regardless of size, not to mention that the owner of the manor also gave him money.

So he went to Hu Yu Manor, but found that Master Hu's soul was not there.

Probably trapped. A good man like him, if the living knew that he was dead, they would only refuse to believe it, and pray that it was not true. The wishes of the living fell on Master Hu, and he could not leave.

Take him to the places where he did good deeds in the past, let him see that the people he saved are living a good life, and he can leave with peace of mind.

Master Shi Heng was doing this for the first time, so he was inevitably a little unfamiliar. In order to ease the unfamiliarity, he saved many people along the way.

When he brought the soul of Master Hu back to Hu Yu Villa, the name of Master Shi Heng as a holy monk spread throughout the world.

But he didn't know that if he really compared the saints, no one could compare to the young master Hu who had a pure heart and died early.

And no one knew that three months after the death of Master Hu, Master Shi Heng followed a follower that no one could see.

This follower had a bitter face all day long, probably because he was shaved bald and could no longer wear a hairpin.

The great reputation of Master Shi Heng has always been spread in the world.

It is said that although he is young, his martial arts are extremely strong, he is very kind, and he is determined to influence the evil people in the world.

And Master Shi Heng is also a capable person.

Since he appeared in the martial arts world, some evil people were influenced and surrendered themselves under his leadership, while some chose to retire from the martial arts world and never appeared in front of people again. The martial arts world was very peaceful for a while.

Even hundreds of years after Master Shi Heng passed away, people were still talking about it.

How did Master Shi Heng influence those evil people? What kind of pure and kind heart should he have to influence so many extremely evil people?

Hearing this, people couldn't help but make a joke: "If you knew, how could Master Shi Heng be called a holy monk?"

[Ding! The vacation world ends, please choose: 1, vacation, 2, continue the mission. 】

"Continue the mission."


Lin Shi Heng opened his eyes, and the first thing he smelled was a smell of medicine.

He carefully received the memory.

Ancient farmer's son?

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