Goodnight Kiss from My Rumored Husband

Chapter 1048: Want Teacher Zhang To Sleep At Their Home 3

Chapter 1048 Wanted Teacher Zhang To Sleep In Their House 3

As soon as the words fell, he felt a majestic gaze facing him fiercely.

He looked up.

Song Changwen sneered, "Gu Nianshen, you are really capable."

Gu Nianjia: "Oh, you guys also need to look at the proportion of this family, yin and yang."

Lin Yi shallow: "..."

Song Changwen: "..."

Zhang Jingyu: "..."

It's no wonder that the baby is not pleasing at home, this mouth really makes him very helpless.

He contacted her little nephew today for a day, and felt that her little nephew used idioms better than her and better than her.

She was so daring to use it because of the yin and yang.

"Aunt, what does it mean to be yin and yang?"

Lin Xiaoyu looked at Gu Nianjia innocently and asked innocently.

Gu Nianjia didn't realize she was embarrassed to use words, and thought she was very knowledgeable to explain to Lin Xiaoyu, "Women mean more than men."

Hearing that, Lin Xiaoyu muttered his mouth, and glanced around all the people sitting on the table.

Then he turned to Gu Nianjia and blinked, "No, teacher, uncle and Daddy, and me, three men."

He said as he shook hands, "Mum and aunt, and grandma, three women."

There are obviously as many.

There are more men than women.

The little guy has a clear and organized mind, and Song Changwen didn't think about it. He couldn't help but praise, "Little fish has good arithmetic."

Gu Nianjia frowned and corrected Xiaoyu's words, "Ms. Zhang is not from our family, and you are not a man."

Lin Xiaoyu was very dissatisfied with this saying, he muttered angrily and said, "I am a man, and Mummy said I am a man."

Then he looked at Zhang Jingyu again, "I want my uncle teacher to be our family?"

Very overbearing.

Lin Yi shallow: "..."

How much food did the teacher buy for this little thing today.

It's so compelling to buy this guy's heart.

Who told her that girls were rich and boys were poor?

As a result, her son can now walk away with a little snack. What if he encounters a trafficker in the future?

Tong Yanjiao, Gu Nianjia did not take Xiaoyu's words seriously.

Rolled his eyes at him and ignored him.

Song Changwen put vegetables in Xiaoyu's bowl. "Hurry up and eat, there are a lot of things you like."

Xiaoyu was still wondering if Zhang Jingyu was from their house. While eating, he slanted his eyes toward Zhang Jingyu.

Zhang Jingyu was calmly eating his stuff, but he couldn't see that this was the second time he had come to someone else.

Not at all constrained, as if coming often.

"The teacher uncle said it would be good to play chess with me at night and sleep in our house."

The fish muttered quietly.

Everyone at the table heard it.

Lin Yiqian's gaze instinctively looked at Zhang Jingyu, just catching the slyness disappearing in the corner of his mouth.

She frowned and cast a scornful look on him.

Wouldn't it hurt his conscience to use a child like this?

If no one picks up the fish at the dinner table, after eating, the fish pulls Zhang Jingyu to the living room to play chess.

Lin Yiqian pulled Gu Nianjia aside and asked quietly, "Ms. Zhang really want to live in our house?"

Gu Nianjia shook her head, saying she didn't know.

Then he said, "But he is so poor, the hotel is expensive, we must be embarrassed to book a room for him, so if he really wants to stay in our house, he will stay, anyway, there are a lot of rooms."

This suggestion that Baozi's heart was so big that she couldn't imagine it, but she lived by the sea since she was a child, and her heart was wider than the sea.

(End of this chapter)

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