Goodnight Kiss from My Rumored Husband

Chapter 1067: The pill is made by someone around her1

Chapter 1067 The contraceptive pill was made by someone around her 1

Doesn't he think about it?

Lin Yiqian gave Gu Nianshen a white eye after he finished speaking, went into the bathroom, and put Gu Nianshen's pajamas on the table.

Turn around and get ready to go out.

Gu Nianshen suddenly hugged her from behind, "You want to plead with her, then take a bath with me."

He spoke against Lin Yiqian's ears, Lin Yiqian felt his bones were crisp.

Ruan Ruan's voice was soft, "Gu Nianshen, don't make trouble, I am here for a holiday."

After hearing the words, Gu Nianshen's expression froze for a moment.

There was a suspicion in his eyes.

Lin Yichan loosened his hands, then turned her around, facing her, and asked softly, "Does your stomach hurt?"

Lin Yiqian was a bit unsuitable for her physiological period. She was so tenderly cared by Gu Nianshen that she suddenly felt warm everywhere.

She squeezed her lips and shook her head. "No pain."

"You lie down first. I'll cook brown sugar water for a while."

Gu Nianshen lowered his head and kissed Lin Yiqian's forehead, then patted her head.

It's like spoiling a child.

Lin Yichan couldn't help but want to be coquettish with him, hug him with open arms, "husband."

The sudden welfare surprised Gu Nianshen a bit.

He looked down at the woman lying on his chest, feeling that her hair was soft and every hair was in need of care.

He lifted his hands carefully, from Lin Yiqian's to hold her, then lowered his head, gently rubbed her hair with his cheek, and responded to her with a nasal sound, "Huh?"

Gu Nianshen wasn't wearing any clothes, Lin Yishao's ears were close to his heart, listening to his heartbeat.

There was an indescribable warmth and endless emotion in my heart.

Want to do everything for him, give everything.

But people say that the best way a woman loves a man is to have children for him.

Thinking about it, she looked up and looked at Gu Nianshen with a glittering eye, asking, "Do you really want to have another child right away?"

Gu Nianshen's heart is not unwanted, but not because he wants children, but because children are the best relationship between two people.

Half his blood, half her.

He wants more about Lin Yi shallow, as long as there is everything about Lin Yi shallow, he wants.

But ... it was painful to have a child, and he thought of her at the age of nineteen and gave birth to a small fish in the delivery room by himself.

He felt distressed at the thought of the tiredness of her eyes in the photo.

In this life, he didn't want to let her suffer that kind of pain.

He embraced Lin Yiqian and returned to her in his usual arrogant tone. "Laozi thought of a fart, and the child was in trouble, and said it after he was thirty.


Lin Yi smiled with a lightly curved lips, and didn't answer.


The last time Lin Yiqian came to the hospital for examination and kept contact information with the doctor, this time she made a direct appointment with the doctor.

She arrived at the hospital and the doctor and nurse were already waiting for her.

It was the director Wang of Obstetrics and Gynecology last time. She directly selected the important two items in the previous inspection, the liquid inspection.

The results could be obtained that day, and she took the blood and sat in the doctor's office.

"I watched the news of Mr. Gu and Mrs. Gu and it was really touching."

The 40- and 50-year-old chief doctor was also keen on gossip. She took a break and sat beside Lin Yiqian to chat with her.

When it comes to those things, Lin Yi shallow is a little embarrassed, but in his heart is a bit sweet.

(End of this chapter)

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