Goodnight Kiss from My Rumored Husband

Chapter 1273: Sleeping with my wife and children 2

1273: Word Stacks Level 1273 Answers

Mouth muttered, but eyes were still closed.

Qin Feng looked at Li Nanmu, and then looked at Qi Wuyue, "Are you sending me or me?"

Qi Wuyue said without hesitation: "I'll send it."

He immediately got up, holding Li Nanmu's arm, and dragged him rudely, then wrapped his arm around his neck, and carried him out.

Qin Feng also helped and took them to the car.

They all brought the driver because they wanted to drink. Qi Wuyue and Li Nanmu were sitting at the back.

Qi Wuyue put Li Nanmu's head on the car window, but as soon as the car moved, Li Nanmu's body crooked towards him.

His head fell on his shoulder.

Qi Wuyue sideways, raised one hand at the same time, trying to push Li Nanmu away, but the hand reached mid-air, and suddenly stopped again.

Hanging in the air for two or three seconds, his fingers trembled, and the ghost's hand was put down.

Let Li Nanmu lean on him.

He turned his head, looking forward to the road, the bustling downtown area, neon lights flashing, he seemed to think of something funny, and bent his lips.

The people leaning on him suddenly called him, "Qi Wuyue."

Drunken tone, a little bit punchy.

Qi Wuyue looked down at Li Nanmu, his voice was cold, "What?"

"You say why do you always fight me?"

After Li Nanmu asked, the car was about to turn. He almost overturned and simply reached out to hug Qi Wuyue.

The body climbed up and leaned on Qi Wuyue's shoulders.

Qi Wuyue's eyes were a little bit disgusted, "Because you owe."

After speaking, he looked up again and looked forward.

After listening to Qi Wuyue's answer, Li Nanmu was very unconvinced. He simply raised his head, put his chin on Qi Wuyue's shoulder, and frowned with Qi Wuyue. Do I owe you anything? "

Because his chin is under pressure, he doesn't speak like he is spoiling his mouth.

Qi Wuyue glanced at him, but his disgusted eyes were full of smiles.

In his eyes, Li Nanmu couldn't help but reason with him, "Why do you say you've been having trouble with me?"

He kept talking for a while, Qi Wuyue was so disgusted, he reached out and covered his mouth. "Shut up."

Then the driver in front suddenly said, "Is the young master going home?"

Ask Qi Wuyue carefully.

Qi Wuyue's tone was deep, "Go to the apartment in Washington."

Then he glanced at the people around him again.

Driver: "I see."


I don't know if Lin Yichan fell asleep, Gu Nianshen went home and didn't call her, for fear that he would wake up in case she fell asleep.

He reached the door of the house, clutching the doorknob, carefully unlocked the door lock, and pushed it gently.

The light in the discovery hall was on, it should have been asleep.

He opened the door boldly, Lin Yichan was sitting on the sofa holding the computer, his hands were crackling on the keyboard.

Probably also heard the movement of Gu Nianshen opening the door, she raised her eyelids and glanced at the door.

Gu Nianshen met her gaze, almost reacting instinctively, grinning, "Wife, I'm back."

With a flattering smile, he walked to Lin Yiqian and squatted.

Lin Yi shallow sat, just a little higher than Gu Nian squatting, she looked at him expressionlessly, "Drinking?"

In fact, she was not at all happy, and she knew that there was not much alcohol.

I definitely didn't drink much.

(End of this chapter)

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