Good Morning, Mister Dragon!

Chapter 2415: Terrible dream

Biquge, the fastest update Good morning, Mr. Long! latest chapter!

After the two returned home, Sir Long took Su Qianxun to take a bath. In the bathtub, he looked at the innocent little woman with full eyes in his arms, and couldn't help but befriend her once.

Su Qianxun is a bit tired today. After all, she is now eight months pregnant. When he ends, she is like a little lazy cat in her arms and doesn't want to move.

Sir Long took her out of the bathtub, carefully dried her hair, dried her hair, and helped her put on her pajamas. Su Chihun just turned over and fell asleep comfortably.

Lord Long picked himself up and returned to the bed, hugged her and kissed him. Su Qianxun turned back and got into his arms to find the most comfortable posture. The corner of his mouth entered the dreamland with a contented smile.

In the middle of the night, Su Qianxun started slanging. Long Wake woke up and patted her nervously, trying to appease her nightmare.

"Ah!" Su Chihiro exclaimed, still awakened by nightmares.

"Having a nightmare?" Long Sirke's soft voice sounded, Su Qianxun looked up at him, and suddenly hugged him.

"What dream did you have?"

"I ..." Su Chihiro looked at him very nervously.

"It's a terrible dream? Don't be afraid, I'm here!" Dragon Chief clenched her tightly.

"Ajue, what should I do? I just dreamed that the baby has a problem! I'm so scared!" Su Qianxun's lips trembled, and her eyes were disturbed.

"How can it be? The baby is very nice. He didn't kick you naughtily in the car." Long Sijie comforted her, and his heart was frightened.

"I don't know why I dreamed this dream, let's check it tomorrow, OK?" Su Chihiro was frightened. The dream just now is too real.

"Okay, I'll accompany you to check tomorrow, don't think about that much, sleep." Long Siqi kissed her calmly.

Su Chihiro pressed his face to his chest, "What would I do without you?"

She always wanted to be independent, not to rely on him wholeheartedly, or to make herself a vine attached to a tree, and she would die if she left the tree.

However, she is really scared now that without him, she would not be able to survive alone.

"Fool, forget what I said, you won't be without me." Sir Long's big hand patted her back to appease her.

Su Qianxuan closed her eyes. She just felt suffocation in her chest. The dream was just too real and scary. After the baby was born, her whole body was black and purple, and she died shortly after.

She cried heartbreakingly and wanted to awaken the baby, but the baby still did not have the slightest breath.


The next day, Su Qianxun got up early, and Long Sijue looked at her nervousness, soothing her.

Su Chihiro also wanted to relax herself. She tried hard to relax herself, but she couldn't do it.

Last night, that nightmare was tangling her throat like a wire. She has lost enough recently that her baby has supported her through such a difficult road.

If the baby has another accident, she knows the reason why she will never survive.

Sir Long's expression was not easy. After breakfast, the two went to the hospital.

On the way, Lord Long has been thinking about the transfer of poison from her to her.

He had previously received news that the baby would have an impact, but every time he checked the baby was healthy, he was gradually assured. Is there really any problem?

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