Good Morning, Mister Dragon!

Chapter 2151: You just have to wait for me obediently

Biquge, the fastest update Good morning, Mr. Long! latest chapter!

When Si Slow City and Tang Zui returned to Tang Ning's ward, Mu grapefruit stood up nervously, and she flew directly into the arms of Si Slow City.

The man was embarrassed by her sudden nostalgia and felt her holding her arm tightly. He asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay, I'm happy." Mu grapefruit's tears fell, and she lowered her head and refused to lift it.

"I don't love anyone who doesn't take such abusive people!" Tang drunk with aggression, this sudden dog abuse.

"Tang drunk, you are back." Tang Ning looked at him with a smile.

"Xiao Ning, how do you feel?" Tang Zui asked.

"It doesn't feel much, it should be much better." Tang Ning shrugged.

"That's good." Tang Zui was thinking about how to tell her about the nursing care of her. He knew very well that this matter could not be dragged on any longer, and he really lost Gu Mian.

"Why did you go today? I have been looking very anxious since Miss Mu returned," Tang Ning asked.

"Oh, I went to a birthday party tonight, there was a little episode in the middle, you sleepy, sleep, I'll guard you tonight."

The Long family affairs have come to an end, and he can breathe a sigh of relief.

"I'm not sleepy. You can talk with me. The two of us haven't talked for a long time." Tang Ning took his hand.

Tang Zui hesitated for a moment and did not withdraw, "Okay."

"Let's go first." Si Mancheng noticed that Muxiyou was wrong, and said hello to Tang Zui, and took her out of the ward first.

It was only when she was in the car that Si Slow City took her little face and asked, "What happened? What happened?"

"It's okay, I'm just worried about you!" Mu Grapefruit held back her tears, lowered her head and didn't dare to lift it, but finally couldn't hold it back and fell down.

Slow City reached out and grabbed her shoulder, frowned and asked, "What scared you today?"

Mu Grapefruit nodded, then shook his head again ...

"What do you mean, if you are with me, there may be such things happen in the future, you have to be mentally prepared." Si Mancheng thinks it is better to speak to her clearly.

"I'm not afraid of such a thing, I'm afraid ... I'm afraid of losing you." Mu grapefruit looked up with tears when she looked up.

Slow City's breath was choked, and he raised his hand to wipe her tears for her, "Stupid girl, what do you think? I won't let myself be at fault, my life is still very precious, and I treasure it myself. "

Mu Grapefruit shook his head. "My dad never went back once when I was a kid when I was young. I am really scared that you are like him and will not return."

She raised her hand to wipe away the tears on her face, and Si Mancheng listened to her, holding her distressed, "Stupid girl, I promise you, I won't, no matter where I go, I will come back, You just have to wait for me obediently. "

"I believe in you, I believe you can do it!" Mu Grapefruit held his clothes in his hands, and she also believed that he and his father were different.

"Well, don't cry, let's go home." Si Mancheng patted her back.

Mu Grapefruit slowly released him, seated and fastened his seat belt, and Si Mancheng drove the car up, took her hand, and fastened it with her fingers.

At this moment, Mu grapefruit had a feeling that she and his life had been completely intertwined.

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