Goodnight Kiss from My Rumored Husband

Chapter 1257: Being liked is also a burden 4

Chapter 1257: Being Liked Is A Burden 4

This meal must be eaten now.

Gu Nianjia lowered her head, let out her mouth, and nodded in agreement with Lou Ting, "OK."

Like the last time, Ning'an's car drove into the park to pick them up. This was the last Land Rover with the window open. Ning'an sat in the driver's seat with his arm resting on the window frame.

Smiling slightly at Gu Nianjia.

Gu Nianjia's smile was offensive, and she always felt awkward.

Gu Nianjia smiled and smiled, nodding his head, reaching out to open the back door of the car to get in, Lou Ting suddenly called her, "Nianjia."

"what happened?"

Gu Nianjia paused and looked at Lou Ting in doubt.

Lou Ting said with a smile: "You can take the co-pilot. I will revise the manuscript I wrote this morning, and I will hand it in later."

Said that she pulled away the co-driver's seat and waited for Gu Nianjia to get in the car.

Gu Nianjia didn't want to take the co-pilot. She thought of Ning An's smile and felt sick and disgusted.

She shook her head. "There is a lot of space in the back. I don't like sitting in the front passenger seat of a car other than my sister-in-law. I won't disturb you if I sit in the back."

She wants to process the manuscript, can't she sit at the front?

After Gu Nianjia said, she bent over and got into the car, sitting behind.

After sitting down, she breathed a sigh of relief, feeling inexplicably cool.

It turned out to be so cool after rejection.

"I'm afraid I'll affect you by typing on the keyboard in the back, so I'll sit in front."

Lou Ting explained to Gu Nianjia with a smile, then she went to the back, picked up the computer on the seat, and went to the front passenger seat.

When Lou Ting got into the car and fastened her seat belt, Ning An started the car.

Music followed in the car, very familiar songs, cat monsters.

It can be said that Gu Nianjia's appetite is very good.

Every time I heard the cat devil's song, Gu Nianjia was very attentive and fascinated. This is also a respect for her idol and a portrayal of her brain.

"Nian Jia, I'll send you a WeChat message, why don't you return to me?"

Ning An suddenly made a noise, and after asking, he glanced back at Gu Nianjia.

"Did you send me a message?" Gu Nianjia deliberately took out her mobile phone and looked at it, pretending to have just seen the message, "I'm so sorry, I don't usually go to WeChat, I didn't pay attention."

Why didn't he return, didn't he have a B in his heart?

Why did she return his message?

Still so boring to show off rich content, showing off rich in front of her, where did he have the courage?

Is their family more money than hers, or is she older than her brother and her sister-in-law?

Is anyone around her better than him?

Ning An asked curiously, "What do you usually play? What chat do you use?"

Gu Nianjia said, "I don't chat. I usually play games except studying."

What he said was also true. Except for sending messages to Xiaoyi and Xunzi, she really didn't chat.

However, she regretted telling Ning An that she was playing a game. She was afraid that Ning An would ask her what game to play and would come to play with her. How would she refuse?

However, the more often you are afraid, the more likely it will happen.

Ning An really asked, "What games do you play?"

Gu Nianjia didn't want to tell him that she was playing the king, and she randomly found a game with an impression in her mind, "Super Lianliankan."

Such a simple and low-level aunt and children only play games, he should not say to play together.

Ning An frowned. "What game is that?"

At this time, Lou Ting in the front passenger seat answered, "A stand-alone game."

(End of this chapter)

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