Good Morning, Mister Dragon!

Chapter 2154: Women are so fickle

Biquge, the fastest update Good morning, Mr. Long! latest chapter!

"Well, women are so fickle, I can't help you, then I'll eat them." Liner picked up one and ate it.

Three black lines appeared on Su Chihiro's forehead. Who did this boy learn from? Also fickle women.

"Lin'er, there is good news for you, your mommy called over this morning and said that you can have surgery at any time, are you happy?" Su Qianxun asked him happily.


After Lin'er heard it, he stopped eating there and blinked a few times.

"What's wrong? So happy?" Su Chihiro rubbed his hair.

"Is it painful during surgery, but I'm afraid of pain." Lin'er started to get nervous, and he put down his chopsticks.

"Uh ... the operation will definitely be a little painful, but it will give you anesthetics. Rest assured, you won't feel pain at the time." Su Chihiro explained.

"It wouldn't hurt at the time, would it hurt after the anesthetic?" Lin Er looked at her pitifully, her eyes filled with tears.

"This ... it will be a little bit, but it won't hurt. You are sick. You have to have surgery, otherwise you can't get better."


"Don't be sad, I will always be with you." Su Qianxun quickly comforted him.

"Where's Mommy, is she coming back soon?" Lin Er blinked and looked at her.


Su Qianxuan felt a pain in her head. "Mum said there was something wrong with her. I think it may be because of a problem with the donor. She said that she could not come back for a while and let me take care of you."


Lin Er lowered her head and didn't talk again, picked up chopsticks and continued to eat.

Su Chihiro looked at her loss and said, "Don't you be disappointed, maybe Mommy will be back by then, right?"

"Well, sister, I'm fine, don't be nervous, I'll have you with me." Lin'er raised his head and raised a smile.

"Well, I will always be with you." Su Qianxun felt aching heartache, Lin Er obviously could not have this terrible disease, all blame the **** Chu Xinian!

She really thinks that woman **** it!

"Then you eat a bun, I'm even happier!" Lin Er looked at her expectantly.

Su Qianxun looked at him as he wanted to set himself up, smiled helplessly, ate a bun, and ate it. As long as she could make Liner happy, she had nothing to compromise.

When Xu Dian came in, he was going to report to Long Sijie about yesterday's situation, and glanced at Su Qianxun and Lin Er, who did not speak up.

"Say, how's the situation?" Dragon Long looked at him.

"Chu Xienian wasn't found, it should have been taken away by people in prison." Xu Dian answered truthfully.

Su Qianxun heard his frown frown, the prison was cold and cold, wasn't that the person he knew with Ye Gu?

Did the person who attacked Long Lao Shou Ban yesterday be the prison slump!

Why did Ye Gu have such a good relationship with him?

Su Qianxun had doubts in her heart. She just thought about it and didn't say it.

"Find Chu Xinian as soon as possible and bring her back!" Long Sier ordered coldly, his voice revealing murderousness.

"Yes!" Ye Liguo answered, and went away.

"What kind of resentment does Prison Cold Xiao have with the Long family?" Su Qianxun asked him.

"Prison Leng Xiao said that the death of his family was caused by his grandfather! For the time being, it is impossible to verify the truth." Long Sijie told her the truth.

Su Qianxian's brow frowned. This is how it happened ...

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