Goodnight Kiss from My Rumored Husband

Chapter 1013: The child's mother is Lin Yiqian 1

1013: Word Stacks Level 1013 Answers

Qi Wuyue sided, looking at Li Nanmu expressionlessly and asking, "What does it have to do with you?"

Li Nanmu was accustomed to his cold talk, but did not take his tone seriously, "He seems very unusual to us Allison."

Qi Wuyue then turned his eyes to Gu Nianjia, and when he saw the picture, he bent his lips slightly.

It took a while to nod, "It's fine."

Li Nanmu disapproved. He retracted his gaze and frowned at Qi Wuyue. "Where is it, isn't Jia Jia only 19 years old?"

Qi Wuyue immediately pulled away the smile on his face and snorted, "What did you do when you were nineteen?"

I didn't know how many girlfriends I had at the age of nineteen.

Li Nanmu frowned. "Can girls be the same?"

Qi Wuyue was still cold, "Gu Nianshen didn't worry about it, what do you worry about?"

After hearing that, Li Nanmu felt that it made sense, too.

Then he learned about Qi Wuyue's attitude towards him, "What do you say you are so angry?"

It's like eating shells.

What fierce.

"Shut up." Qi Wuyue cast a cold eye on Li Nanmu and looked at the stage.


Li Nanmu's temper came, and he didn't want to sit with Qi Wuyue. He told Qin Feng on the other side: "Qin Feng, we should change positions."

Qin Feng lazily returned his three words: "Lazy to move."

Li Nanmu: "Get off!"

Fuck, he didn't react until now, he was caught in the middle.

For each donation, the name of the donor will be displayed on the big screen at the back, but the amount of donation is different, and the amount will not be displayed.

There have been performances on the stage, all of which are artistic performances. To be honest, not many people here can really see them.

A show ended with applause from the stage.

The host came on stage again, and the lights in the entire venue suddenly went dark, everyone was curious.

Let everyone think if the next show is very special.

The host walked to the center of the stage, held the microphone and smiled to the audience. "Everyone, the main character of the next show is our President Gu and Mrs Gu."

After hearing that, everyone improved their spirits and looked forward to it.

Lin Yiqian just entered the door. When she heard the host's words, she stopped and leaned against the wall next to her, holding her chest with both hands, and looked at the stage with interest.

The moderator continued: "We should be aware that Mrs. Gu and Mrs. Gu have known each other since elementary school, and have passed from childhood to high school."

Hearing the words, there was a lot of discussion in the audience: "Isn't Mr. Gu's childhood sweetheart the girl Song raised?"

The host went on to say, "We have always loved Mrs. Gu and Mrs. Gu from a young age, and the feelings of more than ten years have been really enviable and moved along the way."

At this time, Gu Nianshen and Lin Yiqian wearing school uniforms appeared on the big screen behind him.

When raising the national flag in the sixth grade of primary school, it was the school's autumn sports meeting. Lin Yiqian and Gu Nianshen were selected as flag-raisers.

Then the next picture is a junior high school, still a photo in school uniform.

Gu Nianshen came in from the outside and saw the photos on the big screen froze. At that time, their faces were so immature and green.

Memories are like an old movie, and the pictures flashed in his mind.

But he doesn't remember when he and Lin Yichan took a photo together on the playground of junior high school. He gathered beside Lin Yi shallow and asked quietly, "When did we take the picture?"

Lin Yi shallow: "Yesterday."

(End of this chapter)

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