Good Morning, Mister Dragon!

Chapter 1035: When a thousand-year-old iceberg pets a girl

Biquge, the fastest update Good morning, Mr. Long! latest chapter!

The three left the restaurant after eating, and when outside, Gu Mian immediately fled a car and ran away. She would be killed by dog ​​food.

But Gu Mian had to admit that when a thousand-year-old iceberg spoiled a girl, it really made people feel emotional.

Of course, what she said was definitely not about love ...

Gu Mian looked at the time and asked the driver master to drive faster. Since Gu Yan lived in the house, she has been relying on her. Now she dares not go anywhere after school. Do something extraordinary.

Gu Mian also knew that Tang Zui had intentionally left Gu Yan, but even if he knew it, there would be no way. In case his sister did something wrong, it would be really difficult to clean up.

Gu Mian had a headache thinking about Gu Yan's rebellious look.

When she got home, Gu Yan had arrived. Tang Zui hadn't returned. She saw Gu Mian and said, "Sister, I'm hungry, you can cook for me."

"I've eaten outside and don't plan to make it. If you're hungry, you can order take-away." Gu Mian's attitude was a bit cold. For this younger sister, she didn't intend to spoil herself any more.

"Sister, you are too bad for me now, I'm your sister, can't you take care of me?" Gu Yan jumped up from the sofa angrily.

"Even if I am your sister, I have no obligation to be a nanny for you, and it is not too small. If I can't solve my own food and clothing, how can I leave home and live my own life in the future." Gu Mian said coldly.

"Who ... who's leaving home? I won't leave home forever!"

"What if your family asks you to study abroad?"

"That's impossible!"

"How is that impossible, am I just going abroad?"

"Can I be the same as you? I'm the father and mother's favorite daughter. How can you compare with me! Mom and Dad said, I won't let me leave home in this life." Gu Yan slightly raised his chin and said.

When Gu Mian heard this sentence, her chest inexplicably stabbed, and her lip color was also whiter.

Did parents really say that?

When Tang drunk entered the door, he heard Gu Yan's sentence and walked in quickly. He frowned and looked at the **** the sofa. "How do you talk to your sister? What about your parents who hurt you? Our family sleeps They don't need to be affectionate, she has me. "

When Gu Yan heard Tang Zui's words, his eyes were red.

Gu Mian was surprised to look at the man beside him. He did not expect that he could say such a thing in order to protect himself.

"Tang drunk, you are too much, you know I like you, and you still hurt my heart like this!" Gu Yan's tears fell down.

"Shut up! Gu Yan, I don't think you have any tutoring at all! I'm your brother-in-law, and you say this kind of shamelessly! You are incest, do you know! Do you have any shame!

"You scold me, you scold me! I don't believe you don't like me at all! If not, you saw me being bullied, why did you save me?" Gu Yan asked with excitement.

Gu Mian did not expect that Tang Zui had saved Gu Yan? When did that happen?

Tang Zui sneered, "When I saved you, I didn't know who you were, let alone a little girl. Even if a stray dog ​​was bullied, I would save it!"

"You ... did you compare me to a dog? Tang drunk, I'll ask you again today. Isn't it because of my sister that you are not with me?" Gu Yan continued to pursue.

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