Good Morning, Mister Dragon!

Chapter 2494: What are you doing here?

Biquge, the fastest update Good morning, Mr. Long! latest chapter!

"Grandma, don't be angry, you are angry and Hanhan is distressed." Si Han said to his director.

"Okay, grandma isn't angry, and Han Han shouldn't be upset." The mother came over and held the grandson's little hand.

The softness made her soft to the heart.

"Did you go to bed with that little star in the end?" The mother asked Lin Shiyu aside.

Lin Shiyu looked panicked, "No, absolutely not! Those screenshots were forged by that man, and I have never been ambiguous with him!"

After such a long time, of course Lin Shiyu would not be stupid enough to admit it. In fact, she did not admit it at that time, but she was frightened and denied.

Therefore, it is actually very simple to fool the mother now.

Coupled with her love of Sun Qin, she forgave the events of that year.

Sihan's allergy was not serious. After taking the medicine, his redness at noon was almost gone. The doctor said that he could be discharged from the hospital as long as he was no longer in contact with the allergen.

"Grandma, I want to eat western food!" Si Han said to the old man looking aside.

"Want to eat western food, grandma took you there." The mother touched the child's head and immediately agreed.

"Auntie, I heard that Slow City opened a Western restaurant for Miss Mu. We might as well go to her to eat." Lin Shiyu suggested.

The mother heard her face change, "What are you talking about? Slow City even opened a restaurant for Mu grapefruit?"

"Yeah, it's still a very high-end one. It seems that I bought the best western restaurant in the city and gave it to her." Lin Shiyu couldn't understand the expression in his mother's words.

In fact, she knew this old lady so much that she felt that all women were thinking about the money of the family, so she said that Mu grapefruit had committed the taboo of this old woman!

Sure enough, the mother was getting more and more angry, and she said, "Let ’s go, I'll see what that woman has, and what western restaurant she runs!"

The driver took the three of them to the restaurant. After they got off the bus, they went straight to Muxiyou's restaurant. However, when they arrived, they were told that they were full. They could not entertain the three.

"You dare to refuse our wife, do you know who our wife is?" The driver asked angrily.

"Our boss said, no matter who it is, you can't enter the restaurant for dinner as long as you don't have an appointment." The manager also answered with a blank face.

"Oh, I think you should call your boss out and see if I can eat here." The mother looked cold and looked very uncomfortable.

The manager has been doing this business for more than ten years, and hesitated to see this situation. The old woman was rich and expensive at first glance.

He immediately decided to ask the boss.

Mu grapefruit looked at the monitor and saw that it was the mother, she immediately came out.

"Auntie, Han Han, Miss Lin, why are you here?" Mu grapefruit came out and looked at a few people politely.

"Why can't we come?" The mother asked disgustedly.

Seeing that the situation was not very good, Muxiyou said with a smile, "Auntie, I didn't mean that. Is the rash on Hanhan's body all right?"

She wanted to touch Si Han's head, and the little one ran away.

Mu Grapefruit's hand froze in the air awkwardly.

"Manager, check to see if there is a seat available. If not, add a table."

"Yes, I'll do it right away." The manager was also very wink and immediately went to do it.

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