Goodnight Kiss from My Rumored Husband

Chapter 1054: Upright Baby 2

Chapter 1054 Upright Baby (2)

Hu Yueya frowned and looked at Gu Nianjia: "And you went to A University, so you entered A University at such a young age."

This is very good in the teacher world.

After Hu Yueya said his eyes, he looked at Zhang Jingyu again, implicitly nodding at him, "Hello Teacher Zhang."

Zhang Jingyu politely nodded slightly in response.

"You guys ..."

Hu Yueya reached out to Gu Nianjia and Zhang Jingyu.

Gu Nianjia knew what she wanted to ask and smiled. "My teacher lives in this hotel. I brought him over."

Hu Yueya nodded in understanding, "Oh oh, then you go first."

Gu Nianjia waited for her, nodding politely, "OK."

She is too fond of talking with unfamiliar people.

I also don't like making friends very much, it may be because I have been used to having no friends around.

Hu Yueya said hello, turned to leave, and suddenly thought of something.

She turned back and called Gu Nianjia, "Classmate Gu Nianjia."

Gu Nianjia wondered, "What?"

Hu Yueya said: "We will have a junior high school class party this year, you can come here too."

Gu Nianjia shook her head politely and refused, "I should be free."

What fart classmates party, never played together at school, what is the need to get together after graduation.

People met to talk about what happened at school that year. What did she meet with them?

Talk about why they isolated her because of Song Feifei at that time?

Hu Yueya ignored Gu Nianjia's rejection. She said, "Add a WeChat account and come when you have time."

Then she took out her mobile phone and called up WeChat QR code for Gu Nianjiasuo.

All this is done, Gu Nianjia is also not good at rejecting, she put aside her mouth and took out her mobile phone to scan Hu Yueya's WeChat.

The two added friends to each other before Hu Yueya left with a smile.

Looking at Hu Yueya's distant figure, Gu Nianjia froze depressedly. "I didn't have such a good relationship with her before."


Zhang Jingyu said lightly: "Chat, don't touch if you don't like it."

He believes that Gu Nianjia's simplicity is mostly due to her dislike of making friends.

There is no sinister heart without friends, and we do not know that society is complicated.

Soaked in the Internet every day, in games, in the domineering president's novels, and derailed from society, I don't know what reality really is.


Gu Nianjia nodded, thinking that adding it would not be black.

What an embarrassment to ask if it happened again like this one day.

She put away her cell phone and turned to look at Zhang Jingyu. "Then you go back to rest and I will go home."

Then she turned to get in the car.

Zhang Jingyu suddenly called her, "Baby."

Gu Nianjia stopped and looked back at Zhang Jingyu curiously, "What's wrong?"

"I'll take you home."

Zhang Jingyu's irrefutable tone.

With that said, he stepped forward, and Chao Gu Nianjia stepped into the driver's door first.

Gu Nianjia frowned. "I sent you here, and you sent me back, then?"

She stood at the door of the car and looked at the determined man sitting in the driver's seat.

Refused to get in the car.

Zhang Jingyu smiled and asked, "You drive the car to me, and I will drive to pick you up tomorrow, so you don't have to get up to the hotel to pick me up, is it perfect?"

Upon hearing that, Gu Nianjia's eyes lightened, "It seems to be so."

She drove immediately.

When she fastened her seat belt, Zhang Jingyu started the car.

(End of this chapter)

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