Goodnight Kiss from My Rumored Husband

Chapter 1108: Changlin seems to be gay4

Chapter 1108 Chang Lin seems to be a gay4

Because they often participate in activities together, Lou Ting and Song Feifei also have some contacts.

So although she and Lou Ting are in the same class, they have never been in communication. Why did she suddenly take the initiative to add her friends?

She thought about Lou Ting's person, and she was proud, but it was still the same idea. When they were in school, they didn't have much communication, they graduated and went to college elsewhere, and there was no need for communication.

After all, she is a simple-minded person. She can't do anything better than others. She doesn't know what Lou Ting took the initiative to add to her, but she always feels that it is not just nostalgia to add her.

She did not want to add too many people to her WeChat, just a few familiar and familiar classmates in the university, and then the family.

Now she has blocked Song Feifei in her circle of friends, so that Song Feifei is not allowed to see her circle of friends, and she wants to delete it, but she feels that the deletion is a bit obvious.

Hu Yueya was pulled into this group. If it wasn't for Hu Yueya's face that day, I'm sorry to refuse her to WeChat, she would not add Hu Yueya.

Gu Nianjia thought about it, and decided to ignore Lou Ting's friend's request, and quit the new friend's interface. Hu Yueya suddenly sent a private message. "Lou Ting added your friend, you can accept it."

The straightforward tone made Gu Nianjia hear the taste of orders.

She would like to ask why she listened to her and why she added Lou Ting,

She ignored the news of Hu Yueya, and Hu Yueya then sent another message, "Gu Nianjia, are you busy?"

This guy is really annoying and wants to black her out.

Gu Nianjia frowned, and resigned to Hu Yueya with a message: "Is something wrong just now, did Lou Ting add me?"

Hu Yueya: "Yes."

Gu Nianjia: "Oh, let me see."

She returned to the new friend interface and accepted Lou Ting's friend request.

As soon as she passed, Lou Ting sent a cute expression. Gu Nianjia looked for a ‘Ma Moda’ expression in the emoji she downloaded.

It is also her most commonly used expression, and she usually likes to say ‘Ma Moda’.

Lou Ting then sent a message: "I heard that you are studying at A University."

Gu Nianjia: "Yes, the Academy of Fine Arts."

Her art student was admitted to the Academy of Fine Arts, it should not be a secret, it is estimated that Song Feifei spread it all over, so it is better to report it.

She knew that Lou Ting was in the Department of Literature of Capital University, so she did not ask falsely.

Lou Ting: "I'm going to the city A for a signing sale next week. If you are free, come and play Xia."

Gu Nianjia refused, but promised, "Okay, I'll go if I have time."

After the news came out, she was annoyed and blamed.

Damn, Gu Nianjia, your biggest weakness is that you don't know to refuse people.

This is really deadly.

Lou Ting: "Breeze will also be my guest. If you have classmates who like breeze, you can also take them with you."

Gu Nianjia is a bit surprised. The author of Qingfeng Gu Nianjia knows that it is the IP hero of the novel industry in the past two years. All the novels have sold film and television copyrights, and they have been shot, and they have also become popular.

A few girls in their bedroom were chasing her new drama a few days ago, and she also watched some of her dramas.

According to this, Lou Ting has also made some achievements in writing in recent years?

She knew that Lou Ting liked to write since her childhood, diary weekly, essays written from the third grade of primary school on some literary newspapers in Shanghai, elementary school section, and will be in the youth section in junior high school.

(End of this chapter)

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