Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 165 The End of the World-The Age of Zombies (4)

After Ji Jiaqi finished cleaning up, he put the mop on the balcony and sat on the sofa with a white face.

She didn't want to recall what the old lady looked like when she was alive, but her words and deeds still flashed in her mind.

He always lowered his head and had a sullen face, slowly going downstairs and then slowly going upstairs. Once, Ji Jiaqi met her when he was going upstairs. The stairs were too narrow and their arms accidentally touched each other, and she glared at her. One glance.

She may have a bad temper, or she may be withdrawn, but she is a person.

And she had just killed someone.


Lin Shiheng lay on the sofa and watched Ji Jiaqi cover his mouth and rush into the bathroom. The sound of vomiting and crying of collapse soon appeared inside.

Anyone who heard her cry would feel that she could no longer hold on, but after Ji Jiaqi finished vomiting, she sobbed. She found a notepad with red eyes and began to draw a route near her home based on memory.

The internet and electricity are currently cut off. Although there are candles at home, #]46;\u0026 # 68;\u0026 # 85;\u0026 # 48;\u0026 # 48;\u0026 # 46;\u0026 # 67;\u0026 # 79;\u0026 # 77;\u0026 # 26368;\u0026 # 20808;\u0026 # 26356;\u0026 # 26032;\u0026 # 30340;But before she knew whether zombies were sensitive to light, she was It will never be lit on fire. If you want to do anything, you can only do it when there is bright light during the day.

There is no news from the government yet, and the radio at home that was originally used by Ji Hang also buzzes with no information. Since zombies bite people, people will turn into zombies. It is best not to stay in the city. After all, one will pass to the other, and the second will pass. Ten, ten times, there is a high possibility that this city will become a zombie paradise.

Of course, it's too early to say this now. Ji Jiaqi bit the tip of his pen and wrote "Clean up the zombies in the building" on the notepad with red eyes.

This residential building has two households on one staircase, with a total of seven floors. Everyone lives there, but there are very few people like her and the old lady living alone. Most of them live with their families, which means that if a family If a zombie appears in the game, the whole family is likely to be infected.

She is on the top floor of the seventh floor. The only other person living on the top floor like her is an old lady. As for the two families on the sixth floor, one is a husband and wife. Their daughter goes to school outside. They are high school teachers and have to go out to work early every day.

There is another family that sells breakfast. They go downstairs to set up a stall at four o'clock every day. There is a small vegetable market outside her bedroom window. There are many people in the early morning. If the zombies mutate, they will definitely make a sound, and she It was the screams and chaos heard at six o'clock, which meant that the zombies first mutated at five o'clock, and the family selling breakfast on the sixth floor must not be at home.

While Ji Jiaqi was calculating in his mind, he drew floors 1-6 and marked [temporarily safe] on the sixth floor.

In the next hour, Lin Shiheng squatted next to Ji Jiaqi, watching her write and draw on the notepad, marking the residents in this residential building one by one, and how many residents there were in this community. building, and roughly how many families live there.

Ji Jiaqi's memory is still very good, otherwise she wouldn't be able to get into a good university, especially because she usually lives alone, so she can't help but observe and build good relationships with her neighbors. Except for the old lady next door who is too withdrawn to When dealing with people, a middle-aged man on the third floor looked at her wrongly, which made her subconsciously avoid going outside. Other people's relationship with Ji Jiaqi was considered a harmonious neighborhood, and they would say hello when they met.

Although there are no more deep feelings, at least no one will have any bad intentions.

Because Ji Jiaqi had a cautious attitude, she also asked Ji Hang to tell her several times that she felt there was no need to observe the surroundings like this. In what age is it now, don't everyone just close the door and go about their own lives, who cares who their neighbors are. .

Ji Jiaqi's patient explanation did not convince him. As a man himself, he naturally could not understand how insecure a young and beautiful girl with no family to rely on felt. This incident made him even more certain that Ji Jiaqi was timid and afraid of getting into trouble. Like a hamster, he is very careful before doing anything.

It was precisely because of this caution that Ji Jiaqi planned the whole day, and her notepad was filled with three pages of her plan in detail.

First of all, the residential building must be cleared of zombies to make sure that one day she would not have a good sleep, but the door would be knocked open by zombies.

Furthermore, after this step is completed, lock the door that has been open at the bottom of the building to prevent outside zombies from entering.

For these two steps of the plan, Ji Jiaqi wrote at least six or seven plans.

She still has an advantage. She lives on the top floor, and there is no one living on the rooftop above. The old lady who lives alone next door was also killed by her. She can definitely clear it carefully from the first floor to the next, and run away immediately if there is danger. Back on the seventh floor, according to observation, although these zombies are fierce, their pace is very slow compared to humans, at least they cannot run at a running speed.

In other words, if the situation is more dangerous than she thought, and she can't beat the opponent, she can just run up the stairs, hide in her room, and continue to fight the old lady the same way she did before.

There are still risks. She is usually busy commuting to and from get off work and doesn't exercise much at all. She has little strength and is very likely to be bitten by zombies.

But as long as the zombies are not completely solved, this possibility will not decrease. Instead of facing this day with fear, it is better to face the challenge.

Ji Jiaqi has a hunch that such a disaster will definitely not be solved in a short time. The infected zombies and the radio stations that cannot be received by any country have proved that once it breaks out, it will affect the whole world, not just one country.

As the sky gradually darkened, Ji Jiaqi stood on the balcony, opened the window and looked down.

This once prosperous city, which lit up thousands of lights at night and seemed to be full of stars, seemed to have lost its vitality. She looked around and saw a pile of tall buildings, but they were all dark.

No, it was not completely dark.

Some people still lit candles, but there were too few and too far away.

But these candles brought some hope to Ji Jiaqi. Even if they were far away, even if they didn't know who was alive, as long as someone was still alive, as long as she was not alone, it would be fine.

She returned to the bedroom and was about to fall asleep, but found that the building opposite the bedroom was lit up.

The light was a bit strange. It didn't look like a candle or a flashlight. Instead, it looked like a light was on. But wasn't the battery out?

Ji Jiaqi didn't waste her energy thinking about it any more. According to the plan, she would go down to the sixth floor tomorrow to clean up the zombies and find out if there were any living people. It would be good for her to go to bed early and keep her spirits up.

She has always been a person who would work hard to achieve a goal once it was set. So even though her mind was in a mess, Ji Hang took all the money mercilessly, the old lady next door, the orphanage where she grew up, the boy with cat ears and cat tail and the beautiful ragdoll cat, she still tried to force herself to sleep.

Beside the pillow, Ragdoll Heng saw her fall asleep, yawned, and closed his eyes.

He wouldn't stop her. In this world, only by standing up can you survive.


From the second day, Ji Jiaqi began to implement her plan to clear the zombies in the residential building.

The sixth floor was indeed empty. The two families living on the fifth floor seemed to have all turned into zombies. When Ji Jiaqi went to knock on the door, they banged on the door.

Both families had four people. If they all turned into zombies, plus the children, there would be eight people. Ji Jiaqi couldn't help but sweat for herself because she had considered pretending not to hear when the old lady knocked on the door before. Now that she thought about it, it was probably not that there were no zombies attracted at that time, but that they were locked in the room early in the morning and couldn't get out.

Neither of the two families had anti-theft doors. According to the degree of wear and tear of the doors, it was only a matter of time before they broke through the doors and ran out. Ji Jiaqi hesitated for a moment and decided that she couldn't just leave it alone, otherwise she would be the one to die if they ran out.

So Lin Shiheng, who had been standing in the stairwell and looking down, ready to rescue Ji Jiaqi at any time, saw the weak girl coming back. After searching the house, she found a saw...

It was a very ordinary saw, with a wooden handle and a steel ruler. I don’t know what this girl had done with this electric saw before. Anyway, she was not very comfortable holding the electric saw now and started to sharpen it on the whetstone again.

When Ji Jiaqi felt that the sharpness was almost right, she went downstairs again.

She first cut a knife in the middle of one of the wooden doors with a kitchen knife. After confirming that there was a hole, she turned pale and gestured the size of her head. She drew a circle on the door with a marker she found in the house, and then, with a cold sweat, she sawed the door along the hole with the saw amid the howling of the zombies.

This was a big project, especially since she was weak and had to be highly nervous, fearing that the zombies would break out of the door before she sawed it. Therefore, after sawing a circle, Ji Jiaqi was already sweating all over.

The zombies in the room who wanted to rush over when they saw her really began to squeeze into the circle desperately. In the end, a male zombie won and squeezed his head out of the circle. He kept opening his mouth to bite Ji Jiaqi who was standing in front of him.

Compared with the first time, Ji Jiaqi's hands were steadier this time. She swung the kitchen knife and chopped the male zombie several times before chopping off his head.

When his head fell off and his body was still leaning against the door, she pushed his body down with the kitchen knife and continued to wait for the next zombie.

Although this method was tiring and slow, it was very safe. On the seventh day, Ji Jiaqi had cleaned up the entire residential building.

Except for the family on the fourth floor who did not respond to the knocking, and a little girl on the second floor who was alone at home who responded, there were no living people in the whole building.

Ji Jiaqi was so tired that she had no strength to be sad. After she locked the door downstairs with difficulty and gave the key to the little girl on the second floor who responded to her, she just wanted to go back and have a good sleep.

When she got to the house, she found the ragdoll cat looking outside on the windowsill, its tail flicking, as if it was very interested in something outside.

She walked forward in confusion, and saw a man in the building opposite opening the window and holding up a piece of paper in his hand towards her.

The paper was very large, and the words were also very large. The two buildings were originally very close, and Ji Jiaqi was not nearsighted, so he could see it clearly.

[Is there anything to eat? Can I exchange it with you using a telescope? ]

Seeing that Ji Jiaqi seemed to have seen it, the man quickly raised another piece of paper.

[I still have generators, arrows and water here, and I can exchange them with you]

[Please be kind, big brother, I'm really starving! ! ! ]

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