Goodnight Kiss from My Rumored Husband

Chapter 1302: The more educated the more distressed 3

1302: Word Stacks Level 1302 Answers

She said as she dragged Gu Nianjia towards the room.

She has always been in touch with Zhang Jingyu. Zhang Jingyu has booked two rooms on the 20th floor, she knows.

Gu Nianjia cut aloud and said loudly, "I don't like him, I don't accept his pursuit, why should I go with him?"

She whispered that she didn't like Zhang Jingyu, and she blurted out the words 'I like' just now, but her voice stopped abruptly.

Lin Yiqian has guessed Gu Nianjia's mind.

The more worried things tend to happen.

She sighed helplessly, reached out to help Gu Nianjia dial her messy hair before the amount, and looked at her with a pampered look, "Jiajia, you are grown up."

Growing up these words is cruel to Gu Nianjia.

As a child, even if everyone didn't like her, she could comfort herself with delicious and fun and beautiful clothes.

Every time I was bullied, there was always a big boy who came to her to give her warmth.

But growing up, delicious and fun, beautiful clothes, have no effect, can not satisfy his little vanity.

"I don't want ... I don't want to grow up ..."

Gu Nianjia suddenly sang, and pushed Lin Yichan away, opened her arms, and circled in circles.

"There is no fairy tale when I grow up ..."

She sings with a smile, but smiles distressingly.

Lin Yiqian was afraid that she would fall. She grabbed her arm by her side and coaxed her patiently. "People always grow up. They always have to face some things and experience some things."

Gu Nianjia leaned on Lin Yiqian's shoulders, tears sliding down the corner of her eyes.

Lin Yiqian helped her erase it with her hands, and then there was, simply forget it, drag her to the room first.

She found the room card in Gu Nianjia's pocket and entered the room. Lin Yiqian threw Gu Nianjia on the sofa and was going to pour her a glass of water. Gu Nianjia suddenly reached out and clasped her wrist. . "

She pulled Lin Yiqing down and sat down beside her, and then she nestled in Lin Yiqing's arms.

He held Lin Yiqian tightly with both hands, expressing his inner feelings in a subtle way. "I want to live in fairy tales all the time. Although there is no mother's love, the prince always appears in front of me."

She needs to find someone to be honest and have a good chat.

No matter how much she drank, she was drunk and confused, but she always knew it clearly and clearly.

Impossible and impossible.

Lin Yi patted Gu Nianjia's head and comforted her first, "Mum ... Mom, she really hurts you."

Even if it is love house and black, love.

I just do n’t know what method to use and how to face it.

She paused, glanced at Gu Nianjia, she closed her eyes, wondering if it was pain or alcohol that made her uncomfortable.

She grimaced her tightly, "It's not always the prince that often appears in front of you. It is more likely to be a knight and guardian, and you will definitely have your own prince."

Lin Yiqian knew that Gu Nianjia could hear it at this time, knowing that she must be clear in her heart.

"Bitch ... ohh ..."

Gu Nianjia buried her head in Lin Yiqian's arms and cried.

Lin Yiqian did not coax her and let her cry.

Suddenly, there was the sound of opening the door. She glanced at it. The man was wearing a white linen shirt, casual and formal.

Good-looking hands are carrying bags from a pastry shop.

(End of this chapter)

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