Good Morning, Mister Dragon!

Chapter 1388: She's upset

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Lord Long did not think of taking that card back.

"I think Miss Chu should be more willing to be self-reliant." Su Qianxun looked at her ironically.

Chu Xiannian had been forced by Su Qianxun to have no way out. She took out her wallet and took out the card. When she handed it to Long Sijue, she still had the last hope in her heart, hoping that Long Sijue could reject herself ... ...

However, Sir Long has not yet received the card, and Su Chihiro has already picked it up for him. After she picked it up, she put it in her bag and said, "My husband, don't just put such a valuable thing in the future. It was given to me, that is, Miss Chu. Just brush a small amount of money. In case you send it away randomly, someone will wipe out our family's assets. Wouldn't I have to pay the debts with you. "

What Chu Xinian wanted to say, Long Sijue had turned his head to look at her, and touched her head petulantly, "Know, I will never let you carry debt with me."

"It's almost the same!" Su Chihiro plunged into his arms and hugged him with satisfaction.

In view of his good performance just now, today's matters will not be considered with him.

"I marry you, I just want you to have a good life, and I will never let you suffer for the economy again." Long Sier said very seriously.

Su Qianxun was really moved after hearing what he said, because people who have not experienced economic hardship will never understand how painful and miserable it is when a person has no money ...

Sometimes even self-esteem is not necessary ...

Chu Xinian's hand was fisted into a fist, her nails were deeply pierced into the flesh, and blood had slowly leaked out. She forced herself to turn her head and stop looking at the two people.

The car drove downstairs to the apartment where Chu Xinian lived, and Su Chihiro suddenly proposed, "Ajue, let's go upstairs and sit down. I'm here for the first time in your house, and I don't know this one. What about the house type? "

Chu Xinian heard her and almost screamed. Was this cheap girl trying to take back the house?

Judging by the current situation, if Su Qianxun really raised it, it would be possible for Dragon Chief to listen to her!

"Sorry, I'm not feeling well today, so I wouldn't invite the two to sit up." Chu Xinian put his hand on his forehead, looking uncomfortable.

"Uncomfortable, would you like to go to the hospital? If you live alone, in case something happens at night, I'm afraid nobody knows it." Su Qianxun asked for "care".

"Jue, I'm really fine. I think Miss Su wants to take the house back, so I'm really on the street." Chu Xinian was a little bit angry.

"I didn't say that ..."

Although I think so ...

"Let's go back first, you can go back and take a good rest, and stop doing this kind of dangerous thing." After Long Sijue said, he pulled Su Qianxuan back into the car.

Chu Xinian watched the car drive away, and her chest was suffocated even more. She really underestimated Su Chihiro and took her or card back half-truth.

Now that there is no Long Long's card, how can she brush those expensive clothes and perfumes ...

Chu Xinian returned to the apartment in depression, but after a while thinking, she didn't rely on Dragon King to be able to have such a good life, but she was used to spending Dragon King's money.

Suddenly she was figured out by a stinky girl who didn't know where to come out, and she was certainly upset.

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