Goodnight Kiss from My Rumored Husband

Chapter 1070: Birth control pills are made by people around her 4

Chapter 1070 The contraceptive pill was made by someone around her 4

He raised an eyebrow, and all smiled on his face.

Lin Yiqian stretched out his hand to his neck and was about to pull hard. The office door suddenly opened.

Qi Shaodong came into the door to see the scene on the sofa, embarrassed and scared. He quickly turned his back and explained the trembling voice to Gu Nianshen. regular."

Then he continued: "I will come again."

Qi Shaodong was leaving, Lin Yichan pushed Gu Nianshen away and shouted, "No, I'm leaving."

She immediately got up, took her bag, and strode away.

When passing by Shaodong Qi, she blinked at Shaodong.

Good luck, boy.


When Lin Yi shallow went out, Qi Shaodong looked at Gu Nianshen with a look of survival, "Boss I didn't mean it on purpose."

Lending him ten courage, he did not dare to disturb his good things.

Gu Nianshen's blood was still hot. He was irritated, reached out and pulled the collar, and then shouted at Shaodong and ordered: "Do a hundred push-ups in place."

Qi Shaodong: "..."

What evil did he make?

Qingtian was hot in the office, the door was not closed, and he could not hear the knock.

As usual, he pushed in the door. What did he do wrong?

Qi Shaodong was doing push-ups hard, while vomiting in his heart.

If this job is not high wages, it really can't be done, it is true!


After Lin Yi shallow left from Gu Nianshen, he went straight to Jinhuayuan.

She didn't say hello to White. When she opened the door, White was sitting on the sofa and was calling.

White was surprised when she saw her.

Hastily ended the call with the other party, then stood up with a smile and greeted Lin Yichan, "Why did you come here suddenly?"

Lin Yiqian didn't rush to talk to her, changed her shoes, and closed the door.

Take a few steps and ask seriously, "Did you give me the pill?"

Also open the door and go straight to the theme.

White frowning, pointing to himself in surprise, asking, "I gave you birth control pills?"

To deny the meaning.

Lin Yiqing looked at him seriously, "White, we are friends, but there are some things that are too personal, you still don't care."

Although calm, this is a warning.

Oh, white sneered, as if hurt.

He asked, "What have I done, didn't I admit it to you?"

Lin Yichan looked at his eyes, and she said lightly for a while: "I hope I blame you wrongly."

After that, she turned and walked to the door.

But she still thought it was made of white.

Except for her, she could not think of other possible people.

However, she came to such a straightforward question today, not to let him admit it, but to tell him that she already knew.

If he did it, he would not do it later.

White shouted loudly behind her: "You blame me by mistake."

Lin Yiqian paused for a moment, without turning back, facing his back and saying, "I'll go back first."

White shouted again, "Little thought, don't you believe me?"

Lin Yiqian raised his feet down and looked back at the white, "I have always believed in you, I can only believe in you."

After all, it's the one who has been with her for five years and the one who helped her to become brilliant.

And he didn't do it, she wouldn't doubt what he had calculated for her.

White sneered, "But you obviously don't believe me."

(End of this chapter)

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