Goodnight Kiss from My Rumored Husband

Chapter 1105: Changlin seems to be gay1

Chapter 1105 Chang Lin seems to be gay1

Pick up the phone, find Jiang Mo's number in the address book, and send him a message, "Jiang Mo, I'm your brother-in-law."

After the news was sent out, he also dialed the number of Xia Jiangmo and hung up after two beeps.

Afraid that the short message Jiang Mo will not be seen for a while.

After a while, Jiang Mo returned the message. "What's the matter?"

Gu Nian told him concisely: "Go to the hospital to see, your mother may have an accident. Tell me about the bad situation first, and tell your sister directly if the situation is good."

After this news was sent out, Jiang Mo did not return the news.

Gu Nianshen knew that he must be rushing to the hospital.


Jiang Mo pushed open the door of the ward, Jiang Yuexiang leaned on the bed, his face pale.

There was a distress in his face.

Jiang Yuexiang was surprised to see him, "Why are you here, Mo Mo?"

Jiang Mo frowned and asked, "Why don't you call me?"

He closed the door, walked to Jiang Yuexiang's bed, and looked at her blankly.

Jiang Yuexiang was a little excited, shaking her head with a smile and shaking her head at Jiang Mo. "Mom is okay, but I'm a bit tired. I'll give you a call."

Jiang Mo asked coldly, "Why call my sister if you don't call me?"

Upon hearing that, Jiang Yuexiang frowned and wondered: "I didn't call your sister."

She looked like she really didn't know. It must have been Lin Tianwan's fight, and Jiang Mo's disgust a little more.

He whispered: "Find a caregiver to take care of you, you go home and rest."

Jiang Yuexiang shook his head. "I'm fine. Just rest for a while. Your dad ... uncle has a strange temperament and others can't take care of it ..."

Her voice didn't end, and Jiang Mo interrupted her coldly. "Isn't my aunt taking good care of her?"

Slowly mocking in his tone.

Although he knew he shouldn't and wasn't eligible, he just felt sick.

But how uncomfortable my sister felt.

Jiang Mo's sudden loud voice startled Jiang Yuexiang. She froze for a while, then opened her mouth and asked sadly, "Why do you always treat your mother like this?"

Jiang Mo's tone was still indifferent. "I don't want to talk to you more about these things, and you don't show how loving you are in front of me and my sister, how well you understand each other, quite ..."

He looked at Jiang Yuexiang's pale face. After all, the word 'nausea' couldn't be said.

Jiang Yuexiang didn't know how to get back to Jiang Mo. This incident was the face of him and Lin Yi shallow who faced him the least.

She lowered her head for a moment and then shifted the topic. "Momo, you should go back to school and go to school."

"I won't go back and stay in the country."

Jiang Mo is firm.

Jiang Yuexiang frowned: "You are only twenty years old, what do you do after not going to school?"

Jiang Mo said: "I have my own size, I will consider one step, and I will not be responsible for my life and my future."

At this time, the mobile phone in his pocket rang, and he took it out and saw that the caller ID was a strange number.

He answered and put it in his ear, "Who are you?"

The girl's voice came from the earpiece, "Jiang Mo, I'm Hu Yueya."

Jiang Mo frowned and asked, "Is there anything wrong?"

Hu Yueya said with a smile: "Lou Ting is writing a novel now, and there will be a signing sale in City A next week. A lot of our classmates will go to the show, and you will talk together."

Jiang Mo refused without hesitation. "I'm not free. I still have something to do now. I'm hung up."


(End of this chapter)

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