Good Morning, Mister Dragon!

Chapter 1584: I just want to hear the truth

Biquge, the fastest update Good morning, Mr. Long! latest chapter!

Gu Mian sighed helplessly, knowing that she was not so easy to let go.

"One visit, when the doctor came to feed you medicine, you couldn't eat it, he fed you to eat it." Gu Mian said dumbly, watching her look very distressed.


Su Qianxun heard this, lowered his eyelashes, and didn't talk anymore. His hands on the quilt clenched tightly into fists.

With such hard work, blood had leaked from the wound that had been bandaged before, and her clothes were a little red.

Gu Mian was startled and said nervously, "Chihiro, don't use your hands, the wound hasn't healed yet."

Su Qianxun listened to her words, and then suddenly returned to his mind, slowly relaxed, she turned to look out the window, there was no glory in the black eyes.

Gu Mian hurriedly called the doctor and nurse and re-bandaged her wound.

Su Chihiro was lying there with a numb expression, distressed to the hollow ...

She felt that her soul had been taken away from her body. If it wasn't for the baby, she really didn't want to wake up. In fact, it was good to sleep like this.

Without waking up, there will be no pain ...

You don't have to face such a cruel reality.

The doctor left Su Qianxun after he bandaged the wound, and Gu Mian's chicken soup was delivered. She fed Su Qianxun a drink. Su Qianxun couldn't eat any more.

Three days passed.

In these three days, Lord Long did not come to Su Chihiro's ward once.

However, Gu Mian knew that Lord Long went to Chu Xinian's ward almost every day!

Just across a wall, he didn't even look at Chihiro!

That man is really ruthless!

Gu Mian didn't dare tell Su Chihiro about these things, she just hopes that she can take good care of her body.

Long Sijue didn't come, Tang Zui and Si Slow City came several times, especially Tang Zui, who was here almost every day.

Gu Mian did not have a good look at him because of Lord Long, and when he saw him, he was furious.

Although Gu Mian had a bad attitude towards him, he enjoyed it because he was very clear that Gu Mian didn't really want to treat himself like this, but just got involved.

Since Gu Ling's physical condition began to improve, her attitude towards herself has clearly changed.

The wound on Su Qianxun's shoulder had basically healed, but the wound on his body was healed, but his heart wound could not be healed.

She is silent every day now, her eyes are even more empty, and it makes people feel distressed.

"Tang drunk, I ask you that day ... who did you go to when you found me and Chu Xinian?"

This is the first time Su Qianxun has spoken to Tang Zui.

Tang Zui was so flattered that he was ready to answer her question, but this question was like a thunderbolt to him.

"of course……"

"I just want to hear the truth." Su Qianxun always had this question in her heart, and she wanted to know the answer.

"You honestly! Don't lie!" Gu Mian glared at him and asked.

"Chihiro, listen to me explain. Actually, this is the case. At that time, Lan Qingcheng was Chu Xienian who was hijacked from the company, so we first sought Chu Xienian ... because we did not know that you were also Take it. "Tang Zui explained nervously.

After Su Qianxun heard his words, his heart was completely empty!

Yes, it ’s no longer pure pain, but it hurts in the air. The feeling is really uncomfortable, she hates to die.

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