Goodnight Kiss from My Rumored Husband

Chapter 1271: President Gu is angry and ran away 6

Chapter 1271 General Gu is angry and ran away from home (6)

Li Nanmu raised an eyebrow and was ready to beckon the woman. Qi Wuyue suddenly said, "I don't think I'm here to drink today, so I'll go back first."

He said a bit coldly, raised his feet and strode out the door.

The four of them went out, and the less one felt much less. Li Nanmu quickly got up and chased Qi Wuyue.

Behind him, reached out and grabbed his arm. "Qi Wuyue, can you stop disappointing, Mr. Gu finally took the initiative to come out, and treat him, let's have fun tonight."

Qi Wuyue stopped and looked down at Li Nanmu's hand holding his arm, "Remove your paw."

He was really angry with a cold face and a very angry temper.

Li Nanmu also wanted to save face. In front of so many people, he raised his chin to Qi Wuyue and asked, "Why not take it away?"

Qi Wuyue narrowed his eyes slightly, and a dangerous light flashed in his eyes.

Before Li Nanmu realized the danger, he clasped Li Nanmu's wrist backhand, turned around, pushed Li Nanmu to the wall, and then he raised his right knee against Li Nanmu's crotch.

"Well ..." Li Nanmu screamed in pain, "You have pressed my egg so much."

It really hurt. He blushed and couldn't care about the image.


Even Gu Nianshen couldn't hold back the laugh, Qin Feng even laughed back and forth.

But with a smile on his face, he didn't forget to care about his brother's face, and sent the young ladies and the waiter in the room away.

When everyone was gone, Li Nanmu started to work with Qi Wuyue, "I said Qi Wuyue, are you particularly poisonous?"

As he said, he was holding Qi Wuyue's collar, his other hand was fisting, and he had done a lot of forbearance without hitting him with his fist.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he waved in the air, and the next time he would hit him hard.

The other hand also loosened Qi Wuyue's collar, and his hands covered the part of Qi Wuyue's top just now, and it still hurt.

He was annoyed and scolded Qi Wuyue, "Damn, if Lao Tzu is abolished, why don't you and my old man have the last name Li and pass it on to our old Li family."


Qi Wuyue gave Li Nanmu a white look, too lazy to care for him.

He walked heavily to the sofa, sat down on the other side of Gu Nianshen, held up a glass of wine, and raised his head and mumbled.

His face was cold, and he was really angry.

Qin Feng looked at his face very quickly and hurriedly began to mediate the atmosphere. "Can you two fight each other as soon as you meet? It's like a young couple. The young couple are not as busy as you."

After hearing that, Li Nanmu gave a disappointed "slap", "Who is special and he is a husband and wife, the world ’s women are extinct, and only men are left, and Lao Tzu will not choose him. Forget it. "

He cracked and talked, because he felt so emotional that he was very excited.

"Do you know the difference between you and a woman?"

Gu Nianshen looked up at Li Nanmu, and Leng Buding raised a question.

Li Nanmu blinked and asked curiously, "Where?"

After asking him, he regretted it immediately and felt like he was in trouble.

Why does he compare with women?

Isn't he the difference between a woman and a man?

Gu Nian said faintly: "There are more eggs for you."

Having said that, he looked down a bit, stayed in Li Nanmu's crotch for two seconds, and then turned to look at Qi Wuyue Road: "So you should lower your legs just now."

Qin Feng: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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