Goodnight Kiss from My Rumored Husband

Chapter 1099: Encouragement of buns classical Chinese level 1

Chapter 1099 Encouraging Bunzi's Classical Level 1

University students were very unhappy to question Gu Nianjia.

Gu Nianjia returned to college flowers according to Zhang Jingyu, "The teacher has a girlfriend."

I heard that colleges and universities took a look of disbelief, "When did they have it?"

Gu Nianjia shrugged, "Although I don't know when, but she does have a girlfriend."

Wen Yan said that a girl who followed the college flowers did not believe, "You made it up on purpose. The teacher has been in school for so long. Except for you, who has never been with any woman. How could there be a girlfriend?"

Another said, "Wouldn't you say the teacher girlfriend is yourself?"

"Well." Gu Nianjia seemed to have heard a big joke, "Do you think he and I are like men and women?"

Are they not in harmony with their character?

These people have big brain holes.


Several people who spent together in colleges nodded and looked back at Nianjia.

Gu Nianjia: "..."

A group of mentally retarded, too lazy to talk to them.

She rolled her eyes and walked around them.

I just took two steps, and was grabbed by the arm of the college flower, "Gu Nianjia, to be honest, are you in a relationship with Teacher Zhang?"

Questioning tone.

Gu Nianjia shook her hand of college flowers very angry, "No."

Although she didn't like this question, she should explain clearly, "I am only a teacher-student relationship with him, and he takes special care of me because of my family relationship."

Before she changed, she might not have been so bold, and dared to be like four people by herself.

It's different now, she's not afraid of trouble.

Her identity, even if she did not explicitly come forward to say, but everyone heard some rumors.

Dignified beauty, let alone a special care by a teacher, even if the special care of the principal is normal.

Several people in the university believed Gu Nianjia's words and did not linger on her again.


No, in the past, on average, a female fan of Zhang Jingyu came to ask her for help every day. She wanted to completely eliminate the thoughts of those girls who wanted to try.

Let them all know that Zhang Jingyu has a girlfriend.

Gu Nianjia returned home, thinking about sitting on the sofa cross-legged for a long time, and made a big decision.

Get up and go to the study, open the computer, open the browser, and open the campus forum.

Post directly with her ID.

"I am fortunate to have Professor Zhang Jingyu in this life. I am recognized by my classmates as a proud student of Professor Zhang. Therefore, Professor Zhang's admirers often entrust me with matchmaking. I am very tired. In the meantime, I hope you will find something else you love, why not ... "

After editing, she read it carefully and thought that she wrote this manuscript very well.

She is convinced of her writing, and boldly clicks to post.

When the post was successfully sent, she leaned back and leaned her hands on the arm of the chair, shaking the chair leisurely.

No one was bothering her now, let her send chocolates and scarves.

It ’s true that one person comes here every day to entrust, which is less important.

In fact, she really didn't understand. In addition to Zhang Jingyu's good-looking, what is worth liking, so boring.

In other words, the game is better and the knowledge is better.

Some of the handsome guys who play well in the game are there, and there are many good ones.


That being said, that beast has quite a lot of advantages.


(End of this chapter)

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