Goodnight Kiss from My Rumored Husband

Chapter 1311: Are you jealous? 4

Chapter 1311 Are You Jealous? 4

Song Changlin very gentleman nodded to Rui Yunduo.

He had just finished eating and was wiping his mouth with a tissue. It was a very ordinary gesture, but it felt extraordinarily elegant and comfortable.

"Who is this handsome guy?"

Rui Duoyun next to Rui Yunduo looked at Song Changlin with an idiot.

Gu Nianjia immediately became hostile to her and whispered back to her, "What matter to you?"

Rui Duoyun pouted, "I'll just ask."

Gu Nianjia's attitude was still very unfriendly. "Ask me if I can't answer."

Rui Duoyun wanted to return to her, but was stopped by Rui Yunduo's reproachful look. "Yunyun, don't be rude."

After hearing the words, Gu Nianjia couldn't help but take the seat.

The implication was that she was rude.

Forget it, too lazy to ignore them.

She did not look at Sister Rui Yunduo again, gave Zhang Jingyu a resentful look, then retracted her eyes, divided the food on her plate to Zhang Jingyu, "Xiaoyou eat more."

Zhang Jingyu and Rui Yunduo didn't stop anymore, and sat down at the table across the diagonal.

Gu Nianjia's eyes couldn't help but look at the past, Zhang Jingyu and Rui Yunduo were talking and laughing about something.

Song Changlin suddenly approached her and asked quietly, "Are you jealous?"

Gu Nianjia hurriedly looked away and denied: "How is it possible, how could I possibly eat the vinegar of that animal?"

The joke is dead, that beast, she wants him to hurry up with his old friend, don't come to entangle her anymore, she is sneaky walking in school, for fear of hitting him.

She denied anything at all.

Song Changlin nodded ‘oh’, his tone was calm, “I did n’t say you were eating his vinegar.”

Gu Nianjia: "..."

She frowned and looked at Song Changlin, "Xiaoyou, how have you changed now?"

Become dark-skinned and like routines.

Song Changlin bent his lips and smiled meaningfully, and did not continue this topic.

He asked, "What are you going to do today?"

Gu Nianjia pouted, "Go back to the room to sleep, and then go back to school."

What else can I do?

Suddenly she lost her appetite. She had chewed twice and didn't want to chew.

Can't go to the goddess concert, what's the point of staying in the capital?

Knowing that Gu Nianjia was feeling sad, Song Changlin also deliberately asked, "Not going to the concert?"

"I don't have a ticket again." Gu Nianjia completely lost her appetite and put down her hand and ate half of the snack.

Put down the spoon on the other hand as well.

Song Changlin nodded lightly, "Oh ..."

"You've asked your friends for tickets, but they didn't think of me."

Gu Nianjia snorted angrily, pouting, her eyes were red.

This matter is really more and more wronged.

She saw Song Feifei coming, Song Feifei's friends came, even people like Ning'an came, Jiang Mo also came, her enemies came, all had votes.

She didn't. Where did she leave her face when she returned?

Song Changlin didn't blame herself because of Gu Nianjia's blame and reprimand, comforting her softly, "There is still a chance in the future."


Gu Nianjia listened even more, after what?

When is the future?

She didn't want to talk anymore, "No more food, go back to the room."

Talking about her rising up, she looked up and saw Zhang Jingyu's table, Zhang Jingyu and Rui Yunduo didn't know what they were talking about, smiled.

Elegant and calm.

Very gentle again.

(End of this chapter)

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