Goodnight Kiss from My Rumored Husband

Chapter 1236: Spend the night in the teacher's dormitory 6

Chapter 1236 Spend the night in the teacher's dormitory 6

She didn't do the game overnight.


Gu Nianjia just got up, Zhang Jingyu suddenly called her.

Somehow, the cry of Gu Nianjia's heart palpitated softly, and his footsteps stopped without being controlled by the brain.

It wasn't the first time I heard him shouting for a baby, why suddenly I felt a bit wrong.

Is this a bit ambiguous?

Gu Nianjia turned her head with confusion and looked at Zhang Jingyu. The light in the room was very bright. The man was sitting under the light, with a tall bridge of his nose, and his thin lips pinched gently. Those narrow eyes looked extra anime style.

She now admits that this guy really looks good and is wicked.

With this recognition, she seemed to have something in her heart that prevented her from approaching him.

I couldn't help but feel strange, "Teacher, what's wrong?"

Zhang Jingyu observed it subtly and noticed the change in Gu Nianjia's attitude. He frowned slightly, not knowing what happened to her suddenly.

What he wanted to say was brought back to his mouth.

Then he said, "Come here and sleep for a while, and when I finish writing my dissertation, I will send you back."

He stood up, walked in front of Gu Nianjia, and walked towards the desk.

Gu Nianjia's eyes followed Zhang Jingyu, "Don't you have a headache?"

Zhang Jingyu smiled back to her: "It shouldn't hurt anymore. The paper will be used tomorrow, so I have to finish it tonight."

He bent his lips, and the satisfaction of the raised corner of the mouth was very eye-catching, which could not be ignored.

Gu Nianjia looked sad at heart, and said, "Well, you can sleep for a while. Can you write early tomorrow?"

Zhang Jingyu smiled and didn't speak. She continued to walk to the desk, first took the cup on the table and poured water. Gu Nianjia knew that she couldn't change his plan.

She poked, "Well, then you write first, I'll wait for you for a while."

Zhang Jingyu responded, "Yes."

Gu Nianjia steps back to the bed, sits down, picks up the pillow she just cuddled in her arms, and leans towards the bed.

Raising his eyes is Zhang Jingyu sitting at his desk.

He poured a glass of water on his hand, put on his glasses, turned on the computer, and stared at the computer screen with his eyes.

Very seriously looking at the thesis.

Wanting him to concentrate on his thesis, Gu Nianjia was afraid she would affect him so much that he looked at him, took his eyes off and took out his mobile phone.

Mute your phone.

After a while, she heard Zhang Jingyu's keyboard sound.

She couldn't help looking up, the man's slender fingers, tapping on the keyboard quickly, watching his speed, she couldn't help thinking of when they first met her brother asked her to go to his office to find him.

She knocked in and he was playing computer games.

Seems like a shootout game, she was stunned when she saw it.

How strong the brain can be so flexible.

That was her first impression of Zhang Jingyu.

Later, they played mobile games together, and he was not surprised by his amazing operation. Compared with computer games, mobile games are much simpler.

She stared at Zhang Jingyu's hand typing on the keyboard, and accidentally fell into her heart, her thoughts were chaotic.

The brisk keyboard sound was like a lullaby. She listened and listened, yawning, her eyelids getting deeper and heavier.

I completely forgot that the mobile phone in her hand was just in the game state.


Gu Nianjia heard the familiar voice shouting her familiar title, and could not tell whether it was dream or reality.

(End of this chapter)

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