Good Morning, Mister Dragon!

Chapter 1286: It's you who are looking for death

Biquge, the fastest update Good morning, Mr. Long! latest chapter!

"Okay, okay!" Liner immediately clapped in approval.

"Xi Luo, how is it?" Su Qianxun looked at Long Xi Luo with bright eyes.

"Your home is so small, does it live?"

"Yes, you live with me, Liner can stay in a room with Jiye."

"Okay, okay!" Liner continued to clap.

Long Xiluo, "..."

After sitting for a while, Long Xiluo proposed to go for a walk, and pass away by the way.

Su Jiye obviously didn't want to go, but he was eventually pulled out.

Several people walked along the street, and some of them sold pets and stalls.

Liner never walked out like this since he was a child. He was very new to everything. He was just like discovering a new continent. He jumped between the stalls with excitement.

"Sister, what is this?"

"This, luminous, you can make bracelets, necklaces and the like." Su Chihiro squatted to explain, bought a few by the way.

"What is this!" Lin Er found something new.

"This can fly into the sky!"

"Wow, it's amazing!"

Liner usually received very high-level gifts, such a few dollars of gadgets sold on the roadside, but he had never seen it, and felt nothing new.

Su Jiye also squatted down and stared at these small toys. Obviously he knew all these things. After leaving Su's house, her sister would take him home when she returned from work at night ...

Long Xiluo stood behind the three and looked at them. A person suddenly flew over in the distance. A girl behind was chasing after him, shouting, "Robbery, my bag! Help me, it's me Money for life! "

But no matter how the woman shouted, no one helped.

Su Chihiro had stood up, watching this man was about to run over, Long Xilu stretched his legs directly, the other party ran fast, suddenly tripped, and fell straight away.

When the robber stood up, he already had a dagger in his hand.

The street vendors around were scared to hide far behind, watching the scene nervously.

At the same time, another five or six youths came out and stood beside the robbery man.

"Don't dare to worry about it!" The man was rubbed out of blood on the half of his face.

The robbed woman was also scared, standing nervously and afraid to move.

"It's you!" Long Xi stared coldly at these people.

It was really an overkill for her to have an international police officer fight with a few robbers.

But since we met, we can't ignore it.

At this time, several people took out their daggers and stabbed them towards Long Xiluo.

"Bang, bang ... bang!"

A few seconds later, several robbers fell to the ground in pain and mourned.

Everyone around was stunned by this scene. Everyone didn't even see how the girl did it. Everyone rubbed his eyes subconsciously, thinking that he was dazzled.

Long Xi fell to the man who grabbed the bag, raised his foot and stepped on his chest fiercely. The man felt that his ribs had been broken by her. She bent down and picked up the bag and threw it directly to the owner.

"Thank ... Thank you ... Thank you ..." The woman thanked her again and again, clutching the bag in her arms.

"Trouble, call the police!" Long Xiluo smiled and looked at the stall owner aside.

The other party quickly took out the cell phone and dialed the alarm number.

The man next to the man stepped on by Long Xi suddenly got up, and the dagger stabbed at Long Xi Luo fiercely. Long Xi Luo sneered, "You can't help it!"

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